On 7/28/13 11:21 AM, Joe Hughes wrote:

Hello Joe,

> I am considering the best ways of getting the accounting data from our
> RADIUS servers \ SQL databases into MongoDB.
> Looking for some feedback\comments.
> Some options;
> a) Write a accounting hook to break apart the accounting message,
> construct a JSON request and send it off to a remote application server.
> * Downside is the risk of blocking\disrupting the main process.
> b) Spool the messages to disk, have an out-of-process script parse the
> files, construct a JSON (or MongoDB request) , send it to a remote
> server and delete the file. Downside is some disk\write IO, nothing too
> taxing. * Out of process = good.
> c) At the DB level, clone the accounting messages into another table.
> Script reads the rows, processes as above, then deletes the rows. * Some
> extra DB load.
> d) Possibly silently forwarding (or replicating) the accounting message
> to another server and doing one of the above
> Anything I have missed. I am leaning towards b) or c)
> Is anybody else using NoSQL for this type of application? Any feedback?

You may have missed that you can actually utilise <AuthBy EXTERNAL> to
push the whole accounting request to external script to be stored in
MongoDB database. I was also curious about utilising NoSQL to store
RADIUS accounting information as well as SysLog messages so I did a
quick proof-of-concept for one postgraduate seminar.

The full presentation is available here:


but the really short example of the handler needed is this:

# send all RADIUS accounting requests to external script
<Handler Request-Type = Accounting-Request>
         <AuthBy EXTERNAL>
                 Command %D/acct2mongo.py
         AcctLogFileName %L/acct-acct2mongodb-%Y-%M.log

The script (included in the presentation) was rather simple as well as
Radiator already expands RADIUS accounting message to Attribute -- Value

For the seminar I just tested if this was possible and it was, but I did
not yet consider the performance issues or measure the performance of
this kind of solution.

As we run a separate external command for each accounting request this
may probably be inefficient and better way to do this might be to code a
Radiator module with Perl for this. I used Python for script, because it
was faster for me to write.

Of course doing what Hugh suggested, running separate instances for
accounting, also helps.

Hope this helps and please share you experiences if you plan to
experiment with Radiator and MongoDB further based on this.

// kh

Karri Huhtanen <k...@open.com.au>

Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald,
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