Depending on your user base this approach may be applicable to help
reduce costs: We took the approach were I work of using TOTP software
such as Google Authenticator where the user has a smart phone and using
a hardware token (c200s in our case) for those that don't. We are only
using these in house at the moment. but one of the consideration was
that we may roll this out to our entire user base in the future. You
could also mix different authentication methods (eg vasco or TOTP) on a
per user basis. It would all come down to a trade of in logistics and costs.


On 21/08/12 10:33 PM, Roy Badami wrote:
> I'm not sure how commonplace TOTP (rather than HOTP) hardware tokens
> are at the moment - which might be why you haven't had reports of
> problems - but I'd be surprised if they were somehow immune to clock
> drift. In any case, we're probably going to go with Digipass GO-6
> tokens for our first batch as they're a known quantity and I'm
> familliar with using Vasco tokens with RADIATOR - and we will revisit
> OAUTH tokens at a later date. Regards roy 

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