Messages by Thread
[R-sig-phylo] Spring School in Bioinformatics – Online, March 31 - April 4
[R-sig-phylo] Course live online Modelling and Analysing Multivariate Traits Evolution using R, May 12- 21, 2025
Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno
[R-sig-phylo] Course: Machine and Deep Learning Methods in Population Genomics and Phylogeography
[R-sig-phylo] online course on Bayesian Data Analysis in R - March 3-7
[R-sig-phylo] Unrequested soliciting is not acceptable conduct here
Hilmar Lapp
[R-sig-phylo] Postdoc on Fossil Glycymerid Phylogenetics at Sam Houston State University
David Bapst via R-sig-phylo
[R-sig-phylo] Introduction to Machine Learning in R course -- ONLINE, 3-7 March
[R-sig-phylo] Linear and Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction - Livestream Seminar
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-phylo
[R-sig-phylo] ONLINE COURSE – Phylogenetic Species Distribution Modelling using R (PSDM01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-phylo] [Mod] Training course advertisements
Hilmar Lapp
[R-sig-phylo] Course: Introduction to probabilistic inference of Phylogenetic Comparative Methods, April 28 and 30 and May 2, 5, 7, 9, 2025
Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno
[R-sig-phylo] Online Course: Using ChatGPT for Advanced Data Analysis 4.0
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-phylo
[R-sig-phylo] Online Course: Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-phylo
[R-sig-phylo] Machine Learning Essentials - Free Seminar
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-phylo
[R-sig-phylo] Online course - Phylogenetic Comparative Methods in R
[R-sig-phylo] Developing R Packages and CRAN Publishing - Livestream Seminar
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-phylo
[R-sig-phylo] Free Seminars: Machine Learning and Data Visualization
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-phylo
[R-sig-phylo] Online Course: Deep Learning for the Life Sciences
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-phylo
[R-sig-phylo] Join us in Poland for the Landscape Genomics course in January 2025!
[R-sig-phylo] online course - Multivariate Data Analysis with R and vegan
[R-sig-phylo] Multidimensional Phenotypic Evolution – Online Course (10-14 March 2025)
[R-sig-phylo] Generalized Linear Models In R course - 24-28 February
[R-sig-phylo] Trait-dependence for an extinct clade
Joseph Keating via R-sig-phylo
[R-sig-phylo] Online Seminar: Introduction to Git
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-phylo
[R-sig-phylo] Phylogenomics course (online)
[R-sig-phylo] Error using bayestraits via btw package in r
Leonardo Matheus Servino
[R-sig-phylo] Course: Single Cell Data Analysis - Last chance
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-phylo
[R-sig-phylo] Handling negative values_phyl.pca function
Jovana Malikovic
[R-sig-phylo] creating phylo object from an edge table
Alex Skeels
[R-sig-phylo] Single Cell Data Analysis - Livestream Seminar
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-phylo
[R-sig-phylo] Model-averaging corHMM models?
Rafael S Marcondes
[R-sig-phylo] Optimization process in fitMk
Chen, Ting-Wen
[R-sig-phylo] mvMORPH: mvgls parameter extraction and unreliable solution in mvOU
Paulo Mateus Martins
[R-sig-phylo] Online course: Single Cell Data Analysis, Nov 26
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-phylo
[R-sig-phylo] Regime class in the OUwie input dataframe
Chen, Ting-Wen
[R-sig-phylo] Online Course: Using ChatGPT for Advanced Data Analysis - livestream seminar
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-phylo
[R-sig-phylo] ONLINE COURSE – Introduction to Machine Learning using R and Rstudio (IMLR02)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-phylo] Using Confidence Intervals for Visual Testing - free seminars
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-phylo
[R-sig-phylo] Including measurement error in the estimation_ fitContinuous_geiger package
Jovana Malikovic
[R-sig-phylo] Online course: Clustering High-Dimensional Data (October 22)
Re: [R-sig-phylo] Correlation matrix for phylogenetic meta-analysis
Emmanuel Paradis
[R-sig-phylo] Error in plotting lineage-through-time figure using ltt.simmap()
Chen, Ting-Wen
[R-sig-phylo] Online Course: Statistics and Data Science using Tidyverse in R
[R-sig-phylo] ONLINE COURSE – Introduction to R using Tidyverse (TIDY01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-phylo] Online Courses: ML for Computational Biology and DNA Methylation
[R-sig-phylo] Machine Learning for Computational Biology - livestream seminar
[R-sig-phylo] Analysis of DNA Methylation - livestream seminar
Michael Zyphur
[R-sig-phylo] Dimension Reduction for Complex Datasets - livestream seminar
Michael Zyphur
[R-sig-phylo] Calculating Asymmetry in Speciation Across a Phylogeny
Russell Engelman
[R-sig-phylo] Friedrich Leisch passed
Hilmar Lapp
[R-sig-phylo] ONLINE COURSE – Reproducible and collaborative data analysis with R (RACR03)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-phylo] Predictor types for caper:pgls
[R-sig-phylo] VCV based on admixture?
[R-sig-phylo] Extracting only FASTA sequences from a FASTQ file
Jarrett Phillips
[R-sig-phylo] estimating BLs on a fixed topology
Karla Shikev
[R-sig-phylo] chronos ape substitution rate strict clock
Vincenzo Ellis
[R-sig-phylo] Postdoc at OIST
Liam J. Revell
[R-sig-phylo] ONLINE COURSE – An Introduction to Spatial Eco-Phylogenetics and Comparative Methods (SECM01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-phylo] Evolution 2024 Symposium on Replicability & Reproducibility
Liam J. Revell
[R-sig-phylo] TreeTools limit on number of tips
roee maor
[R-sig-phylo] An Introduction to Spatial Eco-Phylogenetics and Comparative Methods (SECM01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-phylo] Comparing rates from fitContinuous in geiger
Jeremiah Scott
[R-sig-phylo] HPD in threshBayes function (phytools)
Leonardo Matheus Servino
[R-sig-phylo] Highlighting Specific Clades in a Lineage-Through-Time Plot
Russell Engelman
[R-sig-phylo] Postdoc in phylogenetic comparative methods at UMiami
Liam J. Revell
[R-sig-phylo] The Practice of RADseq: Population Genomics Analysis with Stacks (RADS02)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-phylo] Assistant Professor position in phylogenetics at CSU
[R-sig-phylo] command for access posterior probabilities values of pie charts obtained from make.simmap
Felipe Rossetto
[R-sig-phylo] Warning NaNs produced in hisse
Leonardo Matheus Servino
[R-sig-phylo] print circles in the tree nodes coloring by PP
Pedro Taucce
[R-sig-phylo] ONLINE COURSE – Machine Learning with R (Intermediate – Advanced) (MLIA01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-phylo] Warnings after running brm
Leonardo Matheus Servino
[R-sig-phylo] Possible problem with Scaled likelihoods in ancestral state estimation
Laura Schaedler
Re: [R-sig-phylo] R-sig-phylo Digest, Vol 186, Issue 3
Oscar Johnson
[R-sig-phylo] Correlation coefficient from a PGLS
Lior Glick
[R-sig-phylo] Ordination of discrete traits in threshBayes
Stênio Ítalo Araújo Foerster
[R-sig-phylo] kdetrees
Vojtěch Zeisek
[R-sig-phylo] time axis in fan style phylogeny: arcs did not appear in eps file
Felipe Rossetto
[R-sig-phylo] Title: Error in make.simmap() function: argument of length 0
Souza Ferreira, Rachel
[R-sig-phylo] Including intraspecific variation (SE) in geiger::fitContinousMCMC
Diogo B. Provete
[R-sig-phylo] Error in phytools rateshift
Lior Glick
[R-sig-phylo] Using results of make.simmap to color edges by most likely state
Rafael S Marcondes
[R-sig-phylo] Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics Workshop 2023
Joe Felsenstein
[R-sig-phylo] Parallelization in ape::dist.topo
Vojtěch Zeisek
[R-sig-phylo] Estimating the posterior prob of the ancestral states of two nodes
Sishuo Wang
[R-sig-phylo] Call for papers: Special Issue featuring linking micro- and macroevolution in Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Masahito Tsuboi
[R-sig-phylo] NAMESPACE issue
Kevin Arbuckle
[R-sig-phylo] PhD projects: 1. wildlife trade 2. Placenta evolution
Isabella Capellini
[R-sig-phylo] Generating a matrix of interspecfic genetic distances
Jarrett Phillips
[R-sig-phylo] Introduction to eco-phylogenetics and comparative analyses using R (ECPH02)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-phylo] Introduction to Multi’omics Data Analysis from Microbial Communities (MOMC01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-phylo] Postdoc position on PCM of trait evolution in Stockholm/Sweden
Masahito Tsuboi
[R-sig-phylo] Extract and summarise internal branch lengths for different samples
Jhonny Capichoni Massante
[R-sig-phylo] phytools GitHub version
Liam J. Revell
[R-sig-phylo] Extracting interspecific distances as a matrix
Jarrett Phillips
[R-sig-phylo] R phylogenetics workshop at UMass-Boston
Liam J. Revell
[R-sig-phylo] Error in phytools - locate.fossil?
Lindsey Dehaan