I don't think you have described how you installed R. Did you use the installer from CRAN, or build it yourself, or get it from some other source like Homebrew or MacPorts?
Duncan Murdoch
On 16/02/2024 4:25 a.m., María de los Ángeles Casares de Cal via 
R-SIG-Mac wrote:
Dear Simon and anyone else who might be interested in this:

I have studied in more detail the problem referred to in the message below, and 
can confirm that R does not work well on macOS when I do graphics (plots).
I have only tested with the "abline” command, using the examples that are in 
R’s help. And it does not work.
I have tested it on several computers, in Terminal and with RGUI.
I have also checked it in RStudio in macOS (it does work) and with R in Windows 
(it does work).

What I have done is the following:
In the "abline" command help, the first example is:
## Setup up coordinate system (with x == y aspect ratio):
plot(c(-2,3), c(-1,5), type = "n", xlab = "x", ylab = "y", asp = 1)
## the x- and y-axis, and an integer grid
abline(h = 0, v = 0, col = "gray60")
text(1,0, "abline( h = 0 )", col = "gray60", adj = c(0, -.1))
abline(h = -1:5, v = -2:3, col = "lightgray", lty = 3)
abline(a = 1, b = 2, col = 2)
text(1,3, "abline( 1, 2 )", col = 2, adj = c(-.1, -.1))

if I run line by line, R does not do the plots (only open the Quartz window).
If I run all together, R does the plots sometimes yes and sometimes no.

I have the latest stable version of XQuartz (2.8.5)

What could be the problem?

Thank you in advance.
Best regards.
María-Ángeles Casares-de-Cal

Inicio del mensaje reenviado:

De: María de los Ángeles Casares de Cal <mac...@me.com>
Asunto: Spanish version of R, version 4.3.2, does not work
Fecha: 14 de febrero de 2024, 20:29:09 CET
Para: r-sig-mac@r-project.org

Hi everyone,

I have a problem since I have installed the last version of R 4.3.2 (spanish 
R does not work!

For example:

x <- 1:20                            #this is ok
y <- 10 + rnorm(n=20,mean=0,sd=1)    #this is ok
plot(x,y,pch=20,col="red")            #this is ok, but I have to run some times 
model <- lm(y~x)                        #this is ok
summary(model)                          #this is ok
abline(model)                           #R does not plot the regression line in 
the window where I have the points.

(And this code in RStudio works well).

(I have installed the last version of XQuartz.)

I do not know what is the problem.
Perhaps, because is the Spanish version?
How can I install the English version?

Any help?
Thank you in advance.

Best regards.
María-Ángeles Casares-de-Cal

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