I should thank     members of R community who have engaged in a lengthy 
discussion on making R's  output easier to handle for Blinds. Since my email 
started all the discussion, I feel I should clarify what exactly I needed, and 
in my opinion what can make things easier for Blind users of R.

I agree with the point of Gregory Snow that each Blind user have unique needs 
and preferences. I think what I requested and which may also help other Blind 
users is to have greater control and feel of what goes on in R console. For 
example, if I am performing a detailed analysis of data in a single r's session 
which involves requesting descriptive statistics and use of some inferential 
techniques. It is quite difficult for me to move back and forward just to hear 
the results of the commands issued earlier in the session. That is why I 
requested a solution to move results of the commands to Microsoft word.

Tables are easier to read for me and I guess for other Blind individuals as 
well when there screen readers can identify the rows and columns of the tables. 
The tables that are made  by typing table(x,y) in console do not provide any 
information about the structure of the table to the Blind users, that is, how 
many rows are there in the tables and how many columns. When tables are copied 
from the console and they are pasted into Microsoft word or into any other text 
processor they do not appear as a properly formatted table. When I am saying 
properly formatted table as a blind user, I am not saying anything about the 
fonts and there colors, or any visual aspect. I am just saying that I cannot 
find out that how many rows and how many columns are there in the table, and 
tables appear as  lines of typed text. I have few tables with I would sent to 
Gregory Snow and tal Galili as an example of the kind of the tables that I can 
read and other Blind users can read easily. 

Most members of this list are highly qualified individuals, and some of them 
are teachers as well. Almost everyone would have used R for data analysis to 
write and present the results of data analysis in a report or in a paper. I 
want to achieve the same thing. So if readers of this email can enlighten me on 
how they take tables from R and put them into there reports and there papers I 
can find solution to my problem as well. 

To provide further background on my issue, I have previously used SPSS. SPSS 
provides an option to save the output window as a Microsoft word document. The 
frequency and cross tabulation that you request SPSS are saved as tables which 
can be read by me and other Blinds as well. So I am looking for a solution 
where I can do the same using R. If such a solution is not possible then I 
would appreciate the help of how to use R to make properly structured tables. 

Thank you all,

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Greg Snow 
  To: Tal Galili ; h...@stat.berkeley.edu 
  Cc: Faiz Rasool ; R-help@r-project.org 
  Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 2:05 AM
  Subject: RE: [R] Getting sink to work with "message" on R 2.11.0 - what didI 

  I think we agree for the most part.  I also like Henrik's suggestion, but 
someone (probably multiple) with more experience in TTY and similar areas needs 
to be involved.  I think it will be easier to do in R than in most other 
programs.  I would be willing to contribute to such a project if there is 
anything useful that I can do, but others with different expertise need to take 
the lead.



  I do think that it is beneficial to everyone (not just blind people) to learn 
the structure of objects and how to extract the pieces of interest.  When doing 
the first analysis and exploring, I like the current output from summary.lm, 
but I don't include that in reports as is, I extract those pieces that I feel 
will be most appropriate for the current audience, not everything and often in 
a different order or format.



  Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.

  Statistical Data Center

  Intermountain Healthcare




  From: Tal Galili [mailto:tal.gal...@gmail.com] 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 2:10 PM
  To: Greg Snow; h...@stat.berkeley.edu
  Cc: Faiz Rasool; R-help@r-project.org
  Subject: Re: [R] Getting sink to work with "message" on R 2.11.0 - what didI 


  Hello Greg,


  First, I wish to thank/compliment you for the coding you did.  I am sure it 
will help that guy more then what I had made - I simply didn't know how to do 
it the way you did it, so I did what I could.


  Regarding the formatting of tables - he needs that output to go for 
assignments he is giving his teacher, and he is using R instead of SPSS, so it 
is more of a challenge to him.


  Regarding all the rest of what you said about aesthetics - I can not add 
anything and just say thank you for the interesting read.


  But, as to what you wrote in fortune(226), I agree with your point in most 
cases - but this is one case that is trickier.

  For someone like me who might want something looking different, I can go and 
learn how to tinker with the functions output and get what I want.

  But when I imagine the learning curve of a blind person going through trying 
to make summary.lm give him an output that he can "read" (that is, an output 
that when is read - can be easily remembered), I see no reasonable way for him 
to learn this by himself in a reasonable time.

  So I do think there is a point (for some of the more basic functions), to 
make a point and try to create some wrapper function for them that will produce 
an easier text-to-speech output.


  I do agree with you that probably it shouldn't be the person who wrote the 
package who should be dealing with providing a text-to-speech interface to the 

  In this sense, I think that Henrik's comments where very interesting and that 
I hope someone might take on himself developing this architecture a bit further.

  a TTS package sounds like the right direction to me...



  With much respect,











  Contact me: tal.gal...@gmail.com |  972-52-7275845
  Read me: www.talgalili.com (Hebrew) | www.biostatistics.co.il (Hebrew) | 
www.r-statistics.com (English)

  On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 10:49 PM, Greg Snow <greg.s...@imail.org> wrote:

  Inline below:

  > From: Tal Galili [mailto:tal.gal...@gmail.com]
  > Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 12:26 AM
  > To: Greg Snow
  > Cc: Faiz Rasool; R-help@r-project.org

  > Subject: Re: [R] Getting sink to work with "message" on R 2.11.0 - what 
didI miss?

  > Hello Greg,
  > Thank you for the coding.
  > A few questions and remarks:
  > 1) I have a feature request that I believe Faiz is interested in:
  > He would like to have the formatting of tables/data.frames in the output to 
be prettier then the one extracted from the console output.  I wonder if that 
is (reasonably) possible.

  I have thought about this, but have not yet convinced myself that I am the 
one to do anything about it.  What is "prettier"?  I claim no expertise in that 
area.  Some things are a matter of preference to the beholder, what is pretty 
to me might be ugly to someone else.  I know that many of the examples of fancy 
things that can be done with tabular output to make it "prettier" really annoy 
me.  If we could get a real graphics designer involved, then there may be some 
promise.  But, a real issue to consider is does making something pretty change 
its usefulness.  I remember one project where I was exporting matrices from to 
LaTeX to pdf files.  I jumped through some extra hoops to use the LaTeX tool 
that lines everything up on the decimal place, but then when I had the final 
pdf file, you could not just copy and paste the numbers back into another 
program because each number was split into 3 pieces and the decimal was a 
special character.  I went back and just used the format!
  function (now I would use sprintf) to make sure that all the numbers had the 
same number of digits after the decimal and therefore lined up.  In that case 
the numbers could all be copied and pasted directly from the pdf to other tools 
(and for this project that was important).  The tables did not look as nice 
(though most people probably would not notice without both versions side by 
side to compare), but usability far outweighed a slight visual improvement.

  One of the things that most impressed me about R2wd when I first started 
playing with it was the effort to make the tables look nice.  Use the wdTable 
function in R2wd, but have the word document visible as well, you will see the 
table appear originally in the MS default, but then it is changed getting rid 
of useless 3d effects, unneeded boxes/lines, removing excess space, etc.

  It seems odd to discuss making something look pretty in a discussion about 
usability for blind people.

  What is the difference to the text to speech converter between reading a 
table that is formatted with spaces and nonproportional fonts vs an official 
word table?  I think that is an important question to answer before messing 
with something that works.

  > 2) I don't know if you had seen, but I already wrote a code to do such a 
thing here:
  > And would like to include your instructions in the post as well.
  > Is there any other features or advantage of the new code, that should be 
included when writing about it ?

  I did see your code and considered asking you if you wanted it included in 
the package, but the biggest difference between the 2 approaches (and what I 
felt was worth writing my own version) is the timing of the transfer to word.  
Your version just uses the current tools to write the output to a text file, 
then when the user issues the finish command everything is copied to word.  In 
my version (more thanks to the R2wd package and its authors than me) each 
command/result is sent immediately to word, you don't need to issue the stop 
command, look at the results, then issue another start command.  This seemed to 
be more what the original poster requested.

  > 3) In a more general note -
  > I think the challenges of the blind using R are interesting to look into.  
a good example would be to ask if there are ways of making R output more easily 
readable for text to speech softwares.
  > For example, imagine how a summary.lm output looks like.  Now imagine how a 
text-to-speech would read it.  Might there be a way to take such output and 
rearranging it in such a way so to allow the blind to easily listen to the 
results ?

  This is a good issue, and there was a recent rather long thread on making R 
output in general more appealing or useful.  I stayed out of that discussion, 
but I think this is a case where we need to focus more on leveraging the power 
of R rather than expecting the programmers to anticipate everything (see 
fortune(226)).  Why does the printed output of summary.lm look the way it does? 
I think it is more for historical reasons (make those of us that learned to do 
the computations by hand originally feel better) rather than anything else (why 
include both t-scores and p-values, the 2 columns are redundant).  If that 
output is not useful for blind users (I don't know either way) then they can 
extract those parts that are useful, they can transpose matricies if that order 
makes more sense.  It would not surprise me if one blind user preferred the 
coefficient matrix in its current form and another preferred it transposed, 
while another preferred to grab one number at a time from !
 the matrix rather than listening to the entire thing in one go.  The power of 
R is that all those are possible (even easy) and me, you, r-core, etc. do not 
need to make a decision and force everyone to live with it.

  > Best regards,
  > Tal
  > ----------------Contact 
  > Contact me: tal.gal...@gmail.com |  972-52-7275845
  > Read me: www.talgalili.com (Hebrew) | www.biostatistics.co.il (Hebrew) | 
www.r-statistics.com (English)


  Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
  Statistical Data Center
  Intermountain Healthcare


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