Dear R-Users,
This list is observed by many great statisticians and non-statisticians.

I just want to add this valuable link to this great discussion.

<>Thanks and Best Regards,

On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 11:11 PM, David Winsemius <>wrote:

> On May 8, 2010, at 9:38 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>  On 08/05/2010 9:14 PM, Joris Meys wrote:
>>> On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 7:02 PM, Bak Kuss <> wrote:
>>>  Just wondering.
>>>> The smallest the p-value, the closer  to 'reality'  (the more accurate)
>>>> the model is supposed to (not) be (?).
>>>> How realistic is it to be that (un-) real?
>>> That's a common misconception. A p-value expresses no more than the
>>> chance
>>> of obtaining the dataset you observe, given that your null hypothesis
>>> _and
>>> your assumptions_ are true.
>> I'd say it expresses even less than that.  A p-value is simply a
>> transformation of the test statistic to a standard scale.  In the nicer
>> situations, if the null hypothesis is true, it'll have a uniform
>> distribution on [0,1].  If H0 is false but the truth lies in the direction
>> of the alternative hypothesis, the p-value should have a distribution that
>> usually gives smaller values.  So an unusually small value is a sign that H0
>> is false:  you don't see values like 1e-6 from a U(0,1) distribution very
>> often, but that could be a common outcome under the alternative hypothesis.
>>   (The not so nice situations make things a bit more complicated, because
>> the p-value might have a discrete distribution, or a distribution that tends
>> towards large values, or the U(0,1) null distribution might be a limiting
>> approximation.)
>> So to answer Bak, the answer is that yes, a well-designed statistic will
>> give p-values that tend to be smaller the further the true model gets from
>> the hypothesized one, i.e. smaller p-values are probably associated with
>> larger departures from the null.  But the p-value is not a good way to
>> estimate that distance.  Use a parameter estimate instead.
> And. Thank you for this paper. As a non-statistician I found it most
> instructive:
> --
> David.
>> Duncan Murdoch
>>  Essentially, a p-value is as "real" as your
>>> assumptions. In that way I can understand what Robert wants to say. But
>>> with
>>> lare enough datasets, bootstrapping or permutation tests gives often
>>> about
>>> the same p-value as the asymptotic approximation. At that moment, the
>>> central limit theorem comes into play, which says that when the sample
>>> size
>>> is big enough, the mean is -close to- normally distributed. In those
>>> cases,
>>> the test statistic also follows the proposed distribution and your
>>> p-value
>>> is closer to "reality". Mind you, the "sample size" for a specific
>>> statistic
>>> is not always merely the number of observations, especially in more
>>> advanced
>>> methods. Plus, violations of other assumptions, like independence of the
>>> observations, changes the picture again.
>>> The point is : what is reality? As Duncan said, a small p-value indicates
>>> that your null hypothesis is not true. That's exactly what you look for,
>>> because that is the proof the relation in your dataset you're looking at,
>>> did not emerge merely by chance. You're not out to calculate the exact
>>> chance. Robert is right, reporting an exact p-value of 1.23 e-7 doesn't
>>> make
>>> sense at all. But the rejection of your null-hypothesis is as real as
>>> life.
>>> The trick is to test the correct null hypothesis, and that's were it most
>>> often goes wrong...
>>> Cheers
>>> Joris
>>>  bak
>>>> p.s. I am no statistician
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