On 05/03/2010 08:47 AM, Chris Evans wrote:
Thanks Tal& Thomas, I am now experimenting with both SWord and R2wd and
both are certainly a huge step forward for me, tied as I am to Word and
the Windoze/M$ world for now.
Note that many of the general solutions offered produce documents (.doc,
.html, .rtf) that can be then converted to formats Word can take as
described at http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/SweaveConvert. That page
has an example where pdflatex is used to produce a complex table
containing graphics in some of the cells, and I used a web service to
convert to .doc.
Tal Galili sent the following at 01/05/2010 09:44:
Hi all,
I forwarded this question to the r-com mailing list, and received the
following reply from Thomas Baier :
Hi Tal,
two solutions immediately come to my mind: SWord
(http://rcom.univie.ac.at) and R2wd (from CRAN).
If creating a paper in Word, then SWord may be the better choice, if you
want to create reports controlled from R, R2wd might be the better one.
They both look potentially very useful and can do wonderful embedding of
tabulated data frames and graphics to judge form the help page for R2wd
and that works on my set up. However, I'm crash R2wd and hange R
passing lm output with:
lm.D9<- lm(weight ~ group) # from the lm help page
I'll try to link up with whoever I should (Thomas, Christian?) to debug
this (and, of course, it may be particular to my set up) but I still
argue there's a problem letting these output capabilities go to packages
and not putting them in the core:
a) it's easy for us not to know of them, I didn't know of R2wd nor ascii
for example,
b) surely to have provided really excellent graphic output in the core
is a bit incongruent with having even provided tabs for matrices and tables?
I'll pick up more in response to Max Kuhn's message.
Very best,
Frank E Harrell Jr Professor and Chairman School of Medicine
Department of Biostatistics Vanderbilt University
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