Have you considered limiting yourself to the unique combinations rather than 
every possible permutation?  E.g. the permutations 1,2 | 3,4 and 2,1 | 4,3 give 
redundant results.  The combn function (with the FUN) argument may be of help.

Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Finkbeiner [mailto:matthew.finkbei...@gmail.com] On
> Behalf Of Matthew Finkbeiner
> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 4:09 PM
> To: Greg Snow
> Cc: matthew.finkbei...@mq.edu.au; r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [R] multiple paired t-tests without loops
> Yes, I suspect that I will end up using a sampling approach, but I'd
> like to use an exact test if it's at all feasible.
> Here are two samples of data from 3 subjects:
> Sample        Subj    C1      C2
> 44    1       0.0093  0.0077
> 44    2       0.0089  0.0069
> 44    3       0.051   0.0432
> 44    4       0.014   0.0147
> 44    5       0.0161  0.0117
> 45    1       0.0103  0.0086
> 45    2       0.0099  0.0078
> 45    3       0.0542  0.0458
> 45    4       0.0154  0.0163
> 45    5       0.0175  0.0129
> and then here is the script I've pieced together from things I've found
> on the web (sorry for not citing the snippets!).  any pointers on how
> to
> speed it up would be greatly appreciated.
> #----------------------------------
> # Utility function
> # that returns binary representation of 1:(2^n) X SubjN
> binary.v <-
> function(n)
> {
>    x <- 1:(2^n)
>    mx <- max(x)
>    digits <- floor(log2(mx))
>    ans <- 0:(digits-1); lx <- length(x)
>    x <- matrix(rep(x,rep(digits, lx)),ncol=lx)
>    x <- (x %/% 2^ans) %% 2
> }
> library(plyr)
> #first some global variables
> TotalSubjects <- 5
> TotalSamples <- 2
> StartSample <- 44
> EndSample <- ((StartSample + TotalSamples)-1)
> maxTs <- NULL
> obsTs <- NULL
> #create index array that drives the permuations for all samples
> ind <- binary.v(TotalSubjects)
> #transpose ind so that the first 2^N items correspond to S1,
> #the second 2^N correspond to S2 and so on...
> transind <- t(ind)
> #get data file that is organized first by sample then by subj (e.g.
> sample1 subject1
> # sample1 subject 2 ... sample 1 subject N)
> #sampledatafile <- file.choose()
> samples <- read.table(sampledatafile, header=T)
> #this is the progress bar
> pb <- txtProgressBar(min = StartSample, max = EndSample, style = 3)
> setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1)
> start.t <- proc.time()
> #begin loop that analyzes data sample by sample
> for (s in StartSample:EndSample) {
>      S <- samples[samples$Sample==s,] #pick up data for current sample
>      #reproduce data frame rows once for each permutation to be done
>      expanddata <- S[rep(1:nrow(S), each = 2^TotalSubjects),]
>      #create new array to hold the flipped (permuted) data
>      permdata = expanddata
>      #permute the data
>      permdata[transind==1,3] <- expanddata[transind==1,4] #Cnd1 <- Cnd2
>      permdata[transind==1,4] <- expanddata[transind==1,3] #Cnd2 <- Cnd1
>      #create permutation # as a factor in dataframe
>      PermN <- rep(rep(1:2^TotalSubjects, TotalSubjects),2)
>      #create Sample# as a factor
>      Sample <- rep(permdata[,1],2) #Sample# is in the 1st Column
>      #create subject IDs as a factor
>      Subj <- rep(permdata[,2],2) #Subject ID is in the 2nd Column
>      #stack the permutated data
>      StackedPermData <- stack(permdata[,3:4])
>      #bind all the factors together
>      StackedPermData <- as.data.frame(cbind(Sample, Subj, PermN,
> StackedPermData))
>      #sort by perm
>      sortedstack <-
> as.data.frame(StackedPermData[order(StackedPermData$PermN,
>                                  StackedPermData$Sample),])
>      #clear up some memory
>      rm(expanddata, permdata, StackedPermData)
>      #pull out data 1 perm at a time
>      res<-ddply(sortedstack, c("Sample", "PermN"), function(.data){
>          # Type combinations by Class
>          combs<-t(combn(sort(unique(.data[,5])),2))
>          # Applying the t-test for them
>          aaply(combs,1, function(.r){
>          x1<-.data[.data[,5]==.r[1],4] # select first column
>          x2<-.data[.data[,5]==.r[2],4] # select first column
>          tvalue <- t.test(x1,x2, paired = T)
>          res <- c(tvalue$statistic,tvalue$parameter,tvalue$p.value)
>          names(res) <- c('stat','df','pvalue')
>          res
>          }
>          )
>      }
>      )
>       # update progress bar
>       setTxtProgressBar(pb, s)
>       #get max T vals
>       maxTs <- c(maxTs, tapply (res$stat, list (res$Sample), max))
>       #get observed T vals
>       obsTs <- c(obsTs, res$stat[length(res$stat)])
>       #here we need to save res to a binary file
> }
> #close out the progress bar
> close(pb)
> end.t <- proc.time() - start.t
> print(end.t)
> #get cutoffs
> #these are the 2-tailed t-vals that maintain experimentwise error at
> the
> 0.05 level
> lowerT <- quantile(maxTs, .025)
> upperT <- quantile(maxTs, .975)
> On 4/27/2010 6:53 AM, Greg Snow wrote:
> > The usual way to speed up permutation testing is to sample from the
> > set of possible permutations rather than looking at all possible
> > ones.
> >
> > If you show some code then we may be able to find some inefficiencies
> > for you, but there is not general solution, poorly written uses of
> > apply will be slower than well written for loops.  In some cases
> > rewriting critical pieces in C or fortran will help quite a bit, but
> > we need to see what you are already doing to know if that will help
> > or not.
> >

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