Thank you both for your helpful reply!  And apologies for the lack of a
reproducible example - I would/could send one now, but I believe Peter's
example will suffice (and thank you for that).  And making z a factor worked
perfectly.  Thank you!

On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Peter Ehlers <> wrote:

> Hi John,
> The problem seems to be with the order in which the 'levels' of
> the conditioning variable appear. Here's a reproducible example:
>  Prestige$tp<- with(Prestige, ifelse(type == "prof", 0, 1))
>  scatterplot(prestige ~ income | tp, data=Prestige)
> Note that I've just switched the 0/1 from your example.
> A quick look at scatterplot.formula suggests that wrapping
> the 'X[, 3]' in this line
>   scatterplot(X[, 2], X[, 1], groups = X[, 3], xlab = xlab,
> inside an as.factor() would solve the problem.
>  -Peter
> On 2010-04-25 8:40, John Fox wrote:
>> Dear Peter and Anthony,
>> Thanks, Peter, for answering the question, but scatterplot() should work
>> even if z is not a factor, and does for me in the following example:
>>  library(car)
>>> Prestige$tp<- with(Prestige, ifelse(type == "prof", 1, 0))
>>> scatterplot(prestige ~ income | tp, data=Prestige)
>> So, Anthony, the usual advice about providing a reproducible example seems
>> applicable here.
>> Regards,
>>  John
>> --------------------------------
>> John Fox
>> Senator William McMaster
>>   Professor of Social Statistics
>> Department of Sociology
>> McMaster University
>> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
>> web:
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>> From: []
>> On
>>> Behalf Of Peter Ehlers
>>> Sent: April-24-10 11:57 PM
>>> To: Anthony Lopez
>>> Cc:
>>> Subject: Re: [R] categorical variable in scatterplot (car)
>>> On 2010-04-24 21:30, Anthony Lopez wrote:
>>>> Hello R folks,
>>>> I am encountering a problem with the following scatterplot function from
>>> the
>>>> car package:
>>>>  scatterplot(y~x|z)
>>>> where y and x are continuous (interval) random variables and z is a
>>>> categorical variable.  When z is a categorical variable coded 1 or 2, I
>>>> (appropriately) get a scatterplot of y by x, coded by z.  Similarly,
>>> when z
>>> is a categorical variable coded 1, 2, or 3, there is again, no problem.
>>>>   However, when z is a categorical variable coded 0 or 1, the
>>> scatterplot
>>>>  scatterplot(y~x|z)
>>>> is exactly identical to the one generated by
>>>>  scatterplot(y~x)
>>>> It is not possible that this is due to the fact that there is no
>>> difference
>>> between the categories.  It is as if R doesn't "see" that I want it
>>> coded
>>> by
>>>> z.  But this only happens when one of the categories of z is coded "0"
>>> (i.e.
>>>> zero).  Any ideas why this is so, or how I can fix this without recoding
>>> my
>>> variable?
>>> Make z a factor (which it really should be anyway).
>>>   -Peter Ehlers
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> Anthony
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>>> Peter Ehlers
>>> University of Calgary
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> Peter Ehlers
> University of Calgary

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