'length' does not have an argument 'na.rm=TRUE' that you are trying to pass
to it.  If you want to remove NAs from the 'length' result, you would write
your own function usning na.omit:

> x <- c(1,2,3,NA,4,5,NA,6)
> length(x)
[1] 8
> length(na.omit(x))
[1] 6
cast(testdata, ~., function(x) length(na.omit(X)))

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 5:33 AM, David Wyllie <david.wyl...@ndm.ox.ac.uk>wrote:

> Dear Everyone,
> I am having problems with use of the reshape package's cast function using
> length as an aggregating function.
> Unexpectedly,  I receive the error: 2 arguments passed to 'length' which
> requires 1
> I don't understand this at all - the data I'm using is very simple, and
> appears almost identical to that used in the
> ChickWeight example in the package.  The problem can be reproduced and is
> described in more detail below, along with the rationale for what we're
> trying to do.
> Any help would be very gratefully received.
> Best wishes
> David Wyllie
> (code starts here)
> #  when using the reshape package to summarise laboratory data,
> # an unexpected error message occurs then using this fun.aggregate= length.
> # tested on R2.9.1 and R2.10.0 on XP and Vista
> # the error message is :
> # Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) :
> # 2 arguments passed to 'length' which requires 1
> # other summary functions, including mean, range, sd work as expected.
> # I am new at both R and reshape, so there maybe something very basic that
> # I don't understand here.
> # in the real situation a data table is pulled using rodbc from an sql
> server.
> # the sql server holds the data in a 'long' format - an example is below -
> # which appears (to me) to be identical to that generated by melt.
> # no melt operation is therefore carried out on the data, which looks
> exactly like the
> # 'testdata' dataframe described below.
> # testdata contains four numeric biochemistry results (Na,K,Ur,Cr) from a
> single test,
> # identified by having rowid=1.
> # the objective is to compute summaries of this table by a variety of
> # explanatory variables; in this case, there is only one, 'rowid'.
> # I had thought that reshape would be an easy and consistent way of doing
> this,
> # and so it is, for means, max, min and other standard statistics,
> # but I can't work out how to count the number of observations in each cell
> # of the resulting data frame.  I had thought that length would do this,
> but it doesn't.
> # load the reshape package
> library(reshape)
> # define a test data set
> testdata <- data.frame(
>   rowid = (c(1,1,1,1)),
>   variable = c("Na", "K", "Ur", "Cr"),
>   value = c(130, 4, 5,100)
> )
> # show it
> testdata
> # defining rowid as a factor doesn't alter the problem below - am unclear
> whether this is needed at all by reshape
> testdata$rowid<-factor(testdata$rowid)
> # works correctly
> cast(testdata, variable~., mean, na.rm=TRUE)
> # works correctly
> cast(testdata, ~., mean, na.rm=TRUE)
> # works correctly
> cast(testdata, ~.,fun.aggregate=mean, na.rm=TRUE)
> # min, max, sd, range also work as expected
> # all the below fail with "2 arguments passed to 'length' which requires 1"
> cast(testdata, variable~., fun.aggregate=length, na.rm=TRUE)
> cast(testdata, variable~., length, na.rm=TRUE)
> cast(testdata, ~., length, na.rm=TRUE)
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