On Mar 11, 2010, at 11:28 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
On Mar 11, 2010, at 6:20 PM, Jim Bouldin wrote:
On 12/03/2010, at 11:25 AM, Jim Bouldin wrote:
I continue to have great frustrations with NA values--in particular
summary calculations on rows or cols of a matrix containing
them. For
example, why does:
a = matrix(1:30,nrow=5)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,] 1 6 NA NA 21 26
[2,] 2 7 NA NA 22 27
[3,] 3 8 13 18 23 28
[4,] 4 9 14 19 24 29
[5,] 5 10 15 20 25 30
give me this:
"Error in apply(a[!is.na(a)], 2, sum) : dim(X) must have a positive
[1] 5 6
What is the trick to calculating summary values from rows or
containing NAs? Drives me nuts. More nuts that is.
When you do a[!is.na(a)] you get a ***vector*** --- not a matrix.
Well, obvious to you maybe, or someone who's done it before, but
not to me.
The non-missing values of a cannot be arranged in
a 5 x 6 matrix; there are only 26 of them. So (as my late Uncle
Stanley would have said) ``What the hell do you expect?''.
Silly me, I expected, based on (1) previous experience doing
summary calcs
on subsets of a matrix using exactly that style of command, and (2)
fact that dim(a) returns: [1] 5 6, and (3) the fact that a help
under the "apply" function gives NO INDICATION of any possible use
of the
na.rm command,
Not really true. You may be at a stage where you are not paying
attention to what the , ...) arguments to functions are doing, so
you may have passed over the fact that it is described as "optional
arguments to FUN." Now in fairness to the apply help page authors it
would be impossible to list all of the possible optional arguments
because the range of possible functions is, while countable, still
extremely large. I think it would be useful to describe on that help
page a bit more about what restrictions may exist here and to
include an example that uses that facility, but I am not part of R
AND (4) a help search on "na.action" does not even mention
na.rm, that:
would sum the non-NA elements of matrix a, by columns. Terribly
reasoning on my part, obviously.
What, may I inquire, happens when you look at the help page for
"sum"? While you are at it, you may want to acquaint yourself with
the "na.rm=" parameter in other functions, because it is also
essential for productive use of several other useful functions, like
median and density.
AS a further exercise you may want to follow this path. (I learned new
bits.) After getting annoyed that neither ""na.rm", nor ??"na.rm"
provided any 'help', I tried the sos package:
> ??"na.rm"
No help files found matching ‘na.rm’ using regexp matching
> library(sos)
Loading required package: brew
Attaching package: 'sos'
The following object(s) are masked from package:utils :
> ???"na.rm"
found 476 matches; retrieving 20 pages, 400 matches.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
The ``trick'' is to remove the NAs at the summing stage:
Not all that tricky.
Rolf Turner
David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
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David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
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