A thoughtful, well reasoned discussion. I welcome this kind of analysis. (I was 
not criticizing Bert, I was using his post as an example of an unreasonable 
statement made to, but not by him, that can serve as an object lesson for all 
of us.)
I feel unhappy about posts which attack SAS, R or any other language just 
because the language is not R or SAS. Thoughtful comments like yours will get 
people to think about their choice of programming language. Many will chose R 
and that is good.
John Sorkin 
-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Schwartz <>
To: John Sorkin <>
To: Gunter Bert <>
Cc: Dieter Menne <>
Cc:  <>

Sent: 2/19/2010 12:55:36 PM
Subject: Re: [R] Use of R in clinical trials

On Feb 19, 2010, at 6:56 AM, John Sorkin wrote:

> Bert,
> There is a lesson here. Just as intolerance of any statistical analysis 
> program (or system) other than SAS should lead to our being drive crazy, so 
> to should intolerance of
> any statistical analysis program (or system) other than R. 
> John  
>>>> Dieter Menne <> 2/19/2010 3:46 AM >>>
> Bert,
> I like your comments. There is one issue, however, that drives me crazy
> whenever I meet a customer asking "You are not using SAS? Too bad, we need
> validated results."
> Bert Gunter wrote:
>> ...
>> Also to reiterate, it's not only
>> statistical/reporting functionality but even more the integration into the
>> existing clinical database systems that would have to be rewritten **and
>> validated**. 
> Implicitly: Even if you let your cat enter SAS code, the results are
> correct, because they SAS is validated.
> Dieter

If I may, let me offer some comments, which in part, are supportive of Bert's 

First, the notion of validation that Bert raised should not be interpreted as 
indicating that SAS in a vacuum "out of the box" is validated, as if there was 
a parallel to a Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval for statistical software. 
There is no such thing for any software in this domain. 

Validation, in the context of regulated clinical trials (which we address in 
the R-FDA document available at is 
defined by the FDA as: "Establishing documented evidence which provides a high 
degree of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product 
meeting its predetermined specifications and quality attributes." That is not 
something that can be provided by the vendor, it can only be done by the end 
user and their organization.

Now, that language is of course subject to interpretation, as FDA guidance is 
just that, "guidance". It is not prescriptive. One takes a risk mitigation 
based approach to implementing internal procedures and policies.

Internal validation is done via written Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) 
that have been created, reviewed and approved by the end user's organization. 
The entire data path from the source data base to final report output and data 
sets must be tested to assure reliability and reproducibility. Thus, there is a 
significant amount of time and cost involved with this process and this is what 
Bert was referring to, which goes above and beyond the initial cost of the 
software and any annual licensing and support costs. It needs to be done 
irrespective of the software tool chain that one is using.

The scope (therefore the cost) of the validation testing will be heavily 
impacted upon by the nature of one's environment (eg. "big pharma" versus a 
"boutique drug house" versus a medical device company versus an independent 
contract research organization) and the level of risk mitigation (defined by 
lawyers) required by the organization.

These procedures and the associated documentation are also subject to on-site 
inspection by the FDA, which can shut you down if these are lacking.

It is not that one trusts SAS' output implicitly or by default. It is that one 
has documented through extensive testing that data manipulation and output is 
reliable, reproducible and importantly, that one has also documented known 
problems (bugs, incorrect results) and workarounds, if any. 

The same applies to R. Thus, while R may be "free" in all senses of that word, 
the actual monetary cost differential relative to software purchase and support 
is only one part of the equation and therefore the "value proposition" to the 

If one is to transition from SAS to R, then one's organization has to evaluate 
the total costs and risks associated with that transition. SOPs have to be 
written, reviewed and approved. Data management, analysis and reporting code 
has to be re-written, tested and validated. Interfaces to database servers have 
to be tested. Programmer's have to be re-trained in a new language and 
operating paradigm. Senior management has to be brought along to achieve a high 
level of comfort with anything new that may initially be seen as a risk factor 
in successfully doing business. A clear business case must be made to them that 
the advantages outweigh the potential risks.

Hence, there is a lot of resistance to the use of R in the clinical trial realm 
for these large companies because of those costs and timelines. Add to that the 
normal human behavioral factors of being resistant to change and the hurdle for 
R in these large corporate environments is not trivial.

To make the move from the pre-clinical drug discovery realm that Bert and 
others here work in using R, where some of these issues are not relevant, to 
the human clinical trial realm, we need to overcome that resistance. The 
organizations will need to also get to the point where the financial pressures 
are sufficient that paying millions of dollars per year in software licensing 
costs and the additional millions for the FTE's associated, become relevant 
from a bottom line perspective. When they get to that point and the value of R 
becomes clear to them, progress will be made. It will be incremental and 
evolutionary and will happen in some organizations earlier than others based 
upon their size, profile and operating environment. 

I might also point out that companies like SAS are sufficiently profitable, 
that in time, if pressure on their pricing is brought to bear, they will reduce 
their pricing to accommodate marketplace realities. They will reduce their 
margins rather than give up market share.

Part of the motivation to move to R may also be functional requirements that 
can only be satisfied with R as compared to other tools. That cannot be 
subjective "look and feel" characteristics, but more objective statistical 
methodological advantages.

To put some of the drug related costs in perspective, there was just a short 
letter to the editor in this week's issue of Applied Clinical Trials (an 
industry publication), which provides some insights into the challenges for 
drug development and approval, based upon industry outlook research done at 
Tuft's ( 

The key figures from that study are that is takes over $1 billion U.S. and more 
than 7 years to take a drug from initial human trials to FDA approval. So based 
upon those figures alone, even if one spends $10 million per year on SAS 
licensing costs over the 7 years for a total of $70 million, that is only ~7% 
of the cost of bringing one big drug to market. Importantly, one has to 
recognize that the $10 million per year is in reality amortized over a much 
larger number of trials that are all running at the same time in various phases 
in the company's drug pipeline. Thus, the real annual software costs 
attributable to any single drug are far lower as a percentage of the total cost 
of bringing that drug to market, which further reduces the financial pressure 
on R&D costs associated with the software alone. 

Let's also not forget that one big blockbuster drug can bring in $1 billion in 
revenue per year post-approval so that has to be considered as well. The 
company will recoup 7 years of clinical trial associated costs for that one 
drug in 1 year. Those revenues will stay high for a number of years, at least 
until a generic version of the drug is available and potentially now with any 
changes in payments under any health care reform activities, at least here in 
the U.S., that may impact the revenue stream.

Just to pick one very large pharma company as an example (without naming it), 
2009 revenues were in excess of $20 billion, with net income (profits) in 
excess of $4 billion. So even if you completely eliminated the $10 million for 
annual SAS licensing costs, you would have a marginal effect on that company's 
bottom line. There are bigger fish to fry.

The bigger cost savings being realized right now by large pharma, based upon 
the Tuft's report, is the more aggressive approach to terminating early phase 
trials when interim evidence becomes available suggesting the lack of viability 
of the drug. The use of adaptive trial designs are a key part of this change in 
process. The report shows a decline in recent years of the transition 
probability from Phase I to Phase II and from Phase II to Phase III. Curiously, 
the overall success rate of a drug from Phase I to FDA approval has stayed 
relatively stable at 16%, so there is more to be done here. By terminating 
unfavorable drug trials earlier, the opportunity to save those costs and 
re-direct them to more promising drugs is significant. Those costs far outweigh 
infrastructure costs such as software.

In either case, while being advocates of the use of R, we cannot be blind to 
the business realities in play in this particular environment. That being said, 
over the 8+ years that I have now been using R, the progress that has been made 
is nothing short of phenomenal. The growth of the community and the more recent 
publicity and recognition by SAS, SPSS and other vendors of R's influence are 
concrete signs of that progress. 

Importantly, we are seeing the increasing use of R within the FDA and other 
regulatory bodies, which only serves to further enhance R's position in this 

I have every confidence that this trend will continue for the foreseeable 
future. Progress specifically within industry in the human clinical trials 
arena will be slow and evolutionary as I have noted. It will likely take place 
incrementally in specific domains and for specific profiles of companies. As 
comfort with R appreciates, as more statisticians trained in R move from 
academia to industry and other factors become relevant which in turn give rise 
to opportunities for R, we will continue to see additional growth in this 


Marc Schwartz

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