
The beauty of R is that you get the code and you can make
(often simple) changes to suit your needs. Attached is
stars1.R which makes a few minor changes to stars() to let you
produce starplots with or without the polygon and with
arbitrary colours for the radii. (This might already exist
in some package whereof I know not.) Allowing the polygon
edges to vary in colour would not be hard (I would replace
the relevant call to polygon() with a suitable call to


stars1(mtcars[, 1:7], key.loc = c(14, 1.5), lwd=2,
    col.radius = c(2,2,2,3,3,4,4), polygon = FALSE)

 -Peter Ehlers

IoanLoft wrote:
Hi all,

I have encountered a problem which appears to have defeated my (admittedly
nascent) R skills. I want to draw a spider plot with many cases (just over
300). I am primarily interested in the difference between 4 categories of
cases, and want to display them as different colors. the col.stars parameter
does not change the color of the lines (which I'm after), but fills the
stars in (which I'm not after). I have tried fiddling around with par but
that only changes the label color.

I notice in the help file that further arguments can be passed to stars, and
to see plot.default. I have tried passing col="red" for example, but to no
so far I have (where x is a dataframe containing 18 variables and 320

stars(x,locations=c(0,0), scale=FALSE, radius=FALSE, key.loc = c(0,0),

and I haven't got any further than that. It would be great if anyone could

Many thanks,


Peter Ehlers
University of Calgary
stars1 <-
function (x, full = TRUE, scale = TRUE, radius = TRUE, labels = 
    locations = NULL, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, len = 1, key.loc = NULL, 
    key.labels = dimnames(x)[[2L]], key.xpd = TRUE, xlim = NULL, 
    ylim = NULL, flip.labels = NULL, draw.segments = FALSE, col.segments = 
    col.stars = NA, axes = FALSE, frame.plot = axes, main = NULL, 
    sub = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "", cex = 0.8, lwd = 0.25, 
    lty = par("lty"), xpd = FALSE, mar = pmin(par("mar"), 1.1 + 
        c(2 * axes + (xlab != ""), 2 * axes + (ylab != ""), 1, 
#            0)), add = FALSE, plot = TRUE, ...) 
            0)), add = FALSE, plot = TRUE, col.radius = NA, polygon = TRUE, 
    if ( 
        x <- data.matrix(x)
    else if (!is.matrix(x)) 
        stop("'x' must be a matrix or a data frame")
    if (!is.numeric(x)) 
        stop("data in 'x' must be numeric")
    n.loc <- nrow(x)
    n.seg <- ncol(x)
    if (is.null(locations)) {
        if (is.null(nrow)) 
            nrow <- ceiling(if (!is.numeric(ncol)) sqrt(n.loc) else n.loc/ncol)
        if (is.null(ncol)) 
            ncol <- ceiling(n.loc/nrow)
        if (nrow * ncol < n.loc) 
            stop("nrow * ncol <  number of observations")
        ff <- if (!is.null(labels)) 
        else 2.1
        locations <- expand.grid(ff * 1L:ncol, ff * nrow:1)[1L:n.loc, 
        if (!is.null(labels) && (missing(flip.labels) || 
            flip.labels <- ncol * mean(nchar(labels, type = "c")) > 
    else {
        if (is.numeric(locations) && length(locations) == 2) {
            locations <- cbind([1L], n.loc), 
      [2L], n.loc))
            if (!missing(labels) && n.loc > 1) 
                warning("labels do not make sense for a single location")
            else labels <- NULL
        else {
            if ( 
                locations <- data.matrix(locations)
            if (!is.matrix(locations) || ncol(locations) != 2) 
                stop("'locations' must be a 2-column matrix.")
            if (n.loc != nrow(locations)) 
                stop("number of rows of 'locations' and 'x' must be equal.")
        if (missing(flip.labels) || !is.logical(flip.labels)) 
            flip.labels <- FALSE
    xloc <- locations[, 1]
    yloc <- locations[, 2]
    angles <- if (full), 2 * pi, length.out = n.seg + 1)[-(n.seg + 
    else if (draw.segments), pi, length.out = n.seg + 1)[-(n.seg + 1)]
    else, pi, length.out = n.seg)
    if (length(angles) != n.seg) 
        stop("length of 'angles' must equal 'ncol(x)'")
    if (scale) {
        x <- apply(x, 2L, function(x) (x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))/diff(range(x, 
            na.rm = TRUE)))
    x[] <- 0
    mx <- max(x <- x * len)
    if (is.null(xlim)) 
        xlim <- range(xloc) + c(-mx, mx)
    if (is.null(ylim)) 
        ylim <- range(yloc) + c(-mx, mx)
    deg <- pi/180
    op <- par(mar = mar, xpd = xpd)
    if (plot && !add) 
        plot(0, type = "n", ..., xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = main, 
            sub = sub, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, asp = 1, axes = axes)
    if (!plot) 
    s.x <- xloc + x *,, n.seg))
    s.y <- yloc + x *,, n.seg))
    if (draw.segments) {
        aangl <- c(angles, if (full) 2 * pi else pi)
        for (i in 1L:n.loc) {
            px <- py <- numeric()
            for (j in 1L:n.seg) {
                k <- = aangl[j], to = aangl[j + 
                  1], by = 1 * deg)
                px <- c(px, xloc[i], s.x[i, j], x[i, j] * cos(k) + 
                  xloc[i], NA)
                py <- c(py, yloc[i], s.y[i, j], x[i, j] * sin(k) + 
                  yloc[i], NA)
            polygon(px, py, col = col.segments, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
    else {
        for (i in 1L:n.loc) {
#            polygon(s.x[i, ], s.y[i, ], lwd = lwd, lty = lty, 
#                col = col.stars[i])
            if (polygon)
                polygon(s.x[i, ], s.y[i, ], lwd = lwd, lty = lty, 
                  col = col.stars[i])
            if (radius) 
                segments([i], n.seg),[i], 
#                  n.seg), s.x[i, ], s.y[i, ], lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
                  n.seg), s.x[i, ], s.y[i, ], lwd = lwd, lty = lty, col = 
    if (!is.null(labels)) { <- mx * (if (full) 
        else 0.1)
        if (flip.labels) 
   <- + cex * par("cxy")[2L] * ((1L:n.loc)%%2 - 
                if (full) 
                else 0)
        text(xloc, yloc -, labels, cex = cex, adj = c(0.5, 
    if (!is.null(key.loc)) {
        par(xpd = key.xpd)
        key.x <- len * cos(angles) + key.loc[1L]
        key.y <- len * sin(angles) + key.loc[2L]
        if (draw.segments) {
            px <- py <- numeric()
            for (j in 1L:n.seg) {
                k <- = aangl[j], to = aangl[j + 
                  1], by = 1 * deg)
                px <- c(px, key.loc[1L], key.x[j], len * cos(k) + 
                  key.loc[1L], NA)
                py <- c(py, key.loc[2L], key.y[j], len * sin(k) + 
                  key.loc[2L], NA)
            polygon(px, py, col = col.segments, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
        else {
#            polygon(key.x, key.y, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
            if (polygon)
                polygon(key.x, key.y, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
            if (radius) 
                segments([1L], n.seg),[2L], 
#                  n.seg), key.x, key.y, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
                  n.seg), key.x, key.y, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, col = col.radius)
        lab.angl <- angles + if (draw.segments) 
            (angles[2L] - angles[1L])/2
        else 0
        label.x <- 1.1 * len * cos(lab.angl) + key.loc[1L]
        label.y <- 1.1 * len * sin(lab.angl) + key.loc[2L]
        for (k in 1L:n.seg) {
            text.adj <- c(if (lab.angl[k] < 90 * deg || lab.angl[k] > 
                270 * deg) 0 else if (lab.angl[k] > 90 * deg && 
                lab.angl[k] < 270 * deg) 1 else 0.5, if (lab.angl[k] <= 
                90 * deg) (1 - lab.angl[k]/(90 * deg))/2 else if (lab.angl[k] 
                270 * deg) (lab.angl[k] - 90 * deg)/(180 * deg) else 1 - 
                (lab.angl[k] - 270 * deg)/(180 * deg))
            text(label.x[k], label.y[k], labels = key.labels[k], 
                cex = cex, adj = text.adj)
    if (frame.plot) 
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