David Winsemius wrote:

On Dec 22, 2009, at 5:19 PM, Jon Prince wrote:

David Winsemius wrote:

On Dec 22, 2009, at 4:22 PM, Jon Prince wrote:

Hi, I'm new to R, with some experience with Matlab and SPSS. I've figured out how to run my repeated measures anova and am getting the right numbers for my effects (comparing with results from other software), but am having trouble with the model.tables function. Specifically, using:

prints the means, but then won't do the SE values, instead giving:

 Warning message:
In model.tables.aovlist(fm, "means", se = TRUE) :
SEs for type 'means' are not yet implemented"

Asking for SEs for "effects" works fine, but that's not what I want. I searched the help for this issue and one other person has had this problem last year (http://markmail.org/message/k5yxxqcfiihvzvtp?q=list:r-project+model%2Etables), but the person helping them was unable to replicate it, inferring that it was an out-of-date version. My version is:

 R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14)

I only downloaded it the other day, and therefore cannot have an outdated version. How can I fix this error and get my SE values? Apologies if I have not provided sufficient information, and thanks in advance for your help.

When I look at the output of the first model.tables call copied from the help page, I see a list element that holds "se" values. Try:


Thanks for the rapid reply! Unfortunately adding the $se returns NULL, and repeats the same warning message ("...not yet implemented"). If you're not experiencing the issue, is it possible for me to replace the relevant code/source file with what you have (or would that require recompiling)? Could this be an OS issue? I'm running Mac OSX 10.6.2.

By the way, I "replied all" on this message, but let me know if that is not the preferred convention. Cheers,

Reply all. That way people can correct my mistakes and general cluelessness. I'm running MacOSX 10.5.8 so it would seem less likely that is the explanation.

1) Did you run the example in the help pages?

2) When I look at :

> methods(model.tables)
[1] model.tables.aov*     model.tables.aovlist*

... I see both an "aov" method and an "aovlist" method. Is it possible that there is something about the object that you are working on that makes it an aovlist at thus invokes a different function than what the help page invokes?

The code would not require complination... it's available with getAnywhere() and I do not see any calls to compiled or .Internal subroutines. Tell me what happens with the above questions first.

Sorry for the delayed response, I've been trying to work out the discrepancy between my data and the example data in terms of getting the SE means.

1.) Upon trying the example, it appears to work on my machine (i.e., I get the SE means). Since then I've been spending my time trying to figure out why it doesn't do the same for my data. I can't figure it out.

2.) Given my lack of experience, it is quite possible that I've loused up an object somewhere, but I don't know how to track that down. I have put my code below, and can send the data file too if you're willing to take a look. Both the p and t factors have three levels, combined factorially. There are four replications of each p-t combination, and the rating data vary from 1 to 7.

##load data
##set factors
##set data
##run anova
   fm<-aov(rate ~ p*t + Error(subject/(p*t)),rate_data)
##get summary

Thanks again, I really appreciate the help.


Jon Prince
Postdoctoral Research Associate

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