On 10/16/2009 9:31 AM, Petr PIKAL wrote:
Dear all

I noticed from NEWS 2.11.0,dev

    o   Packages must have been installed under R 2.10.0 or later, as
        the current help system is the only one now supported.

So I tried to follow instructions in manual, Duncan Murdoch presentation and help pages to prepare and accomplish installation of a set of functions I use. However in R 2.11.0dev and too in R 2.10.0dev I was not able to finish it.

I installed Rtools210
I opened commander window and or R program with --vanilla option.

I coppied all my functions and data to R and run package.skeleton

 package.skeleton(list=ls(), name="fun")
Creating directories ...
Creating DESCRIPTION ...
Creating Read-and-delete-me ...
Saving functions and data ...
Making help files ...
Further steps are described in './fun/Read-and-delete-me'.

Package structure seems to be ok

list.files("D:/temp/fun", recursive=TRUE)
[1] "data/modely1.rda" "data/modely2.rda" "data/modely3.rda" [4] "data/stand.rda" "DESCRIPTION" "man/addLine.Rd" [7] "man/azce.Rd" "man/bayerf.h.Rd" "man/bayerf.Rd" <snip>

[112] "R/tridy.R" "R/trigrid.R" "R/truehist.R" [115] "R/voda.tlak.R" "R/vodiv2rozkl.R" "R/warmcold.R" [118] "R/weighted.mean.R" "R/weighted.var.R" "R/write.excel.R" [121] "Read-and-delete-me"

I changed PATH by

PATH = D:\programy\Rtools\bin; D:\programy\Rtools\perl\bin; D:\programy\Rtools\MinGW\bin; D:\programy\R-2.10.0dev\bin; %PATH%

When I try to do

install.packages("D:/temp/fun", repos=NULL, type="source")
sh nenˇ n zvem vnitýnˇho ani vnŘjçˇho pýˇkazu,
spustiteln‚ho programu nebo d vkov‚ho souboru.
Warning message:
In install.packages("D:/temp/fun", repos = NULL, type = "source") :
  installation of package 'D:/temp/fun' had non-zero exit status

which basically tells that sh is not a name of command, exe or bat file.

There should be a sh.exe in d:\programy\Rtools\bin if that's where you installed the Rtools. Are you sure you have the path set the way you think you do? Remember that PATH is an environment variable, and environment variable settings are local: so setting the PATH in a CMD window has no effect on R or any other command window. You need to use the Control Panel to set the default system path, and then restart any process that needs to see it.

Duncan Murdoch

The same I get when I try to run

D:\temp R CMD INSTALL fun

Please can you give me any suggestion for making installation work. I remember when going from 1.9 to 2.0 versions it was also necessary to install my bunch of functions, however at that time I need to use something like make, make install or so and gather all necessary programs myself.

Best regards

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