Dear all

I have used permutational multivariate analysis of variance (adonis in package 
vegan) based on Bray-Curtis distances  to assess the signifance of carbon, 
nitrogen and more complex nutrient amendments on soil microbial community 
structure (microbial fatty acids).

I have identified signifant effects of nutrients and would like to know how to 
identify the fatty acids (microbial markers) that are associated with these 
differences.  So far I have used Pierre Legrendre's "Dufrene-Legendre Indicator 
Species Analysis" duleg in package 'labdsv' to do this (Calculates the 
indicator value (fidelity and relative abundance) of species in 
clusters or types).  However, I am not familiar with the implementation of this 
method and am concerned about the relevance of the output as  the 'indicator 
species' are not probably not based on Bray-Curtis distances.

Is there another way to identify fatty acids contributing to differences 
between my nutrient amendment groups?  For example, the output of the 
permutational multivariate analysis of variance (adonis) has the following 

                  6        data.frame     list   
call                    2        -none-           call   
coefficients        74       -none-           numeric
coef.sites           28       -none-          numeric
f.perms             999      -none-          numeric
model.matrix     28       -none-           numeric
terms                3         terms            call

Can I use the coefficients to select fatty acids that contribute to the 
differences between treatment? 


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