That info along with drop=FALSE seems to be a reasonable hack.

Thanks again-

Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> You can use names using your example ts series like this
>  x[, "Juan"]
> On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 11:04 AM, David Stoffer <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for the help.  My basic problem is that I have given my series
>> names,
>> but I still have to call them number 1, 2, and so on, to do things with
>> them.  If I want to compare "GNP" with "Private Investment", I have to
>> remember which columns contains those series.
>> The concern I have is that I'm giving these data sets to other people.
>> Now,
>> if give someone a data frame, I can ask them to compare John with Martha
>> without them having to know (or remember) that John's data are in column
>> 93
>> and Martha's are in column 22.  I'd like to do the same thing with a time
>> series matrix.
>> David
>> Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
>>> zoo objects can have one column with a heading and convert back
>>> faithfully to ts:
>>>> library(zoo)
>>>> as.zoo(x)[, 1, drop = FALSE]
>>>             Juan
>>> 1(1) -0.37415224
>>> 1(2) -0.30875111
>>> 1(3) -0.02617545
>>> 1(4) -0.45053564
>>> 2(1)  0.15173749
>>> 2(2)  1.38545761
>>> 2(3)  2.11594058
>>> 2(4) -0.84970010
>>> 3(1) -0.05944844
>>> 3(2)  1.27543030
>>>> tsp(x)
>>> [1] 1.00 3.25 4.00
>>>> tsp(as.ts(as.zoo(x)))
>>> [1] 1.00 3.25 4.00
>>> On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 11:15 PM, David Stoffer <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Suppose I have multiple time series with names for each one, for
>>>> example,
>>>> x <- ts(matrix(rnorm(30,0,1),10,3), names=c("Juan", "Tuey", "Trey"),
>>>> frequency=4)
>>>> So now, as I start to explore these series, if I do everything at once,
>>>> the
>>>> names
>>>> stay attached to the series.  For example,
>>>> plot(x) # gives a plot of the series with their names
>>>> acf(x)  # gives the ACFs & CCFs with names attached
>>>> But if I want to explore what's going on with Juan, from what I can
>>>> gather,
>>>> I have to do something like this
>>>> plot(x[,1])
>>>> (or acf(x[,1])... or similar things) but this doesn't keep the name
>>>> Juan.
>>>> My question: Is there a way, without making a data frame [which seems
>>>> to
>>>> destroy the
>>>> time series attributes(??) - this seems to be the only answer I can
>>>> find
>>>> on
>>>> Rhelp]
>>>> that allows me to keep track of the names?  That way, for example, I
>>>> don't
>>>> have to
>>>> remember that the 18th series is Martha.
>>>> x$Juan, x$Tuey, x$Trey, would be nice ... but that doesn't work.
>>>> Thanks in advance.
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