   Boy, to me that's one of those 'you have to know what it means to
know what it means' sort of things. Thanks for pointing it out though.
I appreciate it.


On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Bert Gunter <> wrote:
>  It **IS** stated explicitly, though perhaps not so obviously,  already in
> the help file,  In the "Note" section at the end it says:
> "... This means that the recorded call is always of the form FUN(X[[0L]],
> ...), with 0L replaced by the current integer index. ..."
> So you need to read more carefully ...
> Bert Gunter
> Genentech Nonclinical Statistics
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Mark Knecht
> Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 11:55 AM
> To: jim holtman
> Cc: r-help; Phil Spector
> Subject: Re: [R] lapply - value changes as parameters to function?
> Thanks Jim. That did the trick.
> I had wondered in passing about that as all the examples in the
> ?lapply page were pretty simple and each time it was the first
> argument. However I didn't read that this was a requirement so I
> didn't go there. Is this really stated and I just cannot see it or
> possibly should some extra verbiage be added. (Heck - it's Open Source
> - guess I could do it myself and submit it to who ever manages that
> stuff!)
> Again, thanks!
> Cheers,
> Mark
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 11:06 AM, jim holtman <> wrote:
>> Change the order of the parameters in your function so that Lookback
>> is the first one.  The first parameter of the lapply is what is passed
>> to the function as its first parameter.  Now just have
>> ResultList <- lapply(x, DoAvgCalcs, IndexData=IndexData,
>> SampleSize=TestSamples, Iteration=TestIterations)
>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Mark Knecht <> wrote:
>>> Phil,
>>>   Thanks for the reply. Your suggestion is actually the one I started
>>> with (assuming I'm understanding you) but I didn't seem to even get
>>> down into my function, or the error message is from other place within
>>> my function that I haven't discovered yet:
>>>> x = seq(5:20)
>>>> ResultList = lapply(x, DoAvgCalcs, IndexData, Lookback=x,
>  SampleSize=TestSamples , Iterations=TestIterations )
>>> Error in rep(NA, k) : invalid 'times' argument
>>>   I should write some fake code that gives you all the depth so we
>>> could jsut run it. If no on eelse sees the answer then I'll be back
>>> later with more code that completely runs.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mark
>>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Phil Spector
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Mark -
>>>>   The "l" in lapply refers to that fact that it will *return*
>>>> a list, not that it wants a list for input.  You could input a list, but
>>>> then each element of the list would be one of the values you wanted
>>>> processed.  So I think you want
>>>> x = seq(5:20)
>>>> ResultList = lapply(x, DoAvgCalcs, IndexData, Lookback=x,
>>>>                       SampleSize=TestSamples , Iterations=TestIterations
> )
>>>> This will return a list whose elements are the result of calling
>>>> the DoAvgCalcs function with each value contained in x.  If they
>>>> were all the same length, and you wanted them simplified to a matrix,
>>>> you could use sapply (s for simplify) instead of lapply (l for list).
>>>>                                        - Phil Spector
>>>>                                         Statistical Computing Facility
>>>>                                         Department of Statistics
>>>>                                         UC Berkeley
>>>> On Fri, 18 Sep 2009, Mark Knecht wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>  I'm trying to get better at things like lapply but it still stumps
>>>>> me. I have a function I've written, tested and debugged using
>>>>> individual calls to the function, ala:
>>>>> ResultList5  = DoAvgCalcs(IndexData, Lookback=5,
>>>>> SampleSize=TestSamples , Iterations=TestIterations )
>>>>> ResultList8  = DoAvgCalcs(IndexData, Lookback=8,
>>>>> SampleSize=TestSamples , Iterations=TestIterations )
>>>>> ResultList13 = DoAvgCalcs(IndexData, Lookback=13,
>>>>> SampleSize=TestSamples , Iterations=TestIterations )
>>>>> ResultList21 = DoAvgCalcs(IndexData, Lookback=21,
>>>>> SampleSize=TestSamples , Iterations=TestIterations )
>>>>> The function returns a list of numbers which I use for processing
>>>>> later. I'd like to run this on a longer list (100's of values for
>>>>> Lookback) so my thought was to try lapply but so far I cannot get the
>>>>> darn thing right.
>>>>>  Let's say I want to run the function on a string of values:
>>>>> BarTestList = list(seq(5:20))
>>>>> So my thought was something like:
>>>>> x = list(seq(5:20))
>>>>> ResultList = lapply(x, DoAvgCalcs, IndexData, Lookback=x,
>>>>> SampleSize=TestSamples , Iterations=TestIterations )
>>>>> which fails down lower complaining that what it's receiving for
>>>>> Lookback isn't an integer:
>>>>>> x = list(seq(5:20))
>>>>>> ResultList = lapply(x, DoAvgCalcs, IndexData, Lookback=x,
>>>>>>  SampleSize=TestSamples , Iterations=TestIterations )
>>>>> Error in MyLag(df$Close, Lookback) :
>>>>>  (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'integer'
>>>>>  Can someone suggest how to do this correctly?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Mark
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