First, dependent on how highly dimensional your data is, I would recommend inspecting it visually first. Does the step-function seem a reasonable assumption?
If I understand you correctly when you say, "piecewise linear which has the gradient constrained to zero," you mean dummy-variable coding for x>threshold. If you just have 5 values of x, I would do it by hand. However, you can also do it in a loop (see example below). Finally, there are tests that test the quality of non-nested model, e.g. the J-test. #random threshold threshold=round(runif(1,min=0,max=4)) #simulate x x=round(runif(1000,min=0,max=4)) #simulate error e=rnorm(1000,0,1) #create y that jumps at the threshold y=2*(x>threshold)+e #inspect plot(y~x) #Run regressions with all possible threshold levels x>threshold r.squared=NULL tested.threshold=NULL for(i in 1:(length(unique(x))-1)){ r.squared[i]=summary(lm(y~(x>(i-1))))$r.squared tested.threshold[i]=i-1 } #inspect r-squareds print(data.frame(tested.threshold,r.squared)) #Should indicate the highest r-squared #at the appropriate threshold level HTH, Daniel ------------------------- cuncta stricte discussurus ------------------------- -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: [] Im Auftrag von Daniel Brewer Gesendet: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 10:16 AM An: Betreff: [R] Fitting a linear model with a break point Hello, I would like to test some data to see whether it has the shape of a step function (i.e. y1 up until x_th and then y2 where x_th is the threshold). The threshold x_th is unknown and the x values can only take discrete values (0,1,2,3,4). An example would be: data<- data.frame(x=1:20,y=c(rnorm(10),rnorm(10,10))) I was thinking along the lines of fitting some sort of piiecewise linear model which has the gradient constrained to zero trying out all possible different threshold and taking the one with the least residuals. I am not sure how to implement this in R. Anyone got any ideas? Also is there a way of including the threshold in the actual model, so that could be estimated too? Thanks Dan -- ************************************************************** Daniel Brewer, Ph.D. Institute of Cancer Research Molecular Carcinogenesis Email: ************************************************************** The Institute of Cancer Research: Royal Cancer Hospital, a charitable Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England under Company No. 534147 with its Registered Office at 123 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 3RP. This e-mail message is confidential and for use by the a...{{dropped:9}} ______________________________________________ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.