CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week

New packages

* AICcmodavg (1.01)
  Marc J. Mazerolle

  This package includes functions to create model selection tables based
  on Akaike's information criterion (AIC) and the second-order AIC
  (AICc), as well as their quasi-likelihood counterparts (QAIC,
  QAICc).  Tables are printed with delta AIC and Akaike weights.  The
  package also includes functions to conduct model averaging
  (multimodel inference) for a given parameter of interest or
  predicted values.  Other handy functions enable the computation of
  relative variable importance, evidence ratios, and confidence sets
  for the best model. The present version works with lm, glm, and lme
  object classes.

* amer (0.5)
  Fabian Scheipl

  Fitting generalized additive mixed models based on the mixed model
  algorithm of lme4

* frbf (0.9)
  Fernando Martins

  Flexible kernerl for radial basis function network implementation.

* GGMselect (0.1-0)
  Annie Bouvier

  GGMselect is a package dedicated to graph estimation in Gaussian
  Graphical Models. The main functions return the adjacency matrix of
  an undirected graph estimated from a data matrix.

* lemma (1.2-1)
  Haim Bar

  LEMMA is used to detect "nonnull genes" - genes for which the average
  response in treatment group 1 is significantly different from the
  average response in group 2, in normalized microarray data. LEMMA is
  an implementation of an approximate EM algorithm to estimate the
  parameters in the assumed linear model in Bar, Booth, Schifano,
  Wells (2009).

Updated packages

AICcmodavg (1.01), betareg (2.0-0), BioIDMapper (1.2), boolean
(2.0-1), boolean (2.0-0), boot (1.2-39), cem (1.0.111), clue (0.3-30),
DAKS (2.0-0), dcemri (0.10.5), dplR (, drc (1.7-7), epicalc
(, etm (0.4-6), exams (1.0-2), feature (1.2.4), GenABEL
(1.4-4), gnumeric (0.5-2), gputools (0.1-3), hash (0.40), Hmisc
(3.7-0), Iso (0.0-7), ISOcodes (0.2-5), KernSmooth (2.23-3),
longitudinalData (0.6), mapReduce (1.02), MCMCglmm (1.11), meta
(1.0-6), mhsmm (0.3.0), multmod (0.5), nleqslv (1.5), nlme (3.1-94),
OAIHarvester (0.0-5), orientlib (0.9.3), phmm (0.6), R.matlab (1.2.5),
rainbow (1.4), Rcplex (0.2-3), relations (0.5-4), rgdal (0.6-17),
Rmpfr (0.1-6), RWeka (0.3-21), sdef (1.2), SigWinR (1.0.1), simecol
(0.6-9), simFrame (0.1.1), skmeans (0.1-1), Snowball (0.0-7), spgrass6
(0.6-8), spgrass6 (0.6-9), SubpathwayMiner (2.0), tau (0.0-3), tau
(0.0-2), TeachingSampling (1.0.2), tsDyn (0.7-1), tseries (0.10-19),
ttrTests (1.1), YourCast (1.1-2)

New reviews

* wavethresh, by cranktastic

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