On Sat, 22 Aug 2009, Noah Silverman wrote:

And, of course that leads me to another question...

With svm {e1071} I can ask the predict function to give me probabilities
with lrm {Desigh} I can ask  the predict function to give me probabilities

I can't see how to do this with clogit.

Would someone be kind enough to explain the output options. (I can see one that is a probability option.)

Well, in the absence of bugs in predict.coxph you could do something like

        fit <- clogit( winner ~ strata( heat ) + x )
        new.preds <- predict( fit ,newdata=newdat, type = 'expected')

but this fails for survival_2.35-4. (IIRC, the maintainer knows this and there was recent correspondence here or on R-devel about this bug)

So you will have to work around this.

Something like

        clogit.response <- function(x) Surv( I( rep(1, length(x)) ), x )
        fit <- coxph( clogit.response( winner ) ~ strata( heat ) + x )
        new.preds <- ave(
                        predict( fit ,newdata=newdat, type = 'risk'),
                        newdat$heat, FUN=prop.table )

Ought to do it.





On 8/22/09 10:57 AM, Charles C. Berry wrote:
 On Fri, 21 Aug 2009, Noah Silverman wrote:

>  Hi,
> > For fun, I'm trying to throw some horse racing data into either an svm > or lrm model. Curious to see what comes out as there are so many > published papers on this. > > One thing I don't know how to do is to standardize the probabilities by > race.

 This sounds closer to the conditional logit model.

 However, if I recall correctly there is an assumption that in the models
 of choice literature is stated something like 'independence of
 alternatives that are unavailable'.  That assumption might not hold in a
 horse race where the speed at which a horse runs may depend on what horses
 she is running against.




   title={{Conditional logit analysis of qualitative choice behavior}},
   author={McFadden, D.},
   journal={Frontiers in econometrics},

 BTW, Professor McFadden has a quintessentially American biography:


 He mentions his personal background in farming and awards won for his
 'sheep and geese', but alas does not mention horses or racing.



> > For example, if I train an LRM on a bunch of variable I get a model. I > can then get probability predictions from the model. That works. > > It seems to me, that for a given race (8-12 horses) the probabilites of > my predictions should sum to one. > > 1) Is there some way to train the LRM to evaluate and then model the > subsequent date "per race"?? (Perhaps indicate some kind of grouping > variable? > > 2) Alternately, if I just run my data through a "standard" LRM, is there > some way to then "normalize" the probabilities in a correct way for each > upcoming race? > > I've done some extensive research in this area and would be willing to > discuss more details offline with someone if they could contribute to > the process. > > Thanks!! > > -N > > ______________________________________________
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 Charles C. Berry                            (858) 534-2098
                                             Dept of Family/Preventive
 E mailto:cbe...@tajo.ucsd.edu                UC San Diego
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Charles C. Berry                            (858) 534-2098
                                            Dept of Family/Preventive Medicine
E mailto:cbe...@tajo.ucsd.edu               UC San Diego
http://famprevmed.ucsd.edu/faculty/cberry/  La Jolla, San Diego 92093-0901

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