Roslina Zakaria wrote:
Hi r-users,

I want to use the sn package but I got the following message:

Warning: package 'sn' is in use and will not be installed
updating HTML package descriptions

I did tried to do it a few times but it gives the same message.

Well sn is loaded. Try to start R without loading "sn" at startup and install again.

Uwe Ligges

From: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 7:30:06 PM
Subject: R-help Digest, Vol 75, Issue 28

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Today's Topics:

  1. Intra-observer reliability (Shreyasee)
  2. Re: Constrained fits: y~a+b*x-c*x^2, with a,b,c >=0
      (Berwin A Turlach)
  3.  Multiple ANOVA tests (Imri)
  4..  r-plot (durden10)
  5.  Multivariate Transformations (Hollix)
  6. Re: Neural Network resource (Tony Breyal)
  7. How to write a loop? (Maithili Shiva)
  8. How to exclude a column by name? (Zeljko Vrba)
  9. Re: How to write a loop? (Linlin Yan)
  10. Re: How to exclude a column by name? (Linlin Yan)
  11. Re: How to exclude a column by name? (Paul Hiemstra)
  12. Re: How to exclude a column by name? (Zeljko Vrba)
  13. Re: How to exclude a column by name? (Peter Dalgaard)
  14. Re: Multiple ANOVA tests (Mike Lawrence)
  15. Re: r-plot (Gavin Simpson)
  16. Re: Intra-observer reliability (Gavin Simpson)
  17. Re: Intra-observer reliability (Jim Lemon)
  18. file.move? (Stefan Uhmann)
  19. Re: Intra-observer reliability (Shreyasee)
  20. Re: Intra-observer reliability (Shreyasee)
  21. Re: Constrained fits: y~a+b*x-c*x^2, with a,b,c >=0 (Liaw, Andy)
  22. Re: How to exclude a column by name? (Henrique Dallazuanna)
  23. Re: r-plot (
  24. Re: Harmonic Analysis (Uwe Ligges)
  25. Problem with adding labels in ggplot2 (Zeljko Vrba)
  26. Full likelihood from survreg (Ullrika Sahlin)
  27. Re: Multiple ANOVA tests (Imri)
  28. Re: Problem with adding labels in ggplot2 (Zeljko Vrba)
  29. Re: split strings (Monica Pisica)
  30. Re: Multivariate Transformations (stephen sefick)
  31. Sort matrix by column 1 ascending then by column 2 decending
      (Paul Geeleher)
  32. Re: moving from Windows to Linux - need help (Millo Giovanni)
  33. Warning message as a result of logistic regression performed
      (Winter, Katherine)
  34. Re: C4.5 implementation in R (Lazy Tiger)
  35. Re: Multiple ANOVA tests (Mike Lawrence)
  36. Re: r-plot (Jim Lemon)
  37. Re: Harmonic Analysis (stephen sefick)
  38. Re: Sort matrix by column 1 ascending then by column 2
      decending (Henrique Dallazuanna)
  39. Hierarchical glm with binomial family (Johan Stenberg)
  40. Re: optim() question (John C Nash)
  41. Re: Harmonic Analysis (Gerard M. Keogh)
  42. Re: How to write a loop? (Andrew Dolman)
  43. Re: file.move? (Prof Brian Ripley)
  44. Re: Sort matrix by column 1 ascending then by column 2
      decending (Paul Geeleher)
  45. Defining functions - an interesting problem (utkarshsinghal)
  46. Re: Hierarchical glm with binomial family (Ben Bolker)
  47. Re: Warning message as a result of logistic regression
      performed (Gavin Simpson)
  48. Re: Multivariate Transformations (Gavin Simpson)
  49. Re: How to exclude a column by name? (Stavros Macrakis)
  50. Re: Neural Network resource (Indrajit Sengupta)
  51. Re: Defining functions - an interesting problem (Thomas Lumley)
  52. Re: Defining functions - an interesting problem (Gavin Simpson)
  53. Re: Defining functions - an interesting problem (utkarshsinghal)
  54. R in Ubunto (R Heberto Ghezzo, Dr)
  55. vegan metaMDS question (stephen sefick)
  56. Re: Neural Network resource (Max Kuhn)
  57. Re: How to exclude a column by name? (Dieter Menne)
  58. Re: R in Ubunto (stephen sefick)
  59. Re: Defining functions - an interesting problem (Stavros Macrakis)
  60. Re: R in Ubunto (Jeff Newmiller)
  61. Object-oriented programming in R (Luc Villandre)
  62. Changing point color/character in qqmath (Kevin W)
  63. Re: Hierarchical glm with binomial family (Douglas Bates)
  64. Re: Sort matrix by column 1 ascending then by column 2
      decending (Linlin Yan)
  65. Deviance explined in GAMM, library mgcv (Berta Ib??ez)
  66. How to set a filter during reading tables (
  67. Re: How to exclude a column by name? (Wacek Kusnierczyk)
  68. Labeling barplot bars by multiple factors (Thomas Levine)
  69. Re: vegan metaMDS question (Gavin Simpson)
  70. Re: Sort matrix by column 1 ascending then by column 2
      decending (Kevin W)
  71. Re: R in Ubunto (Jarek Jasiewicz)
  72. Re: Sort matrix by column 1 ascending then by column 2
      decending (Duncan Murdoch)
  73. Re: Labeling barplot bars by multiple factors (Mike Lawrence)
  74. alternative to built-in data editor (Jose Quesada)
  75. no internal function "int.unzip" in R 2.9.0 for Windows
      (Carson, John)
  76. "Error: package/namespace load failed" (Rebecca Sela)
  77. contour lines on persp plot (Jack Siegrist)
  78. Re: Neural Network resource (Indrajit Sengupta)
  79. Re: alternative to built-in data editor (Peter Dalgaard)
  80.  r-plot 2nd attempt (durden10)
  81. R-beta: Re:Stats Seminar 18/02/98 (Roland Chariatte)
  82.  problem with cbind (kayj)
  83. interpretation of the likelihood ratio test under *R* GLM
      (Michael Menke)
  84. how do I get to be a member? (Michael Menke)
  85. RWeka  weka.core.SerializationHelper.write (Christian)
  86. RWeka  weka.core.SerializationHelper.write (Christian)
  87. Re: Loop avoidance and logical subscripts (retama)
  88. Re: Neural Network resource (Tony Breyal)
  89. invert axis persp plot (Jack Siegrist)
  90. a simple trick to get autoclose parenthesis on windows
      (Jose Quesada)
  91. Re: no internal function "int.unzip" in R 2.9.0 for Windows
      (Romain Francois)
  92. reduce size of plot inside window and place legend beside
      plot (Wade Wall)
  93. ggplot2 adding vertical line at a certain date (stephen sefick)
  94. Re: reduce size of plot inside window and place legend beside
      plot (baptiste auguie)
  95. Factor level with no cases shows up in a plot (Arthur Burke)
  96. R Books listing on R-Project (Stavros Macrakis)
  97. Re: Factor level with no cases shows up in a plot
  98. Re: Still can't find missing data (Farley, Robert)
  99. Re: "Error: package/namespace load failed" (Martin Morgan)
  100. Re: alternative to built-in data editor (Greg Snow)
  101. Re: R Books listing on R-Project (G. Jay Kerns)
  102. Axis label spanning multiple plots (Andre Nathan)
  103. Re: how do I get to be a member? ( (Ted Harding))
  104. Re: r-plot 2nd attempt (Gavin Simpson)
  105. Re: Axis label spanning multiple plots (Greg Snow)
  106. Re: how do I get to be a member? (Gavin Simpson)
  107. Re: Factor level with no cases shows up in a plot (Stefan Grosse)
  108. R:  Harmonic Analysis (
  109. Re: Changing point color/character in qqmath (Kevin W)
  110. Re: Linear Regression with Constraints (Emmanuel Charpentier)
  111. boxplot (
  112. Re: R:  Harmonic Analysis (stephen sefick)
  113. Re: boxplot (stephen sefick)
  114. lattice::xyplot axis padding with fontfamily="mono"
      (Benjamin Tyner)
  115. How do I get removed from this mailing list? (Andrey Lyalko)
  116. Re: RGoogleDocs: can now see documents but cannot get
      content. (Farrel Buchinsky)
  117. Re: How do I get removed from this mailing list? (Duncan Murdoch)
  118. Replace is leaking? (Zhou Fang)
  119.  question about using a remote system (Erin Hodgess)
  120. Re: Replace is leaking? (Zhou Fang)
  121. Re: Replace is leaking? (Rolf Turner)
  122. Re: problem with cbind (jim holtman)
  123. Re: problem with cbind (Gabor Grothendieck)
  124. Re: R Books listing on R-Project (Ben Bolker)
  125. R help (mohsin ali)
  126. R: R:  Harmonic Analysis (
  127. Interaction plots as lines or bars? (Michael Kubovy)
  128. PBSmapping problems with importGSHHS (Tim Clark)
  129. Re: R Books listing on R-Project (G. Jay Kerns)
  130. Unable to load R (anupam sinha)
  131. Re: Unable to load R (Zeljko Vrba)
  132. Re: Interaction plots as lines or bars? (Dieter Menne)
  133. Re: question about using a remote system ( (Ted Harding))
  134. Re: alternative to built-in data editor (Dieter Menne)
  135. Re: question about using a remote system (Mark Wardle)
  136. Re: How do I get removed from this mailing list? (Peter Dalgaard)
  137. "1L" and "0L" (bogaso.christofer)
  138. Re: Object-oriented programming in R (Mark Wardle)
  139. Re: How do I get removed from this mailing list? (Peter Dalgaard)
  140. Re: How do I get removed from this mailing list?
      (Wacek Kusnierczyk)
  141. Re: ggplot2 adding vertical line at a certain date (Ivan Alves)
  142. optima in unimode (
  143. Re: "1L" and "0L" (Gavin Simpson)
  144. Re: How do I get removed from this mailing list? (Gavin Simpson)
  145. Re: optima in unimode (Gavin Simpson)
  146. Re: Unable to load R (anupam sinha)
  147. Re: Unable to load R (Zeljko Vrba)
  148. Re: R help (
  149. Delta Kronecker (FMH)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 18:08:07 +0800
From: Shreyasee <>
Subject: [R] Intra-observer reliability
Content-Type: text/plain


I searched a lot on the internet but was unable to find the function for
calculating the kappa statistics for intra-observer reliabilty.
Can anybody help me in the this regards.


    [[alternative HTML version deleted]]


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 18:09:27 +0800
From: Berwin A Turlach <>
Subject: Re: [R] Constrained fits: y~a+b*x-c*x^2, with a,b,c >=0
Message-ID: <20090527180927.1814b...@berwin-nus1>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

G'day Alex,

On Wed, 27 May 2009 11:51:39 +0200
Alex van der Spek <> wrote:

I wonder whether R has methods for constrained fitting of linear

I am trying fm<-lm(y~x+I(x^2), data=dat) which most of the time gives
indeed the coefficients of an inverted parabola. I know in advance
that it has to be an inverted parabola with the maximum constrained to
positive (or zero) values of x.

The help pages for lm do not contain any info on constrained fitting.

Does anyone know how to?

Look at the package nnls on CRAN.

According to your subject line, you are trying to solve what is known
as a quadratic program, and there are at least two quadratic
programming solvers (ipop in kernlab and solve.qp in quadprog)
available for R.




=========================== Full address =============================
Berwin A Turlach                            Tel.: +65 6516 4416 (secr)
Dept of Statistics and Applied Probability        +65 6516 6650 (self)
Faculty of Science FAX : +65 6872 3919 National University of Singapore 6 Science Drive 2, Blk S16, Level 7 e-mail:
Singapore 117546          


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 03:11:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: Imri <>
Subject: [R]  Multiple ANOVA tests
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hi all -
I'm trying to do multiple one-way ANOVA tests of different factors on the
same variable. As a result I have a list with all the ANOVA tables, for

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: MPH
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) x 3 369.9 123.3 6.475 0.0002547 *** Residuals 635 12093.2 19.0 --- Signif. codes: 0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0..01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: MPH
          Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
x          1    26.7    26.7  1.3662 0.2429
Residuals 637 12436.4 19.5
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: MPH
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) x 3 527.8 175.9 9.361 4.621e-06 *** Residuals 635 11935.3 18.8 --- Signif. codes: 0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1
My question is how can I extract from this list, just the Pr(>F) values for
each x ?


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