Thanks to Deepayan, I have a corrected version of how to color points in a
qqmath plot according to another variable.  Using the barley data for a more
concise example::

qqmath(~ yield | variety, data = barley, groups=year,
      prepanel = function(x, ...) {
          list(xlim = range(qnorm(ppoints(length(x)))))
      panel = function(x, ...) {
          xx <- qnorm(ppoints(length(x)))[order(x)]
          panel.xyplot(x = xx, y = x, ...)

The example I posted previously (and shown below) is not correct.  My


On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Kevin W <> wrote:

> Having solved this problem, I am posting this so that the next time I
> search for how to do this I will find an answer...
> Using qqmath(..., groups=num) creates a separate qq distribution for each
> group (within a panel).  Using the 'col' or 'pch' argument does not
> (usually) work because panel.qqmath sorts the data (but not 'col' or 'pch')
> before plotting.  Sorting the data before calling qqmath will ensure that
> the sorting does not change the order of the data.
> For example, to obtain one distribution per voice part and color the point
> by part 1 or part 2:
> library(lattice)
> singer <- singer
> singer <- singer[order(singer$height),]
> singer$part <- factor(sapply(strsplit(as.character(singer$voice.part),
> split = " "), "[", 1),
>          levels = c("Bass", "Tenor", "Alto", "Soprano"))
> singer$num <- factor(sapply(strsplit(as.character(singer$voice.part), split
> = " "), "[", 2))
> qqmath(~ height | part, data = singer,
>        col=singer$num,
>        layout=c(4,1))
> Kevin

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