I think what in my experience is the most common causen for R code
being confined to one platform has not yet been mentioned: it needs a
package that is only available on one platform: of CRAN/BioC packages
that is only a small proprtion, but out of 2000 a small proportion is
still tens.
On Thu, 26 Feb 2009, ted.hard...@manchester.ac.uk wrote:
There is one MAJOR issue you will have to watch out for, far more
likely to turn up than calls like system().
Not in my experience, and definitely not in well-written code.
Programmers should let users manage devices for themselves.
This is that, if you want to have two or more plotting windows
in use at the same time, while the first one is autoatically
opened by the plot() command, you will have to open additional
ones explcitily.
This is what dev.new() is for: it is cross-platform.
But if X11() or x11() has been used, that will work on Windows
(although not for all arguments), and has since 1998.
We do occasionally see problems in packaees where exmaples try to
open a specific device at a specific size: that may simply be
impossible on the user's machine.
In Linux, the command is X11() [possibly with paramaters, though
usually you don't need to bother].
In Windows, it is windows() [ditto].
I run R on Linux, so use the X11() command. However, If I write
a script which would also be run on a Windows system, I write
using windows() in the first instance, but with a conditional
"alias" to X11():
windows <- function( ... ) X11( ... )
and put this at the beginning of the code file. Then, if the code
is run on a Windows machine, the function call windows() does the
Windows thing; but if the code is run on Linux then the above test
detects that, and defines a function windows() which does the same
as X11().
On 26-Feb-09 01:25:36, Sherri Heck wrote:
i am asking if, in general, r code can be written on a linux-based
system and then run on a windows-based system.
Rolf Turner wrote:
On 26/02/2009, at 2:08 PM, Sherri Heck wrote:
Dear All-
I have been given some Rcode that was written using a Linux OS, but I
use Windows-based R. The person that is giving it to me said that it
needs to run on a Linux system. Does anyone have any insight and/or
verify this. I haven't yet obtained the code, so I haven't been able
try it yet.
Despite the knowledge, wisdom, insight, skill, good looks, and other
admirable characteristics of the members of the R-help list, few of
us are skilled in telepathy or clairvoyance.
Rolf Turner
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Date: 26-Feb-09 Time: 03:58:35
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