Deal All

I am terribly sorry for forgetting to provide a toy example. Obviously
it can not reproduce the problem of the running  t ime.



 y1 = rnorm(100,0,1)

 anov1=lm(c(as.vector(y1))~as.factor(x1)+  as.factor(x1)/as.factor(z1))



lm(formula = c(as.vector(y1)) ~ as.factor(x1) +


     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max

-2.48430 -0.64636  0.02539  0.60281  2.11850

Coefficients: (14 not defined because of singularities)

                              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept)                    0.05042    0.27660   0.182    0.856

as.factor(x1)2                -0.17378    0.38357  -0.453    0.652

as.factor(x1)3                 0.08791    0.33650   0.261    0.794

as.factor(x1)1:as.factor(z1)2  0.13258    0.38357   0.346    0.730

as.factor(x1)2:as.factor(z1)2       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)3:as.factor(z1)2       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)1:as.factor(z1)3       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)2:as.factor(z1)3 -0.22248    0.38357  -0.580    0.563

as.factor(x1)3:as.factor(z1)3       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)1:as.factor(z1)4       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)2:as.factor(z1)4       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)3:as.factor(z1)4       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)1:as.factor(z1)5       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)2:as.factor(z1)5       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)3:as.factor(z1)5 -0.07494    0.33650  -0.223    0.824

as.factor(x1)1:as.factor(z1)6       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)2:as.factor(z1)6       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)3:as.factor(z1)6 -0.38572    0.32763  -1.177    0.242

as.factor(x1)1:as.factor(z1)7       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)2:as.factor(z1)7       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)3:as.factor(z1)7       NA         NA      NA       NA

Residual standard error: 0.9582 on 93 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-Squared: 0.03819,    Adjusted R-squared: -0.02386

F-statistic: 0.6154 on 6 and 93 DF,  p-value: 0.7174

Dear R users,
I have posted this question several days ago and received not a single
suggestion. I believe I have provided sufficient information for at
least some help. Here I repost the question with several modifications.

I want to run nested fixed-factor Anova in R on different experiments.
I have 48 levels of the main factor x1 and 242 levels of the nested
factor z1, and continuous response variable y1 with around 15.000 data
points. There is no interaction between specification of the main factor
and nested factor levels.

When I run lm on using nested design
anov1=lm(c(as.vector(y1))~as.factor(x1)+  as.factor(x1)/as.factor(z1))

I get a warning


Coefficients: (..  not defined because of singularities). I obtain
interaction between factors that should not be included because of the
nested design. Furthermore, the running time takes more than 7 hours!

Why R includes the interactions that are not part of the model? Is it
because R solves anova via least squares that requires matrix inversion?
Is there any way to specify the model so that only matrices for each
level of the first factor are inverted so that no computations

Many thanks for your help in advance!

Coefficients: (... not defined because of singularities)

                              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept)                    -0.1759     0.3226  -0.545   0.5869

as.factor(x1)2                 -0.1276     0.4473  -0.285   0.7762

as.factor(x1)3                  0.6461     0.4785   1.350   0.1802

as.factor(x1)1:as.factor(z1)2   0.1049     0.4473   0.234   0.8151

as.factor(x1)2:as.factor(z1)2       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)3:as.factor(z1)2       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)1:as.factor(z1)3       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)2:as.factor(z1)3   1.1520     0.4473   2.575   0.0116 *

as.factor(x1)3:as.factor(z1)3       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)1:as.factor(z1)4       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)2:as.factor(z1)4       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)3:as.factor(z1)4       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)1:as.factor(z1)5       NA         NA      NA       NA

as.factor(x1)2:as.factor(z1)5       NA         NA      NA       NA

Sergii Ivakhno

PhD student

Computational Biology Group
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute
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