Hello, I'm using a 64bit Linux with 16GB of RAM. I'd like to limit the memory that the R process can use so I'm trying to use --max-vsize switch. However, it is seems that I can't enforce a limit above 2GB.
shl...@hippo:~$ uname -a Linux hippo 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 12:47:45 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux This WORKS: -------------------- shl...@hippo:~$ R --max-vsize=250M -e "mem.limits()" R version 2.6.2 (2008-02-08) Copyright (C) 2008 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > mem.limits() nsize vsize NA 2097152008 > But this DOESNT --------------------------- shl...@hippo:~$ R --max-vsize=260M -e "mem.limits()" R version 2.6.2 (2008-02-08) Copyright (C) 2008 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > mem.limits() nsize vsize NA NA > I'd appreciate any insights how to set the limit correctly. Also, I'm assuming that enforcing memory limits by setting the shell ulimits is not equivalent to setting the mem limits within R since gc behaviour is dependent on vsize and nsize limits, right? Thanks, Shlomo ______________________________________________ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.