I am sorting through model selection process for first time and want to make
sure that I have used glm, stepAIC, and update correctly.  Something is
strange because I get a different result between: 

1) a glm of 12 predictor variables followed by a stepAIC where all
interactions are considered and then an update to remove one specific


2) entering all the terms individually in a glm (exept the one that I
removed with update and 4 others like it but which did not make it to final
model anyway), and then running stepAIC.  

Why do these processes not yield same model?   

Here are all the details if helpful:
I start with 12 potential predictor variables, 7 "primary" terms and 5
additional that are I(primary_terms^2).  I run a glm for these 12 and then
do stepAIC (BIC actually) both directions.  The scope argument is
scope=list(upper=~.^2,lower=NULL).  This means there are 78 predictor terms
considered, the 12 primary terms and 66 interactions [n(n+1)/2].  I see this
with trace=T also.  Here is the code used:

>glm1<-glm(formula = PRESENCE == "1" ~ SNOW + I(SNOW^2) + POP_DEN + ROAD_DE
I(TREECOV^2),family = binomial, data = wolv)
>    summary(stepglm2)
>    extractAIC(stepglm2,k=log(4828))   

This results in a 15 term model with a BIC of 3758.659

>    Coefficients:
>                            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
>    (Intercept)           -4.983e+01  9.263e+00  -5.379 7.50e-08 ***
>    SNOW                   6.085e-02  8.641e-03   7.041 1.90e-12 ***
>    ROAD_DE               -5.637e-01  1.192e-01  -4.730 2.24e-06 ***
>    ADJELEV                2.880e-02  7.457e-03   3.863 0.000112 ***
>    I(ADJELEV^2)          -4.038e-06  1.487e-06  -2.715 0.006618 ** 
>    TRI                    5.675e-02  1.081e-02   5.248 1.54e-07 ***
>    I(TRI^2)              -1.713e-03  4.243e-04  -4.036 5.43e-05 ***
>    EDGE                   6.418e-03  1.697e-03   3.782 0.000156 ***
>    TREECOV                1.680e-01  2.929e-02   5.735 9.76e-09 ***
>    SNOW:ADJELEV          -4.313e-05  6.935e-06  -6.219 5.00e-10 ***
>    ADJELEV:TREECOV       -6.628e-05  1.161e-05  -5.711 1.13e-08 ***
>    SNOW:I(ADJELEV^2)      7.437e-09  1.384e-09   5.373 7.74e-08 ***
>    TRI:I(TRI^2)           1.321e-06  3.419e-07   3.863 0.000112 ***
>    I(ADJELEV^2):I(TRI^2) -2.127e-10  5.745e-11  -3.702 0.000214 ***
>    ADJELEV:I(TRI^2)       1.029e-06  3.004e-07   3.424 0.000617 ***
>    SNOW:TRI               1.057e-05  3.372e-06   3.135 0.001721 ** 

The final model included a the TRI:I(TRI^2) term, which is effectively a
cubic function.  So this was removed because cubic's were not considered for
all variables.  I used update to remove TRI:I(TRI^2).  Code:

>    summary(stepglm3)
>    extractAIC(stepglm3,k=log(4828))

This results in a 14 term model with a BIC of 3770.172.  The BIC is a little
higher, but the cubic term improved fit and is no longer in, so expected.

>                            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
>    (Intercept)           -5.329e+01  9.267e+00  -5.750 8.92e-09 ***
>    SNOW                   6.241e-02  8.695e-03   7.178 7.06e-13 ***
>    ROAD_DE               -5.756e-01  1.184e-01  -4.863 1.16e-06 ***
>    ADJELEV                3.233e-02  7.452e-03   4.338 1.44e-05 ***
>    I(ADJELEV^2)          -4.724e-06  1.487e-06  -3.177 0.001489 ** 
>    TRI                    1.834e-02  5.402e-03   3.395 0.000687 ***
>    I(TRI^2)              -1.122e-03  3.920e-04  -2.863 0.004190 ** 
>    EDGE                   6.344e-03  1.690e-03   3.754 0.000174 ***
>    TREECOV                1.745e-01  2.923e-02   5.969 2.39e-09 ***
>    SNOW:ADJELEV          -4.444e-05  6.984e-06  -6.363 1.98e-10 ***
>    ADJELEV:TREECOV       -6.885e-05  1.160e-05  -5.937 2.90e-09 ***
>    SNOW:I(ADJELEV^2)      7.681e-09  1.395e-09   5.506 3.67e-08 ***
>    I(ADJELEV^2):I(TRI^2) -1.839e-10  5.692e-11  -3.232 0.001231 ** 
>    ADJELEV:I(TRI^2)       8.860e-07  2.974e-07   2.979 0.002892 ** 
>    SNOW:TRI               1.219e-05  3.260e-06   3.740 0.000184 ***

This all seems to be as it should.  I then decided to try and confim this
result by running a glm without any of the 5 potential cubic terms ( note -
TRI:I(TRI^2) was the only one that made it into the final model but there
were 5 potential).  After entering the 73 potential terms (12 primary
vaiables and now 66 minus 5 interactions = 73 total), the glm and stepAIC
produces a completely different final model.  It has 8 variables that were
not in the model that was chosen with scope statement and manually removing
TRI:TRI^2, and it is missing 7 variables that were in the model chosen with
the scope statement.  It has 8 variables that were in both.  Code and

>glmalt1b<-glm(formula = PRESENCE =="1" ~
COV^2)+TREECOV+I(TREECOV^2), family=binomial, data=wolv)
>            summary(glmalt1b)
>            stepglmalt2b<-stepAIC(glmalt1b, trace=T, k=log(4828),
direction="both")  #BIC
>            summary(stepglmalt2b)
>            extractAIC(stepglmalt2b,k=log(4828))
>                                  Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
>       (Intercept)               -1.995e+01  7.499e+00  -2.660 0.007819 ** 
>       SNOW                       1.641e-02  4.881e-03   3.363 0.000772 ***
>       I(SNOW^2)                  2.238e-05  4.729e-06   4.732 2.22e-06 ***
>       ROAD_DE                   -5.619e-01  1.187e-01  -4.733 2.21e-06 ***
>       ADJELEV                    4.361e-03  5.876e-03   0.742 0.457966    
>       I(ADJELEV^2)               1.001e-06  1.165e-06   0.859 0.390257    
>       TRI                       -1.982e-01  6.066e-02  -3.268 0.001083 ** 
>       I(TRI^2)                  -6.842e-05  1.868e-05  -3.664 0.000249 ***
>       I(EDGE^2)                  6.321e-05  2.119e-05   2.983 0.002857 ** 
>       I(TREECOV^2)               2.947e-03  4.984e-04   5.912 3.38e-09 ***
>       SNOW:ADJELEV              -6.244e-06  1.959e-06  -3.187 0.001438 ** 
>       SNOW:TRI                   1.018e-05  3.403e-06   2.991 0.002778 ** 
>       I(SNOW^2):ADJELEV         -1.852e-08  3.477e-09  -5.326 1.00e-07 ***
>       I(SNOW^2):I(ADJELEV^2)     3.726e-12  6.771e-13   5.503 3.73e-08 ***
>       ADJELEV:TRI                1.887e-04  4.895e-05   3.855 0.000116 ***
>       I(ADJELEV^2):TRI          -4.010e-08  9.697e-09  -4.135 3.55e-05 ***
>       I(ADJELEV^2):I(TREECOV^2) -4.532e-10  7.727e-11  -5.865 4.48e-09 ***

If anyone can tell me why this is different I would greatly appreciate it.
Also, why does this last model include terms that are not significant?  



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