Hi all,
does anyone know how to automatically update starting values in R?
I' m fitting multiple nonlinear models and would like to know how I can update 
starting values without having to type them in.
thank all

--- On Fri, 12/26/08, r-help-requ...@r-project.org 
<r-help-requ...@r-project.org> wrote:

From: r-help-requ...@r-project.org <r-help-requ...@r-project.org>
Subject: R-help Digest, Vol 70, Issue 26
To: r-help@r-project.org
Date: Friday, December 26, 2008, 6:00 AM

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of R-help digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Implementing a linear restriction in lm() (Ravi Varadhan)
   2. p(H0|data) for lm/lmer-objects R (Leo G?rtler)
   3. Re: beginner data.frame question (Oliver Bandel)
   4. Re: 4 questions regarding hypothesis testing, survey package,
      ts on samples, plotting (Thomas Lumley)
   5. Re: How can I avoid nested 'for' loops or quicken the
      process? (Oliver Bandel)
   6. Re: 4 questions regarding hypothesis testing, survey package,
      ts on samples, plotting (Peter Dalgaard)
   7. Re: 4 questions regarding hypothesis testing, survey package,
      ts on samples, plotting (Ben Bolker)
   8. Re: Class and object problem (Ben Bolker)
   9. Re: 4 questions regarding hypothesis testing, survey package,
      ts on samples, plotting (Peter Dalgaard)
  10. Re: p(H0|data) for lm/lmer-objects R (Daniel Malter)
  11. Re: Implementing a linear restriction in lm() (Daniel Malter)
  12. Re: p(H0|data) for lm/lmer-objects R (Andrew Robinson)
  13.  Percent damage distribution (diegol)
  14. Re: ggplot2 Xlim (Wayne F)
  15. Re: creating standard curves for ELISA analysis (1Rnwb)
  16. Re: Percent damage distribution (Ben Bolker)
  17. Re: How can I avoid nested 'for' loops or quicken the
      process? (Prof Brian Ripley)
  18. Re: Percent damage distribution (Prof Brian Ripley)
  19. Upgrading R causes Tinn-R to freeze. (rkevinbur...@charter.net)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 11:39:33 -0500
From: Ravi Varadhan <rvarad...@jhmi.edu>
Subject: Re: [R] Implementing a linear restriction in lm()
To: Serguei Kaniovski <serguei.kaniov...@wifo.ac.at>
Cc: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch
Message-ID: <f5bef5b03d6.49537...@johnshopkins.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1


You could use the "offset" argument in lm().  Here is an example:

x <- runif(50)
beta <- 1
y <- 2 + beta*x + rnorm(50)

model1 <- lm (y ~ x)
model2 <- lm (y ~ 1, offset=x)

anova(model2, model1)


Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,
Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University

Ph. (410) 502-2619
email: rvarad...@jhmi.edu

----- Original Message -----
From: Serguei Kaniovski <serguei.kaniov...@wifo.ac.at>
Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 9:39 pm
Subject: [R] Implementing a linear restriction in lm()
To: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch

>  Dear All!
>  I want to test a coeffcient restriction beta=1 in a univariate model 
> lm
>  (y~x). Entering
>  lm((y-x)~1) does not help since anova test requires the same dependent
>  variable. What is the right way to proceed?
>  Thank you for your help and marry xmas,
>  Serguei Kaniovski
>  ________________________________________
>  Austrian?Institute?of?Economic?Research?(WIFO)
>  P.O.Box?91??????????????????????????Tel.:?+43-1-7982601-231
>  1103?Vienna,?Austria????????Fax:?+43-1-7989386
>  Mail:?serguei.kaniov...@wifo.ac.at
>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> ______________________________________________
>  R-help@r-project.org mailing list
>  PLEASE do read the posting guide 
>  and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 19:51:36 +0100
From: Leo G?rtler <l...@anicca-vijja.de>
Subject: [R] p(H0|data) for lm/lmer-objects R
To: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch
Message-ID: <4953d638.4090...@anicca-vijja.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15

Dear R-List,

I am interested in the Bayesian view on parameter estimation for
multilevel models and ordinary regression models. AFAIU traditional
frequentist p-values they give information about p(data_or_extreme|H0).
AFAIU it further, p-values in the Fisherian sense are also no alpha/type
 I errors and therefor give no information about future replications.

However, p(data_or_extreme|H0) is not really interesting for social
science research questions (psychology). Much more interesting is
p(H0|data). Is there a way or formula to calculate these probabilities
of the H0 (or another hypothesis) from lm-/lmer objects in R?

Yes I know that multi-level modeling as well as regression can be done
in a purely Bayesian way. However, I am not capable of Bayesian
statistics, therefor I ask that question. I am starting to learn it a
little bit.

The frequentist literature - of course - does not cover that topic.

Thanks a lot,

leo g?rtler


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 19:49:58 +0000 (UTC)
From: Oliver Bandel <oli...@first.in-berlin.de>
Subject: Re: [R] beginner data.frame question
To: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch
Message-ID: <loom.20081225t193443-...@post.gmane.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

John Fox <jfox <at> mcmaster.ca> writes:

> Dear Kirk,
> Actually, co2 isn't a data frame but rather a "ts"
(timeseries) object. A
> nice thing about R is that you can query and examine objects:
> > class(co2)
> [1] "ts"


And with 

> frequency(co2)
[1] 12

One gets "the number of observations per unit of time".

When one sets the parameter "start" and "frequency" or
"start" and "deltat" or
"start" and "end" of a time-series, one can set the used
values and that means
that functions that use those values, also will be controlled by this.

> start(co2)
[1] 1959    1
> end(co2)
[1] 1997   12

Rearranging by creaating a new ts-object with different
timely parameters:

> new_co2 <- ( ts( co2,frequency=1, start=1959) )
> start(new_co2)
[1] 1959    1
> end(new_co2)
[1] 2426    1

.... and the way back:

> old_co2 <- ( ts( new_co2, frequency=12, start=1959) )
> start(old_co2)
[1] 1959    1
> end(old_co2)
[1] 1997   12

using plot on those values will result in different plots.

Why the mentioned test data is showed different wih summary,
[[elided Yahoo spam]]

To have the test-data (or the way how it was constructed)
could help in helping.



Message: 4
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 12:00:21 -0800 (PST)
From: Thomas Lumley <tlum...@u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [R] 4 questions regarding hypothesis testing, survey
        package, ts on samples, plotting
To: Peter Dalgaard <p.dalga...@biostat.ku.dk>
Cc: r-help@r-project.org, Ben Bolker <bol...@ufl.edu>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

On Wed, 24 Dec 2008, Peter Dalgaard wrote:

> Ben Bolker wrote:
>> Khawaja, Aman wrote:
>>> I need to answer one of the question in my open source test is:
What are
>>> the four questions asked about the parameters in hypothesis
>> Please check the posting guide.
>> * We don't answer homework questions ("open source"
doesn't mean
>> that other people answer the questions for you, it means you can find
>> the answers outside your own head -- and in any case, we don't
>> any of way of knowing that the test is really open).
>> * this is not an R question but a statistics question
>> * please don't post the same question multiple times
> Besides, this is really unanswerable without access to your teaching
> which probably has a list of four questions somewhere...

Starting with 'Why is this parameter different from all other
parameters?', perhaps.

> It is a bit like the History question: "Who was what in what of

A traditional British equivalent is "Who dragged whom how many times
around the walls of where?", which does have just about enough context.

The R answer to the original post would probably be

1. Why aren't there any p-values in lmer()?
2. How do I extract p-values from lm()?
3. Can R do post-hoc tests?
4. Can R do tests of normality?

and in statistical consulting the questions might be

1. Doesn't that assume a Normal distribution?
2. Do you have a reference for that?
3. What was the power for that test?
4. Can you redo the test just in the left-handed avocado farmers[*]


[*] this particular subset (c) joel on software.

Thomas Lumley                   Assoc. Professor, Biostatistics
tlum...@u.washington.edu        University of Washington, Seattle


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 20:20:48 +0000 (UTC)
From: Oliver Bandel <oli...@first.in-berlin.de>
Subject: Re: [R] How can I avoid nested 'for' loops or quicken the
To: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch
Message-ID: <loom.20081225t201648-...@post.gmane.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Bert Gunter <gunter.berton <at> gene.com> writes:

> Good advice below! -- after all, the first rule of optimizing code is:
> Don't!
> For the record (yet again), the apply() family of functions (and their
> packaged derivatives, of course) are "merely" vary carefully
written for()
> loops: their main advantage is in code readability, not in efficiency
> which may well be small or nonexistent. True efficiency gains require
> "vectorization", which essentially moves the for() loops from
> code to (underlying) C code (on the underlying data structures): e.g.
> compare rowMeans() [vectorized] with ave() or apply(..,1,mean).

The apply-functions do bring speed-advantages.

This is not only what I read about it,
I have used the apply-functions and really got
results faster.

The reason is simple: an apply-function does
make in C, what otherwise would be done on the level of R
with for-loops.



Message: 6
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 21:25:58 +0100
From: Peter Dalgaard <p.dalga...@biostat.ku.dk>
Subject: Re: [R] 4 questions regarding hypothesis testing, survey
        package, ts on samples, plotting
To: Thomas Lumley <tlum...@u.washington.edu>
Cc: r-help@r-project.org, Ben Bolker <bol...@ufl.edu>
Message-ID: <4953ec56.9010...@biostat.ku.dk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Thomas Lumley wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Dec 2008, Peter Dalgaard wrote:

>> It is a bit like the History question: "Who was what in what of
> A traditional British equivalent is "Who dragged whom how many times 
> around the walls of where?", which does have just about enough

Yes. "Joshua, Isrelites, seven, Jericho" is wrong by a hair....

    O__  ---- Peter Dalgaard             ?ster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B
   c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics     PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K
  (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark      Ph:  (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalga...@biostat.ku.dk)              FAX: (+45) 35327907


Message: 7
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 15:30:10 -0500
From: Ben Bolker <bol...@ufl.edu>
Subject: Re: [R] 4 questions regarding hypothesis testing, survey
        package, ts on samples, plotting
To: Peter Dalgaard <p.dalga...@biostat.ku.dk>
Cc: r-help@r-project.org, Thomas Lumley <tlum...@u.washington.edu>
Message-ID: <4953ed52.30...@ufl.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Peter Dalgaard wrote:
> Thomas Lumley wrote:
>> On Wed, 24 Dec 2008, Peter Dalgaard wrote:
>>> It is a bit like the History question: "Who was what in what
of whom?"
>> A traditional British equivalent is "Who dragged whom how many
>> around the walls of where?", which does have just about enough
> Yes. "Joshua, Isrelites, seven, Jericho" is wrong by a hair....

  Hmmm.  Achilles, Hector, ?, Troy.


Achilles chased Hector around the wall of Troy three times before
Athena, in the form of Hector's favorite and dearest brother, Deiphobus,
persuaded Hector to stop running and fight Achilles face to face. After
Hector realized the trick, he knew his death was inevitable and accepted
his fate. Hector, wanting to go down fighting, charged at Achilles with
his only weapon, his sword. Achilles got his vengeance, killing Hector
with a single blow to the neck. He then tied Hector's body to his
chariot and dragged it around the battlefield for nine days.

Ben Bolker
Associate professor, Biology Dep't, Univ. of Florida
bol...@ufl.edu / www.zoology.ufl.edu/bolker
GPG key: www.zoology.ufl.edu/bolker/benbolker-publickey.asc


Message: 8
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 21:17:56 +0000 (UTC)
From: Ben Bolker <bol...@ufl.edu>
Subject: Re: [R] Class and object problem
To: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch
Message-ID: <loom.20081225t211712-...@post.gmane.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Odette Gaston <odette.gaston <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Dear all,
> I have a problem with accessing class attributes. 
> I was unable to solve this
> yet, but someone may know how to solve it.

My best guess at your immediate problem (doing
things by hand) is that you're not using the
whole vector.  From your example:

Delta <- c(m1 = 0, m2 = 1.8, m3 = 4.2, m4 = 6.2)
        m1         m2         m3         m4 
0.63529363 0.25829111 0.07779579 0.02861947 

   In general the dRedging package at
http://www.zbs.bialowieza.pl/users/kamil/r/ can do these
problems (I hate to recommend this package because it
offers the danger of thoughtless convenience,
but if you really know that you want to enumerate
models and do IC-based model averaging it can save a
lot of time).  At the moment, though, it doesn't work
with glmmML-based objects (you could ask the author
to extend it).

  When I tried stepAIC it didn't really enumerate
all the models for me (that's not its purpose),
so I went through and enumerated by hand.  For example;

a <- runif(100)
b <- runif(100)
c <- runif(100)
x <- runif(100)
n <- rep(20,100)
cluster <- factor(rep(1:5,20))
linpred <- a+b+c+x-2
y <- rbinom(100,prob=plogis(linpred),size=n)
data <- data.frame(y,a,b,c,x,n)

m <- list()
## full model
m[[1]] <- glmmML(cbind (y, n-y)~ x+a+b+c, 
    family = binomial, data, cluster)
## 3-term models
m[[2]] <- update(m[[1]],.~.-a) ## xbc
m[[3]] <- update(m[[1]],.~.-b) ## xac
m[[4]] <- update(m[[1]],.~.-c) ## xab
m[[5]] <- update(m[[1]],.~.-x) ## abc
## 2-term models
m[[6]] <- update(m[[2]],.~.-x) ## bc
m[[7]] <- update(m[[2]],.~.-b) ## xc
m[[8]] <- update(m[[2]],.~.-c) ## xb
m[[9]] <- update(m[[3]],.~.-x) ## ac
m[[10]] <- update(m[[3]],.~.-c) ## xa
m[[11]] <- update(m[[4]],.~.-x) ## ab
## 0-term models (intercept)
m[[12]] <- glmmML(cbind (y, n-y)~ 1, family = binomial, data, cluster)
m[[13]] <- update(m[[12]],.~.+a)
m[[14]] <- update(m[[12]],.~.+b)
m[[15]] <- update(m[[12]],.~.+c)
m[[16]] <- update(m[[12]],.~.+x)

## have to define logLik and AIC for glmmML objects
logLik.glmmML <- function(x) {
  loglik <- (-x$deviance)/2
  attr(loglik,"df") <- length(coef(x))
AIC.glmmML <- function(x) x$aic

## now it works (the answers are pretty trivial
## in this made-up case


Message: 9
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 22:20:38 +0100
From: Peter Dalgaard <p.dalga...@biostat.ku.dk>
Subject: Re: [R] 4 questions regarding hypothesis testing, survey
        package, ts on samples, plotting
To: Ben Bolker <bol...@ufl.edu>
Cc: r-help@r-project.org, Thomas Lumley <tlum...@u.washington.edu>
Message-ID: <4953f926.5040...@biostat.ku.dk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Ben Bolker wrote:
> Peter Dalgaard wrote:
>> Thomas Lumley wrote:
>>> On Wed, 24 Dec 2008, Peter Dalgaard wrote:
>>>> It is a bit like the History question: "Who was what in
what of whom?"
>>> A traditional British equivalent is "Who dragged whom how
many times
>>> around the walls of where?", which does have just about
enough context.
>> Yes. "Joshua, Isrelites, seven, Jericho" is wrong by a
>   Hmmm.  Achilles, Hector, ?, Troy.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achilles:
> Achilles chased Hector around the wall of Troy three times before
> Athena, in the form of Hector's favorite and dearest brother,
> persuaded Hector to stop running and fight Achilles face to face. After
> Hector realized the trick, he knew his death was inevitable and accepted
> his fate. Hector, wanting to go down fighting, charged at Achilles with
> his only weapon, his sword. Achilles got his vengeance, killing Hector
> with a single blow to the neck. He then tied Hector's body to his
> chariot and dragged it around the battlefield for nine days.

I have


Achilles ignored Hector's dying wish to have his body returned to his 
father Priam for ransom. Instead he fastened leather straps to the body 
of Hector, secured them on his chariot and whipping up his immortal 
horses Balius, Xanthus and Pedasus, dragged the corpse three times 
around the walls of Troy, much to the dismay of the devastated Trojans.

    O__  ---- Peter Dalgaard             ?ster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B
   c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics     PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K
  (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark      Ph:  (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalga...@biostat.ku.dk)              FAX: (+45) 35327907


Message: 10
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 16:35:35 -0500
From: "Daniel Malter" <dan...@umd.edu>
Subject: Re: [R] p(H0|data) for lm/lmer-objects R
To: " 'Leo G?rtler' " <l...@anicca-vijja.de>,
Message-ID: <200812252135.ahj65...@md4.mail.umd.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

This is very opaque to me. But if H0 is a null hypothesis (i.e. a hypothesis
about one or several coefficients in your model), then you can test linear
or nonlinear restrictions of the coefficients. Because your coefficients are
derived using your data, it appears to me you get something like a

cuncta stricte discussurus

-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] Im
Auftrag von Leo G?rtler
Gesendet: Thursday, December 25, 2008 1:52 PM
An: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch
Betreff: [R] p(H0|data) for lm/lmer-objects R

Dear R-List,

I am interested in the Bayesian view on parameter estimation for multilevel
models and ordinary regression models. AFAIU traditional frequentist
p-values they give information about p(data_or_extreme|H0).
AFAIU it further, p-values in the Fisherian sense are also no alpha/type  I
errors and therefor give no information about future replications.

However, p(data_or_extreme|H0) is not really interesting for social science
research questions (psychology). Much more interesting is p(H0|data). Is
there a way or formula to calculate these probabilities of the H0 (or
another hypothesis) from lm-/lmer objects in R?

Yes I know that multi-level modeling as well as regression can be done in a
purely Bayesian way. However, I am not capable of Bayesian statistics,
therefor I ask that question. I am starting to learn it a little bit.

The frequentist literature - of course - does not cover that topic.

Thanks a lot,

leo g?rtler

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.


Message: 11
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 16:42:27 -0500
From: "Daniel Malter" <dan...@umd.edu>
Subject: Re: [R] Implementing a linear restriction in lm()
To: "'Serguei Kaniovski'"
Cc: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch
Message-ID: <200812252142.dmb84...@md0.mail.umd.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

If it is only for a single coefficient you can just subtract your test-value
from the coefficient and divide by the coefficient's standard-error, which
gives you a t-value for the test (see Greene 2006). 

Otherwise, lookup "linear.hypothesis" in the "car" library.


cuncta stricte discussurus

-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] Im
Auftrag von Ravi Varadhan
Gesendet: Thursday, December 25, 2008 11:40 AM
An: Serguei Kaniovski
Cc: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch
Betreff: Re: [R] Implementing a linear restriction in lm()


You could use the "offset" argument in lm().  Here is an example:

x <- runif(50)
beta <- 1
y <- 2 + beta*x + rnorm(50)

model1 <- lm (y ~ x)
model2 <- lm (y ~ 1, offset=x)

anova(model2, model1)


Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,
Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology School of Medicine Johns
Hopkins University

Ph. (410) 502-2619
email: rvarad...@jhmi.edu

----- Original Message -----
From: Serguei Kaniovski <serguei.kaniov...@wifo.ac.at>
Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 9:39 pm
Subject: [R] Implementing a linear restriction in lm()
To: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch

>  Dear All!
>  I want to test a coeffcient restriction beta=1 in a univariate model 
> lm  (y~x). Entering
>  lm((y-x)~1) does not help since anova test requires the same 
> dependent  variable. What is the right way to proceed?
>  Thank you for your help and marry xmas,  Serguei Kaniovski  
> ________________________________________
>  Austrian?Institute?of?Economic?Research?(WIFO)
>  P.O.Box?91??????????????????????????Tel.:?+43-1-7982601-231
>  1103?Vienna,?Austria????????Fax:?+43-1-7989386
>  Mail:?serguei.kaniov...@wifo.ac.at
>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> ______________________________________________
>  R-help@r-project.org mailing list
>  PLEASE do read the posting guide
>  and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.


Message: 12
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2008 09:03:54 +1100
From: Andrew Robinson <a.robin...@ms.unimelb.edu.au>
Subject: Re: [R] p(H0|data) for lm/lmer-objects R
To: "'Leo G?rtler'" <l...@anicca-vijja.de>
Cc: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch
Message-ID: <20081225220354.gh1...@ms.unimelb.edu.au>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dear Leo,

> Dear R-List,
> I am interested in the Bayesian view on parameter estimation for
> models and ordinary regression models. 

You might find Gelman & Hill's recent book to be good reading, and
there is a book in the Use-R series that focuses on using R to perform
Bayesian analyses.  

> AFAIU traditional frequentist p-values they give information about
> p(data_or_extreme|H0).  AFAIU it further, p-values in the Fisherian
> sense are also no alpha/type I errors and therefor give no
> information about future replications.

I don't think that the last comment is necessarily relevant nor is it
necessarily true.

> However, p(data_or_extreme|H0) is not really interesting for social
> research questions (psychology). Much more interesting is
> p(H0|data). 

That's fine, but first you have to believe that the statement has

> Is there a way or formula to calculate these probabilities of the H0
> (or another hypothesis) from lm-/lmer objects in R?

See the books above.  Note that in order to do so, you will need to
nominate a prior distribution of some kind.

> Yes I know that multi-level modeling as well as regression can be done in
> purely Bayesian way. However, I am not capable of Bayesian statistics,
> therefor I ask that question. I am starting to learn it a little bit.

No offense, but it sounds to me like you want to have the Bayesian
omelette without breaking the Bayesian eggs ;).  Certain kinds of
multi-level models are mathematically identical to certain kinds of
Empirical Bayes models, but that does not make them Bayesian (despite
what some people say).  I caution against your implied goal of
obtaining Bayesian statistics without performing a Bayesian analysis.
Good luck,


Andrew Robinson  
Department of Mathematics and Statistics            Tel: +61-3-8344-6410
University of Melbourne, VIC 3010 Australia         Fax: +61-3-8344-4599


Message: 13
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 14:20:29 -0800 (PST)
From: diegol <diego...@gmail.com>
Subject: [R]  Percent damage distribution
To: r-help@r-project.org
Message-ID: <21170344.p...@talk.nabble.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

R version: 2.7.0
Running on: WinXP

I am trying to model damage from fire losses (given that the loss occurred).
Since I have the individual insured amounts, rather than sampling dollar
damage from a continuous distribution ranging from 0 to infinity, I want to
sample from a percent damage distribution from 0-100%. One obvious solution
is to use runif(n, min=0, max=1), but this does not seem to be a good idea,
since I would not expect damage to be uniform.

I have not seen such a distribution in actuarial applications, and rather
than inventing one from scratch I thought I'd ask you if you know one,
from other disciplines, readily available in R.

Thank you in advance.

Diego Mazzeo
Actuarial Science Student
Facultad de Ciencias Econ?micas
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


Message: 14
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 14:43:45 -0800 (PST)
From: Wayne F <wd...@mac.com>
Subject: Re: [R] ggplot2 Xlim
To: r-help@r-project.org
Message-ID: <21170453.p...@talk.nabble.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I'm just a ggplot2 beginner, but...

It seems to me that you're mixing continuous and factor variables/concepts.
It looks to me as if ForkLength and Number are continuous values. But
need to convert ForkLength into a factor before using geom="bar". I
do that
and the graph "works" but the bars are extremely busy, which I assume
what you mean by "crowded".

As I try several different things, I'm seeing error messages. Are you not
seeing error messages?

Is the bottom line that you simply want to display some continuous data in a
histogram-ish style, and you don't like the default "binning" of
Number for
each of many ForkLengths?

If you simply use geom="line", things look clear and simple, no need
to bin
or simplify or...

If you do end up using geom="bar", I believe the mistake you're
making --
and I see an error message when I try -- is that you are using
scale_x_continuous whereas the X axis is discrete, so you should be using
scale_x_discrete. But then it will take some R magic to combine your
into wider bins so you get a "less crowded" look.

Or perhaps I'm misunderstanding?


Felipe Carrillo wrote:
> Hi: I need some help.
>  I am ploting a bar graph but I can't adjust my x axis scale
>  I use this code:
>       i <-  qplot(ForkLength,Number,data=FL,geom="bar")
>     i + geom_bar(colour="blue",fill="grey65") # too
>      FL_dat <- ggplot(FL,aes(x=ForkLength,y=Number)) +
> geom_bar(colour="green",fill="grey65")
>     FL_dat + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(20,170)) # Can't see anything
> FL    Number
> 29    22.9
> 30    63.4
> 31    199.3
> 32    629.6
> 33    2250.1
> ...

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Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


Message: 15
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 07:26:46 -0800 (PST)
From: 1Rnwb <sbpuro...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [R] creating standard curves for ELISA analysis
To: r-help@r-project.org
Message-ID: <21168216.p...@talk.nabble.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Thank you for your suggestions,  I am sorry that 
ds2_panelA_p8_B3_dil4x.csv I forgot to include the concentration of Standard
to use. the first standard (A1, A2) is 67000 and dilution series is created
by diluting it 1/3. i am reposting the full Absorbance data once again to
have a full idea about the output file created by the ELISA software. I am
also uploading the sample file for a better understanding,  serum samples in
this case are diluted 4 times

Location         Sample ENA-78(37)      FgF(54) G-CSF(58)       GM-CSF(71)      
IFNg(75)        IL-10(50)
IL-17(20)       IL-1b(6)        IL-1ra(16)      IL-2(17)        IL-4(21)        
IL-5(09)        IL-6(32)        IL-8(36)
MCP1(78)        MIP-1a(59)      MIP-1b(74)      TNFa(77)        VEGF(52)
A1      s1      6923    12667.5 4644    3247    11878   11648   4142.5  6536.5  
5409    7057.5  5146
10921   5437    7968    6590.5  11497.5 8358    8088.5  7721
B1      s2      4093    9680    2535.5  2000.5  8392    7017    2135    3913    
3162    4226.5  2757    8132.5
2907    6416    6216    8332    5625.5  4364    4225
C1      s3      1689.5  4586    929     1020    4313    3549.5  961.5   2220.5  
992     1585    1289.5  4309
1294    3748    4315    2780.5  2504    2043    1268
D1      s4      642     1440    352     418     1769    1327.5  318.5   824     
409     528     399     1384    664     1693    1461
651     803     576.5   720
E1      s5      228.5   319.5   141     143     741     590.5   170     385     
155     230     114     503.5   218     701     493
237     245     236     320
F1      s6      94      42      65      67      301     271     60      147     
78      99.5    28      156.5   106     397     128     74      65      108     
G1      s7      43      11      36      36      109     94      30.5    60.5    
39      52      8       48      28      163     39      46      28      37      
H1      b       15      2       12      15      7       4       3       4       
19      6       2.5     0       0.5     78      23      12      16.5    3       
A2      s1      6317    12543.5 4743    3757    10073.5 11016   4432    6990    
5019    6687    4578    9856
5589.5  7265    6533    11368.5 7486    7503    7823
B2      s2      4487    9343.5  2114    2029    8300    6541    2027.5  4099    
2986.5  3826    2857    7192.5
3197    5786    6386    7741    5086.5  4560.5  4409
C2      s3      1577    4024.5  942     1041    4035    3093.5  1098    1943    
1133    1672    1263    3706    1421
3223    3729    2681    2065    1717    1453.5
D2      s4      609     1371.5  366.5   421.5   1884    1397    361     944     
422     631     496     1442    535     1646
1523    766     791     718     723
E2      s5      234     304.5   143     165     760     541.5   160     358.5   
163.5   249.5   111     459     222.5   765
416     188     215     235     281
F2      s6      90      44      64      68      268.5   218     55      135     
73.5    102     25      140     101     304     104     72.5    57      87
G2      s7      39      9       34      35      90      90      31.5    57      
38      47.5    9       42.5    25      133     38      42      29      33      
H2      b       12      1.5     14      12      8       5       3       5       
15      5       1.5     0       0.5     79.5    23.5    8       15      1       
A3      1       683     5       23      23      16      10      16      9       
66      10      6       4       12      653     641.5   23      22      14      
B3      2       523     7       23      18      19.5    11      11      16      
59.5    15.5    6       2       8.5     1789    369.5   26      28      16      
C3      3       686.5   4       26      18      12      6       15.5    18.5    
118     17      4       2       10      2040.5  714.5   20      28      17.5
D3      4       1640.5  5       71      17      17      9       13      16      
564.5   13      5       4       18      1258    957     31      164     24.5    
E3      5       158.5   5       34.5    20      15.5    8       13      13.5    
75      13      4.5     4       50.5    1075    330     20.5    23      11      
F3      6       862     5       21      22      18      10      14.5    12      
58      18      4       2       7       2207    555.5   23      27      19      
G3      7       710     6       30      16.5    19      6       13      14.5    
105     17      6       2       12      1755.5  557     23      32      13      
H3      8       1047    4       41      20      16      10.5    14      12      
111     11      4.5     4       10.5    1690.5  404.5   23      50.5    23
A4      9       512.5   6.5     22      22      18      11      11      30      
167     13      4       3       5       2729    1420    37      48      18      
B4      10      979.5   5       20      27      19      2       18      15      
122     14      4       2       7       1581    496     18      35      20      
C4      11      270     6       23      20.5    19.5    9       14.5    68      
656     15      3       4       79      5995    2964    50      40.5    17      
D4      12      207     4       27      21      19      10      14      11      
39      16      5       3       6.5     1622.5  311     25      25      15      
E4      13      367     7.5     25      21      19      12      10      13      
50      12      7       1       8.5     1395.5  718.5   24      30      19      
F4      14      462     5       23      20      19      7.5     14      10      
107     14      4       0       10      1715.5  484.5   23      22      19      
G4      15      441.5   5       19      20      18      7       16      29      
271     12      5       1       10      6917    6325    24.5    32      15.5    
H4      16      521     7       38      22      18      10      14      11      
164     16      4       3       23      1967    744     25      34.5    15      
A5      17      759     5       18      21      16.5    10      10      10      
55      11      4       1.5     16      1731.5  752     19      30      12      
B5      18      624     6       22.5    20      21      12.5    11      12      
52      12.5    4       2       8       2329.5  533     23      30.5    15      
C5      19      735     5       21      19      14      10      17      11.5    
291.5   9       5       3       10      773     1682.5  26      33      17.5    
D5      20      450     5       25      16      15.5    8       17      12      
65      12      5       3.5     9       1970    335     20      23      14      
E5      21      405     5       21      18      14      7       12      10      
139     13.5    5       0       8.5     1318    433     25.5    33.5    14      
F5      22      155     3.5     12.5    10      12      4       35      6       
24      4.5     3       2       8.5     391     257     19      114.5   8       
G5      23      472     6       23      17      18      6       12      38.5    
348     11      3       2       7       2764    1612    39      967     20      
H5      24      326     5.5     20      19      17      7.5     13.5    11      
44      13      5       3       66      1579    272.5   24      24      13      
A6      25      341     5       24      22      15      8       13.5    13      
68.5    12      4       2       7       1591    483     22      34      11      
B6      26      460.5   5       21      23      16      10      11      160     
677.5   11      5       2       23      5326    1495    46.5    62      19      
C6      27      454     4       32.5    16.5    15      9       10.5    14      
104.5   10.5    3       1       50      1468    1459    25.5    38      17
D6      28      604     6       27      18      16.5    7       14.5    37      
950.5   12.5    5       4       14      5643    5980    24      36      18      
E6      29      491     7       22.5    18      19      8       13.5    23      
240     17      4       1       11      3802.5  1902    30.5    47.5    20      
F6      30      414     4       24.5    20      20.5    9       13      14      
39      16      3       3       6       1384.5  585.5   23      32      13      
G6      31      423     5.5     21      19.5    19      9       16      299     
1428    15      5       2       49      6343    6018    160.5   335     11.5
H6      32      286     6       28      18      10      9       14      13      
108     13.5    3       2       27.5    1369    808     20      32      237     
A7      33      874.5   6       23.5    20      16      8       12.5    65      
588     6       5.5     3       17      5915    5098    36      81      23      
B7      34      1211    3       23      20      16      33      12      9.5     
78      9       4.5     2       8       2097    693.5   16.5    28      13      
C7      35      257     4.5     25.5    17      16.5    9       12      10      
52      10      5       3       7       1456    750     24      23      11      

Thanks for the help

1Rnwb wrote:
> Hello R guru's
> I am a newbie to R, In my research work I usually generate a lot of ELISA
> data in form of absorbance values. I ususally use Excel to calculate the
> concentrations of unknown, but it is too tedious and manual especially
> when I have 100's of files to process. I would appreciate some help 
> creating a R script to do this with minimal manual input. s A1-G1 and
> A2-G2 are standards serially diluted H1 and H2 are Blanks. A3 to H12 are
> serum samples. I am pasting the structure of my data below:
> A1            14821
> B1            11577
> C1            5781
> D1            2580
> E1            902
> F1            264
> G1            98
> H1            4
> A2            14569.5
> B2            11060
> C2            5612
> D2            2535
> E2            872
> F2            285
> G2            85
> H2            3
> A3            1016
> B3            2951.5
> C3            547
> D3            1145
> E3            4393
> F3            4694
> G3            1126
> H3            1278
> A4            974.5
> B4            3112.5
> C4            696.5
> D4            2664.5
> E4            184.5
> F4            1908
> G4            108.5
> H4            1511
> A5            463.5
> B5            1365
> C5            816
> D5            806
> E5            1341
> F5            1157
> G5            542.5
> H5            749

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Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


Message: 16
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2008 00:29:17 +0000 (UTC)
From: Ben Bolker <bol...@ufl.edu>
Subject: Re: [R] Percent damage distribution
To: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch
Message-ID: <loom.20081226t002735-...@post.gmane.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

diegol <diegol81 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> R version: 2.7.0
> Running on: WinXP
> I am trying to model damage from fire losses (given that the loss
> Since I have the individual insured amounts, rather than sampling dollar
> damage from a continuous distribution ranging from 0 to infinity, I want
> sample from a percent damage distribution from 0-100%. One obvious
> is to use runif(n, min=0, max=1), but this does not seem to be a good
> since I would not expect damage to be uniform.

 Beta distribution (rbeta(...)) or
logistic-binomial distribution
plogis(rnorm(...)) .

  See e.g. 

Smithson, Michael, and Jay Verkuilen. 2006. A better lemon squeezer?
Maximum-likelihood regression with beta-distributed dependent variables.
Psychological Methods 11, no. 1 (March): 54-71. doi:2006-03820-004.


Message: 17
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2008 08:44:19 +0000 (GMT)
From: Prof Brian Ripley <rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: [R] How can I avoid nested 'for' loops or quicken the
To: Oliver Bandel <oli...@first.in-berlin.de>
Cc: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch
Message-ID: <alpine.lfd.2.00.0812260833330.4...@gannet.stats.ox.ac.uk>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

On Thu, 25 Dec 2008, Oliver Bandel wrote:

> Bert Gunter <gunter.berton <at> gene.com> writes:
>> FWIW:
>> Good advice below! -- after all, the first rule of optimizing code is:
>> Don't!
>> For the record (yet again), the apply() family of functions (and their
>> packaged derivatives, of course) are "merely" vary carefully
written for()
>> loops: their main advantage is in code readability, not in efficiency
>> which may well be small or nonexistent. True efficiency gains require
>> "vectorization", which essentially moves the for() loops
from interpreted
>> code to (underlying) C code (on the underlying data structures): e.g.
>> compare rowMeans() [vectorized] with ave() or apply(..,1,mean).
> [...]
> The apply-functions do bring speed-advantages.
> This is not only what I read about it,
> I have used the apply-functions and really got
> results faster.
> The reason is simple: an apply-function does
> make in C, what otherwise would be done on the level of R
> with for-loops.

Not true of apply(): true of lapply() and hence sapply().  I'll leave you 
to check eapply, mapply, rapply, tapply.

So the issue is what is meant by 'the apply() family of functions':
often mean *apply(), of which apply() is an unusual member, if one at all.

[Historical note: a decade ago lapply was internally a for() loop.  I 
rewrote it in C in 2000: I also moved apply to C at the same time but it 
proved too little an advantage and was reverted.  The speed of lapply 
comes mainly from reduced memory allocation: for() is also written in C.]

Brian D. Ripley,                  rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595


Message: 18
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2008 08:55:33 +0000 (GMT)
From: Prof Brian Ripley <rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: [R] Percent damage distribution
To: diegol <diego...@gmail.com>
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Message-ID: <alpine.lfd.2.00.0812260849000.4...@gannet.stats.ox.ac.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

Not an R question as yet .....

In my limited experience (we have some insurance projets), 100% can occur, 
but otherwise a beta distbribution may suit, which suggests a mixture 
distribution.  But start with an empirical examination (histogram, ecdf, 
density plot) of the distribution, since it may reveal other features.

The next question is 'why model'?   For such a simple problem (a 
univariate distribution) a plot may be a sufficent analysis, and for e.g. 
simulation you could just re-sample the data.

On Thu, 25 Dec 2008, diegol wrote:

> R version: 2.7.0
> Running on: WinXP
> I am trying to model damage from fire losses (given that the loss
> Since I have the individual insured amounts, rather than sampling dollar
> damage from a continuous distribution ranging from 0 to infinity, I want
> sample from a percent damage distribution from 0-100%. One obvious
> is to use runif(n, min=0, max=1), but this does not seem to be a good
> since I would not expect damage to be uniform.
> I have not seen such a distribution in actuarial applications, and rather
> than inventing one from scratch I thought I'd ask you if you know one,
> from other disciplines, readily available in R.
> Thank you in advance.
> -----
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Diego Mazzeo
> Actuarial Science Student
> Facultad de Ciencias Econ?micas
> Universidad de Buenos Aires
> Buenos Aires, Argentina
> -- 
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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> R-help@r-project.org mailing list
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> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Brian D. Ripley,                  rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595


Message: 19
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2008 1:08:40 -0800
From: <rkevinbur...@charter.net>
Subject: [R] Upgrading R causes Tinn-R to freeze.
To: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch
Message-ID: <20081226040840.0cuya.1997811.r...@mp18>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

I recently upgraded from 2.8.0 to 2.8.1 by first installing the 2.8.1 version
then copying the binaries and the library to the 2.8.0 folder. Now Tinn-R will
not start up. I just see that start up splash screen for a long period of time.
It seems fozen to me. Any guesses on what I did wrong in the upgrade?

Thank you.



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