Cody Hamilton <Cody_Hamilton <at>> writes: > > Is there a way to create a 'bubble plot' in R? > > For example, if we define the following data frame containing the level of y observed for 5 patients at three > time points: > > time<-c(rep('time 1',5),rep('time 2',5),rep('time 3',5)) > y<-c('a','b','c','d','a','b','c','a','d','a','a','a','b','c','d') > D<-data.frame(cbind(y,time)) > > I would like to display the percentage of subjects in each level of y at each time point as a bubble whose size > is proportional to the percentage of subjects in the given level of y at the given time point. Thus, in the > case of the data frame above the plot would have the levels of y ('a','b','c','d') on the y-axis and the > levels of time ('time 1','time 2', time 3') on the x-axis with four bubbles above each time point (e.g. the > size of the bubble in the bottom left corner of the plot would be proportional to the percentage of patients > with y='a' at time='time 1').
It sounds like function balloonplot from package gplots might be just what you are looking for. There is, however, a bug in the labelling of the plot that I have been meaning to contact the maintainer about. If you change lines 364 and 376 respectively from "labels=ynames," to "labels=ylab, and "labels=xnames," to "labels=xlab,", it will work for this specific purpose. I have included the full code for the amended balloonplot function to the end of the email. You can just copy and paste into your R console. Then, all that is required (given your dataframe D) is: attach(D) balloonplot(prop.table(table(time,y))*100) This gives percentages. You can play with prop.table syntax to get percentages of row or column totals, and play with titles, margin totals etc from there. The amended balloonplot function (this is not an all-purpose fix - it just works for this specific purpose): # $Id: balloonplot.R 908 2006-03-02 21:43:24Z warnes $ balloonplot <- function(x,...) UseMethod("balloonplot",x) balloonplot.table <- function(x, xlab, ylab, zlab, show.zeros = FALSE, show.margins = TRUE, ... ) { obj <- x tmp <- x <- tmp[,1] y <- tmp[,2] z <- tmp[,3] tableflag <- TRUE if(missing(xlab)) xlab <- names(dimnames(obj))[1] if(missing(ylab)) ylab <- names(dimnames(obj))[2] if(missing(zlab)) zlab <- "Freq" balloonplot.default(x, y, z, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, show.zeros = show.zeros, show.margins = show.margins, ...) } balloonplot.default <- function(x,y,z, xlab, ylab, zlab=deparse(substitute(z)), dotsize=2/max(strwidth(19),strheight(19)), dotchar=19, dotcolor="skyblue", main, label=TRUE, label.digits=2, scale.method=c("volume","diameter"), colsrt=par("srt"), rowsrt=par("srt"), colmar=1, rowmar=2, show.zeros=FALSE, show.margins=TRUE, cum.margins=TRUE, sorted=TRUE, label.lines=TRUE, fun=function(x)sum(x,na.rm=T), hide.duplicates=TRUE, ... ) { if(is.null(names(x))) { xnames <- as.character(substitute(x)) if(length(xnames)>1) xnames <- xnames[-1] } else xnames <- names(x) if(is.null(names(y))) { ynames <- as.character(substitute(y)) if(length(ynames)>1) ynames <- ynames[-1] } else ynames <- names(y) if(missing(xlab)) xlab <- paste( xnames, collapse=", " ) if(missing(ylab)) ylab <- paste( ynames, collapse=", " ) #### ## Handle arguments #### scale.method <- match.arg(scale.method) if( any(z < 0 ) ) warning("z value(s) below zero detected.", " No balloons will be displayed for these cells.") if(missing(main)) { if(scale.method=="volume") main <- paste("Balloon Plot for ", paste(xnames, collapse=", "), " by ", paste(ynames, collapse=", "), ".\nArea is proportional to ", zlab, ".", sep='') else main <- paste("Balloon Plot for ", paste(ynames, collapse=", "), " by ", paste(ynames, collapse=", "), ".\nDiameter is proportional to ", zlab, ".", sep='') } if(length(dotcolor)<length(z)) dotcolor <- rep(dotcolor, length=length(z)) #### ## Make sure x and y are lists #### if(is.list(x)) { xlabs <- x x$sep=":" x <-, x) } else xlabs <- list(x) if(is.list(y)) { ylabs <- y y$sep=":" y <-, y) ylab <- paste( names(y) ) } else ylabs <- list(y) #### ## sort everything into a useful order #### if(sorted) { ord.x <-, xlabs) ord.y <-, ylabs) } else ord.x <- ord.y <- 1:length(x) forceOrder <- function(X, sord, lord) factor(X[sord], levels=unique(X[lord])) x <- forceOrder(x, ord.y, ord.y) y <- forceOrder(y, ord.y, ord.y) z <- as.numeric(z[ord.y]) dotcolor <- dotcolor[ord.y] xlabs <- unique(data.frame(lapply(xlabs, forceOrder, sord=ord.y, lord=ord.y))) ylabs <- unique(data.frame(lapply(ylabs, forceOrder, sord=ord.y, lord=ord.y))) #### ## Function to scale circles to fill the containing box #### scale <- function(X, min=0, max=16, scale.method) { if(scale.method=="volume") { X[X<0] <- 0 X <- sqrt(X) } X <- min + (X/max(X, na.rm=TRUE) * (max - min) ) cin.x <- par("cin")[1] cin.y <- par("cin")[2] if(cin.x < cin.y) X <- X * cin.x/cin.y X } nlabels.y <- length(ylabs) nlabels.x <- length(xlabs) #### ## Combine duplicate entries #### # Do twice, once for data, once for colors tab1 <- split( data.frame(z,dotcolor,x,y), f=list(x,y) ) ztab <-, lapply( tab1, FUN=function(X) cbind(z=fun(X[,1]),X[1,-1]) ) ) #### ## Do the plotting ### oldpar <- par("xpd","mar") on.exit( par(oldpar) ) #par(xpd=NA, mar=c(1,1,5,1)+0.1) # clip drawing to device region if(!show.margins) { xlim=c(-0.5,nlevels(x)+nlabels.y*rowmar-0.25) # extra space on either # end of plot for labels ylim=c(0.50,nlevels(y)+nlabels.x*colmar+1) # and so dots don't cross # into margins, } else { xlim=c(-0.5,nlevels(x)+nlabels.y*rowmar+1) # extra space on either # end of plot for labels ylim=c(0,nlevels(y)+nlabels.x*colmar+1) # and so dots don't cross # into margins, } plot(x=nlabels.y*rowmar+0.25 + as.numeric(ztab$x) - 1, y=nlevels(y) - as.numeric(ztab$y) + 1, cex=scale(ztab$z, max=dotsize, scale.method=scale.method), pch=dotchar, # plot character col=as.character(ztab$dotcolor), # dot color xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", # no x axis lables yaxt="n", # no y axis lables bty="n", # no box around the plot xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ... ) ny <- nlevels(ztab$y) nx <- nlevels(ztab$x) sumz <- sum(ztab$z, na.rm=TRUE) colsumz <- sapply(split( ztab$z, ztab$y), sum, na.rm=TRUE) # works rowsumz <- sapply(split( ztab$z, ztab$x), sum, na.rm=TRUE) # broken if(show.margins) { ## column totals text( x=(1:nx) + nlabels.y*rowmar + 0.25 -1, y=0.25, labels=format(c(sumz, rowsumz), digits=label.digits)[-1], font=1, cex=par("cex")*0.75, adj=c(0.5,0.0) ) ## row totals rowlabs <- format(c(sumz, colsumz), digits=label.digits)[-1] width <- max(strwidth(rowlabs),na.rm=TRUE) text( x=nx + nlabels.y*rowmar-0.25+width, y= (ny:1), labels=rowlabs, font=1, cex=par("cex")*0.75, adj=c(1.0,0.5) ) ## overall total text( x=nx + nlabels.y*rowmar-0.25+width, y=0.25, labels=sumz, font=1, cex=par("cex")*0.75, adj=c(1.0,0.0) ) } if(cum.margins) { ## Row Sums at left cx <- c(0, cumsum(rowsumz) / sumz) rect(xleft = nlabels.y*rowmar - 1 - 0.25 + 1:nx, xright = nlabels.y*rowmar - 1 + 0.75 + 1:nx, ybottom = ny+0.75+cx[1:nx]*colmar*nlabels.x, ytop = ny+0.75+cx[2:(nx+1)]*colmar*nlabels.x, col = "lightgray", border = NA) ## Col Sums at top cy <- c(0, cumsum(colsumz) / sumz) rect(xleft = -0.5 +rowmar*cy[ny:1]*nlabels.y, xright = -0.5 +rowmar*cy[(ny+1):2]*nlabels.y, ybottom = 1:ny-0.5, ytop = 1:ny+0.5, col = "lightgray", border = NA) tx <- paste(levels(x),"\n[",rowsumz,"]") ty <- paste(levels(y),"\n[",colsumz,"]") } ### ## Horizontal borders between cells ### segments( x0=nlabels.y*rowmar-0.25, x1=nx+nlabels.y*rowmar-0.25, y0=(0:ny)+0.5, y1=(0:ny)+0.5 ) ### ## Vertical borders between cells ### segments( x0=(0:nx)+nlabels.y*rowmar-0.25, x1=(0:nx)+nlabels.y*rowmar-0.25, y0= 0.5, y1=ny+0.5, ) if(hide.duplicates) undupe <- function(X) { # convert duplicates into blanks X <- as.character(X) c(X[1], ifelse(X[-1] == X[-length(X)], "", X[-1])) } else undupe <- function(X) X ### ## Column labels ### for(i in 1:nlabels.x) { y <- ny + 0.75 + (nlabels.x - i + .5)*colmar text( x= (1:nx) + nlabels.y*rowmar + 0.25 - 1, y= y, labels=undupe(xlabs[,i]), srt=colsrt, font=1 ) } ### ## Row labels ### for(i in 1:length(ylabs)) { text( y=ny:1, x= (i-0.5)*rowmar-0.5, labels=undupe(ylabs[,i]), srt=rowsrt, font=1 ) } #### ## Column headers for row labels #### text( x=((1:length(ylabs))-0.5)*rowmar-0.5, y=ny+0.5, labels=ylab, srt=colsrt, font=2, adj=c(0.5,0.0) ) #### ## Row headers for column labels #### text( x= nlabels.y*rowmar - 0.25 - strwidth(','), y= ny + 0.75 + ((nlabels.x:1) - 1 + .5)*colmar, labels=xlab, srt=colsrt, font=2, adj=c(1,0.5) ) ### ## add borders to row and column headers ### if(label.lines) { segments( # left: vertical lines x0=(0:nlabels.y)*rowmar-0.5, x1=(0:nlabels.y)*rowmar-0.5, y0=0.5, y1=ny+0.5 ) segments( x0=nlabels.y*rowmar-0.25, # top: horizontal lines x1=nlabels.y*rowmar + nx - 0.25, y0=(0:nlabels.x)*colmar +ny+0.75, y1=(0:nlabels.x)*colmar +ny+0.75 ) } #### ## annotate cells with actual values #### if(label){ if(show.zeros) indiv <- 1:length(ztab$y) else indiv <- which(ztab$z != 0) text(x=as.numeric(ztab$x[indiv])+ nlabels.y*rowmar - 0.75, # as.numeric give numeric values y=ny - as.numeric(ztab$y[indiv]) + 1, labels=format(ztab$z[indiv], digits=label.digits), # label value col="black", # text color font=2, adj=c(0.5,0.5) ) } # put a nice title title(main=main) } ______________________________________________ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.