Hi Mika,
and thank you very much for your answer.
When I add the "for" loop to the code that produces before the graph I
want, it does nothing :
NO graph and NO error message.
It seems to me that the command plot_ly and the for loop DO NOT coexist.


On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 7:44 PM Mika Hamari <mika.hamar...@outlook.com>

> Hi!
> I am also learning, but I want try to help. I often use for-loop in R. I
> think that it could be due to dimensions of CPM, not the structure of the
> loop.
> What kind of error message do you get? Is it: ”incorrect number of
> dimensions”? What happens if you substitute in the end instead of CPM[i,1]
> this:
> file.copy("C:/Users/pc/Downloads/Evolution Tmoy.png",
> paste("C:/MONOGRAPHIE/Resultats/Evolution Tmoy_",CPM[i],".png",sep="")
> *Lähettäjä: *Rachida El Ouaraini <elouara...@gmail.com>
> *Lähetetty: *maanantai 29. maaliskuuta 2021 18.15
> *Vastaanottaja: *r-help@r-project.org
> *Aihe: *[R] "for" loop does not work with my plot_ly command
> Hi everyone,
> I am new to R programming, and I am having difficulties modifying an R
> script to introduce the "for" loop in the code.
> While searching I found that this issue has already been raised, but I did
> not know what to do to fix mine !
> *The code that works (without for command):*
> CPM <- read.table("FicConfig/CPM.txt" , header = TRUE, sep = "\t" , dec =
> ",", skip = 0)
> # The CPM.txt file containe 1 line
> ......................................................................
> ......................................................................
> options(viewer = NULL)
> plot_ly() %>%
>  htmlwidgets::onRender(
>    "function(el, x) {
>      var gd = document.getElementById(el.id);
>      Plotly.downloadImage(gd, {format: 'png', width: 1000, height: 700,
> filename: 'AnomalieRR_EcartTmoy'});
>    }"
>  )%>%
>  add_trace(x =TAnn[ ,3],  y = TAnn[ ,5], name = "Normale mensuelle de
> Tmax(en °C)",type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers',  marker = list(size = T,
> symbol = 'circle',  color = ~TAnn[ ,5], line = list(width= 2, color = cl)))
> %>%
> add_annotations(text = TAnn[ ,1], x= TAnn[ ,3], y = TAnn[ ,5], font =
> list(color = "white", size = 14),  showarrow = FALSE)%>%
>  layout(title = paste("Combinaison anomalie relative annuelle des
> précipitations et écart annuel à la normale de la température moyenne  à
> ",CPM[1,1],sep =""),
>       xaxis = list(title = "Anomalie relative des précipitations
> annuelles(en %)", tickangle = 20 ,titlefont = list(color= "blue", size= 14
> , family = 'Arial'), tickfont = list(color = "blue", size = 14)),
> yaxis = list(title = "Ecart à la normale de la température moyenne
> annuelle(en°C)", titlefont = list(color= "red", size= 14 , family =
> 'Arial'),
> tickfont = list(color = "red", size = 14) , showline = TRUE, linecolor =
> "red", linewidth = 2),
>    legend = list(x = 0.1, y = -0.3, font=list(size = 14,color=
> "black")),margin = list(
>       t = 70,
>      r = 70,
>       b = 70,
>       l = 70
>     ))
> *The code that does not work (with for command):*
> CPM <- read.table("FicConfig/CPM.txt" , header = TRUE, sep = "\t" , dec =
> ",", skip = 0)
> # The CPM.txt file containe several lines
> *for (i in 1: (nrow(CPM)))   {*
> options(viewer = NULL)
> plot_ly() %>%
>  htmlwidgets::onRender(
>    "function(el, x) {
>      var gd = document.getElementById(el.id);
>      Plotly.downloadImage(gd, {format: 'png', width: 1000, height: 700,
> filename: 'AnomalieRR_EcartTmoy'});
>    }"
>  )%>%
>  add_trace(x =TAnn[ ,3],  y = TAnn[ ,5], name = "Normale mensuelle de
> Tmax(en °C)",type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers',  marker = list(size = T,
> symbol = 'circle',  color = ~TAnn[ ,5], line = list(width= 2, color = cl)))
> %>%
> add_annotations(text = TAnn[ ,1], x= TAnn[ ,3], y = TAnn[ ,5], font =
> list(color = "white", size = 14),  showarrow = FALSE)%>%
>   layout(title = paste("Combinaison anomalie relative annuelle des
> précipitations et écart annuel à la normale de la température moyenne  à
> ",CPM[i,1],sep =""),
>       xaxis = list(title = "Anomalie relative des précipitations
> annuelles(en %)", tickangle = 20 ,titlefont = list(color= "blue", size= 14
> , family = 'Arial'), tickfont = list(color = "blue", size = 14)),
> yaxis = list(title = "Ecart à la normale de la température moyenne
> annuelle(en°C)", titlefont = list(color= "red", size= 14 , family =
> 'Arial'),
> tickfont = list(color = "red", size = 14) , showline = TRUE, linecolor =
> "red", linewidth = 2),
>   legend = list(x = 0.1, y = -0.3, font=list(size = 14,color=
> "black")),margin = list(
>       t = 70,
>      r = 70,
>       b = 70,
>       l = 70
>     ))
> *file.copy("C:/Users/pc/Downloads/Evolution Tmoy.png",
> paste("C:/MONOGRAPHIE/Resultats/Evolution Tmoy_",CPM[i,1],".png",sep="")*
> *}*
> Thank you very much in advance for any help.
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