The BLAS in use on each?

Bert Gunter

"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and
sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )

On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 5:27 AM Nicolas Schuck <>

> Dear fellow R coders,
> I am observing differences in results obtained using glmer when using a
> Mac or Linux computer versus a PC. Specifically, I am talking about a
> relatively complex glmer model with a nested random effects structure. The
> model is set up in the following way:
> gcctrl = glmerControl(optimizer=c('nloptwrap'), optCtrl = list(maxfun =
> 500000), calc.derivs = FALSE)
> glmer_pre_instr1 = glmer(
>       formula = cbind(FREQ, NSAMP-FREQ) ~ FDIST_minz + poly(RFREQ,2) + ROI
> + (1 + FDIST_minz + RFREQ + ROI|ID/COL),
>       data = cdf_pre_instr,
>       family = binomial,
>       control = gcctrl)
> Code and data of an example for which I find reproducible, non-negligible
> differences between Mac/Win can be found here:
> <
> The differences between the fitted models seem to be most pronounced
> regarding the estimated correlation structure of the random effects terms.
> Mac and Linux yield very similar results, but Windows deviates quite a bit
> in some cases. This has a large impact on p values obtained when performing
> model comparisons. I have tried this on Mac OS 10.14, Windows 10 and Ubuntu
> and Debian. All systems I have tried are using lme 1.1.21 and R 3.5+.
> Does anyone have an idea what the underlying cause might be?
> Thanks,
> Nico
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