Dear all, if you could help me please with a solution to a simple question :
i believe that my ubuntu machine automatically installed R 3.6.0 : when i type : > R. it says : R version 3.6.0 (2019-04-26) -- "Planting of a Tree" Copyright (C) 2019 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) However, I need to use a previous version of R, namely R 3.5, that was installed and did run on my Ubuntu machine, and I can see lots of folders in the directory (a long list follows below) : /home/bogdan/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5 Please would you advise how can I revert to R 3.5 instead of using R 3.6 . Thanks a lot, bogdan ps : the list of folders in ~/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5 abind/ acepack/ ALL/ alphahull/ amap/ annotate/ AnnotationDbi/ AnnotationFilter/ AnnotationForge/ apcluster/ ape/ aroma.light/ askpass/ assertthat/ backports/ base64enc/ bbmle/ beachmat/ beeswarm/ BH/ bibtex/ bindr/ bindrcpp/ Biobase/ BiocFileCache/ BiocGenerics/ biocGraph/ BiocInstaller/ BiocManager/ BiocNeighbors/ BiocParallel/ BiocStyle/ BiocVersion/ biocViews/ biomaRt/ Biostrings/ biovizBase/ bit/ bit64/ bitops/ bladderbatch/ blob/ bookdown/ brew/ broom/ BSgenome/ Cairo/ callr/ car/ carData/ Category/ caTools/ CCA/ CCP/ cellranger/ cellrangerRkit/ checkmate/ circlize/ cli/ clipr/ clisymbols/ coda/ colorspace/ combinat/ ComplexHeatmap/ contfrac/ corpcor/ corrplot/ cowplot/ crayon/ crosstalk/ cubature/ curl/ cvTools/ data.table/ DBI/ dbplyr/ DDRTree/ DelayedArray/ DelayedMatrixStats/ deldir/ densityClust/ DEoptimR/ desc/ DESeq/ DESeq2/ deSolve/ destiny/ devtools/ dichromat/ digest/ diptest/ distillery/ doBy/ docopt/ doParallel/ doRNG/ doSNOW/ dotCall64/ dplyr/ DropletUtils/ dtw/ dynamicTreeCut/ e1071/ EDASeq/ edgeR/ ellipse/ ellipsis/ elliptic/ EnrichmentBrowser/ enrichR/ EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86/ EnsDb.Mmusculus.v79/ ensembldb/ evaluate/ extRemes/ fansi/ fastcluster/ fastICA/ fda/ fields/ fitdistrplus/ fit.models/ flexmix/ FNN/ forcats/ foreach/ formatR/ Formula/ fpc/ fs/ futile.logger/ futile.options/ gage/ gbRd/ gdata/ genefilter/ geneplotter/ generics/ GenomeInfoDb/ GenomeInfoDbData/ GenomicAlignments/ GenomicFeatures/ GenomicRanges/ GEOquery/ GetoptLong/ GGally/ ggbeeswarm/ ggbio/ ggdendro/ ggfortify/ ggplot2/ ggrepel/ ggridges/ ggthemes/ gh/ git2r/ githubinstall/ Glimma/ GlobalOptions/ glue/ gmodels/ GO.db/ goftest/ googleVis/ GOplot/ GOstats/ gplots/ graph/ graphite/ gridExtra/ GSA/ GSEABase/ gtable/ gtools/ hash/ haven/ HDF5Array/ hdf5r/ hexbin/ highr/ Hmisc/ hms/ HSMMSingleCell/ htmlTable/ htmltools/ htmlwidgets/ httpuv/ httr/ hwriter/ hypergeo/ ica/ igraph/ impute/ ini/ inline/ IRanges/ irlba/ iterators/ jsonlite/ kBET/ KEGGgraph/ KEGGREST/ kernlab/ knitr/ labeling/ laeken/ lambda.r/ lars/ later/ latticeExtra/ lazyeval/ limma/ Linnorm/ lle/ lme4/ Lmoments/ lmtest/ locfit/ loo/ lsei/ lubridate/ M3Drop/ magrittr/ maps/ maptools/ markdown/ MAST/ Matrix/ MatrixModels/ matrixStats/ mclust/ MCMCglmm/ memoise/ metap/ mime/ minqa/ mixtools/ mnormt/ mockery/ modelr/ modeltools/ moments/ monocle/ munsell/ Mus.musculus/ mvoutlier/ mvtnorm/ NADA/ nloptr/ npsurv/ numDeriv/ openssl/ openxlsx/ OrganismDbi/ orthopolynom/ ouija/ packrat/ pathview/ pbapply/ pbkrtest/ pcaMethods/ pcaPP/ pcaReduce/ penalized/ permute/ PFAM.db/ pheatmap/ pillar/ pkgbuild/ pkgconfig/ pkgload/ pkgmaker/ PKI/ plogr/ plotly/ pls/ plyr/ plyranges/ png/ polyclip/ polynom/ prabclus/ praise/ preprocessCore/ prettyunits/ processx/ progress/ promises/ ProtGenerics/ proxy/ pryr/ ps/ purrr/ qlcMatrix/ quantreg/ R6/ randomForest/ ranger/ RANN/ rappdirs/ RBGL/ rcmdcheck/ RColorBrewer/ Rcpp/ RcppAnnoy/ RcppArmadillo/ RcppEigen/ RcppProgress/ RCurl/ Rdpack/ readr/ readxl/ refGenome/ registry/ reldist/ rematch/ remotes/ ReportingTools/ reprex/ reshape/ reshape2/ reticulate/ Rgraphviz/ rhdf5/ Rhdf5lib/ rio/ rJava/ rjson/ RJSONIO/ rlang/ RMariaDB/ rmarkdown/ R.methodsS3/ Rmisc/ RMTstat/ rngtools/ robCompositions/ robust/ robustbase/ ROCR/ R.oo/ Rook/ rprojroot/ rrcov/ Rsamtools/ rsconnect/ RSQLite/ rstan/ rstudioapi/ rsvd/ rtracklayer/ Rtsne/ RUnit/ R.utils/ RUVSeq/ rvest/ S4Vectors/ safe/ SC3/ scales/ scater/ scatterplot3d/ scde/ scfind/ scImpute/ scmap/ SCnorm/ scran/ scRNAseq/ scRNA.seq.funcs/ SDMTools/ segmented/ selectr/ sessioninfo/ Seurat/ sgeostat/ shape/ shiny/ ShortRead/ SingleCellExperiment/ slam/ SLICER/ smoother/ snow/ snowfall/ sourcetools/ sp/ spam/ SparseM/ sparsesvd/ spatstat/ spatstat.utils/ SPIA/ splancs/ sROC/ StanHeaders/ statmod/ stringi/ stringr/ SummarizedExperiment/ sva/ sys/ tensor/ tensorA/ testthat/ tibble/ tidyr/ tidyselect/ tidyverse/ tinytex/ topGO/ trimcluster/ tripack/ truncnorm/ TSCAN/ tsne/ TTR/ TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.ensGene/ TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene/ UpSetR/ usethis/ utf8/ VariantAnnotation/ vcd/ vegan/ VennDiagram/ Vennerable/ venneuler/ VGAM/ VIM/ vipor/ viridis/ viridisLite/ WGCNA/ whisker/ withr/ WriteXLS/ xfun/ XML/ xml2/ xopen/ xtable/ xts/ XVector/ yaml/ zCompositions/ zip/ zlibbioc/ zoo/ [[alternative HTML version deleted]] ______________________________________________ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.