This is unrelated to the question on the subject line, we call this "thread 
hijacking" and that's one of the Things Not To Do. Post a new question.

I just wanted to give you the proper incantation for Bioconductor packages. As 
you already know, don't use bioclite(), which needed to be sourced from an URL. 
Instead install.packages("Biocmanager") from CRAN, then - there's no need to 
load it - use Biocmanager::install(<package name>) from there on. I usually 
have it in scripts like so:

if (! requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (! requireNamespace("biomaRt", quietly = TRUE)) {


> On 2019-04-21, at 22:27, Spencer Brackett <> 
> wrote:
> R users,
>  I am trying to download R Studio onto my Chrombook for convenience, but
> exited out of the Linux terminal that had opened upon my turning on of
> Linux(Beta) through my settings. Because of this I am unable to prompt the
> same type of Linex terminal and can only enable a new one via ctrl alt t .
> Running the same line of commands (as shown below) that I was following
> before encountering my error w/ the first terminal is not working. Note,
> the hostname for the new terminal that I have prompted is crosh> if that
> effects anything.
> Commands I was instructed to make after enabling Linux on my Chrome...
> lsb_release
> sudo apt search r-base | grep ^r-base (to download R)
> -y gnupg2
> —keyserver —recv-key ‘ ‘
> ***where my terminal experienced some sort of error causing me to abandon
> it***
> Any pointers for how I may proceed or alternative tutorials that I may
> follow?
> Best,
> Spencer Brackett
> On Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 9:35 PM Spencer Brackett <
>> wrote:
>> Mr. Gunter,
>> Yes I have reached out to the bioconductor list but was informed that my
>> inquiry concerning this package was not appropriate for the mailing list.
>> However, I have since tried re implementing the code which I sent and my R
>> Studio says that netReg has successfully been unpacked, so for now it
>> appears that my problem is solved :)
>> Best,
>> Spencer Brackett
>> On Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 8:35 PM Bert Gunter <>
>> wrote:
>>> netReg is not "the package that generates regression models in R." Tons
>>> of packages generate regression models in R, including lm(), which is in
>>> the stats package that is part of R's standard distro.
>>> So what exactly is it that you want to do that you think requires netReg?
>>> And if netReg is required, have you tried addressing your queries to the
>>> Bioconductor list, as it is one of their packages?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Bert
>>> "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
>>> and sticking things into it."
>>> -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
>>> On Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 5:06 PM Spencer Brackett <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Good evening,
>>>> I am having problems with downloading the package used to generate
>>>> regression models on R. The following is the error message I received. I
>>>> tried installing BiocManager instead as suggested, but this too did not
>>>> work. Any ideas?
>>>> The following is the full summary of what I’ve tried thus far...
>>>> install.packages("ggplot2")
>>>> install.packages("ggplot2")
>>>> source("";)
>>>> ?BiocUpgrade
>>>> source("";)biocLite("BiocUpgrade")
>>>> source("";)
>>>> biocLite("BiocUpgrade")
>>>> source("";)
>>>> biocLite("netReg")
>>>> help("Deprecated")
>>>> 'BiocManager::install'
>>>> biocLite("netReg")
>>>> help("oldName-deprecated")
>>>> ‘??oldName-deprecated’
>>>> .Deprecated(new, package=NULL, msg,
>>>> old = as.character([1L])
>>>> Best,
>>>> Spencer
>>>> On Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 7:58 PM Spencer Brackett <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> My apologies... here is the full code in summary
>>>>> install.packages("ggplot2")
>>>>> install.packages("ggplot2")
>>>>> source("";)
>>>>> ?BiocUpgrade
>>>>> source("";)biocLite("BiocUpgrade")
>>>>> source("";)
>>>>> biocLite("BiocUpgrade")
>>>>> source("";)
>>>>> biocLite("netReg")
>>>>> help("Deprecated")
>>>>> 'BiocManager::install'
>>>>> biocLite("netReg")
>>>>> help("oldName-deprecated")
>>>>> ‘??oldName-deprecated’
>>>>> .Deprecated(new, package=NULL, msg,
>>>>> old = as.character([1L])
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Spencer
>>>>> On Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 7:20 PM David Winsemius <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 4/14/19 3:20 PM, Spencer Brackett wrote:
>>>>>>> Good evening,
>>>>>>>  I am having problems with downloading the package used to generate
>>>>>>> regression models on R. The following is the error message I
>>>> received. I
>>>>>>> tried installing BiocManager instead as suggested, but this too did
>>>> not
>>>>>>> work. Any ideas?
>>>>>>> The downloaded binary packages are in
>>>>>>> C:\Users\Spencer\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmp8YKVqx\downloaded_packages
>>>>>>> installation path not writeable, unable to update packages: class,
>>>>>> cluster,
>>>>>>> codetools, foreign,
>>>>>>>   lattice, MASS, Matrix, mgcv, nlme, rpart, survival
>>>>>>> Warning message:
>>>>>>> 'biocLite' is deprecated.
>>>>>>> Use 'BiocManager::install' instead.
>>>>>>> See help("Deprecated")
>>>>>> Since you did not include the code that provoked this message we can
>>>>>> only guess that you did in fact use `bioLite`. We also cannot tell
>>>> what
>>>>>> you mean by "problems with downloading the package used to generate
>>>>>> regression models on R". The typical first step is to use the glm or
>>>> lm
>>>>>> function for this task and those are both in the stats package which
>>>> is
>>>>>> installed with the base version of R and is loaded by default when R
>>>> is
>>>>>> started up.
>>>>>> "
>>>>>> Have you tried following the suggestion at the end of the message?
>>>>>> And do read the Posting Guide and include "commented, minimal,
>>>>>> self-contained, reproducible code."
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> David.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Spencer
>>>>>>>      [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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>>>>>>> mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
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>>>>>>> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
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>>>> ______________________________________________
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>>>> PLEASE do read the posting guide
>>>> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
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