On 12.07.2018 18:09, Bill Poling wrote:
Yes, that's got it! (20 years from now I'll have it all figured out UGH!), lol!

Using R for 20 years myself now I can only tell that it takes much longer.

Uwe Ligges

Thank you David

Min.      1st Qu.       Median         Mean      3rd Qu.         Max.
"1977-07-16" "1984-03-13" "1990-08-16" "1990-12-28" "1997-07-29" "2002-12-31"


From: David Winsemius [mailto:dwinsem...@comcast.net]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 11:29 AM
To: Bill Poling <bill.pol...@zelis.com>
Cc: r-help (r-help@r-project.org) <r-help@r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [R] Help with replace()

On Jul 12, 2018, at 8:17 AM, Bill Poling 
<bill.pol...@zelis.com<mailto:bill.pol...@zelis.com>> wrote:

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02) -- "Feather Spray"
Copyright (C) 2018 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)


I have data set with day month year integers. I am creating a date column from 
those using lubridate.

a hundred or so rows failed to parse.

The problem is April and September have day = 31.

paste(df1$year, df1$month, df1$day, sep = "-")

ymd(paste(df1$year, df1$month, df1$day, sep = "-"))#Warning message: 129 failed 
to parse. As expected in tutorial

#The resulting Date vector can be added to df1 as a new column called date:
df1$date <- ymd(paste(df1$year, df1$month, df1$day, sep = "-"))#Same warning

sapply(df1$date,class) #"date"
# Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
#"1977-07-16" "1984-03-12" "1990-07-22" "1990-12-15" "1997-07-29" "2002-12-31" 

is_missing_date <- is.na(df1$date)

date_columns <- c("year", "month", "day")
missing_dates <- df1[is_missing_date, date_columns]

# year month day
# 3144 2000 9 31
# 3817 2000 4 31
# 3818 2000 4 31
# 3819 2000 4 31
# 3820 2000 4 31
# 3856 2000 9 31

I am trying to replace those with 30.

Seems like a fairly straightforward application of "[<-" with a conditional 
argument. (No need for tidyverse.)

missing_dates$day[ missing_dates$day==31 & ( missing_dates$month %in% c(4,9) )] 
<- 30

year month day
3144 2000 9 30
3817 2000 4 30
3818 2000 4 30
3819 2000 4 30
3820 2000 4 30
3856 2000 9 30


I am all over the map in Google looking for a fix, but haven't found one. I am 
sure I have over complicated my attempts with ideas(below) from these and other 

The following are screwy attempts at this simple repair,



is_missing_date <- is.na(df1$date)

date_columns <- c("year", "month", "day")
missing_dates <- df1[is_missing_date, date_columns]

#year month day
# 3144 2000 9 31
# 3817 2000 4 31
# 3818 2000 4 31
# 3819 2000 4 31
# 3820 2000 4 31
# 3856 2000 9 31

#So need those months with 30 days that are 31 to be 30


# ..those were the values you're going to replace

I thought this function from stackover would work, but get error when I try to 
add filter

df.Rep <- function(.data_Frame, .search_Columns, .search_Value, .sub_Value){
.data_Frame[, .search_Columns] <- ifelse(.data_Frame[, 
.search_Columns]==.search_Value,.sub_Value/.search_Value,1) * .data_Frame[, 

df.Rep(missing_dates, 3, 31, 30)

#--So I should be able to apply this to the complete df1 data somehow?
df.Rep(df1, filter(month == c(4,9)), 31, 30)
#Error in month == c(4, 9) : comparison (1) is possible only for atomic and 
list types

Other screwy attempts:

select(df1, month, day, year)
#'data.frame': 34786 obs. of 14 variables:
#To choose rows, use filter():

#mutate_if(df1, month =4,9), day = 30)

filter(df1, month == c(4,9), day == 31)

df1 %>%
group_by(month == c(4,9), day == 31) %>%
# 1 FALSE FALSE 31161
# 2 FALSE TRUE 576
# 3 TRUE FALSE 2981
# 4 TRUE TRUE 68

df1 %>%
mutate(day=replace(day, month == c(4,9), 30)) %>%
View(as.list(df1, month == 4))
View(df1, month == c(4,9), day == 31)

df1 %>%
group_by(month == c(4,9), day == 31) %>%
View(df1, month == c(4,9))

# df1 %>%
# group_by(month == c(4,9), day == 30) %>%

I know there is a simple solution and it is driving me mad that it eludes me, 
despite being new to R.

Thank you for any advice.


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David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

'Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.' -Gehm's 
Corollary to Clarke's Third Law

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