Thank you, that helps. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Newmiller [] 
Sent: Monday, March 5, 2018 3:36 PM
To: Sariya, Sanjeev <>
Cc:; R Help <>
Subject: RE: [R] Help with apply and new column?

Comments interspersed, and some code at the end.

On Mon, 5 Mar 2018, Sariya, Sanjeev wrote:

> Thanks. I think nabble is good for programming questions. Bear with me 
> if I'm incorrect.

You may have found R-help archives at Nabble, but R-help has nothing to do with 

> Data: Genomics SNP information

I know almost nothing about using R for genomics.

> Goal: I need to add Chromosome and SNP position to the data frame I'm using 
> through apply.
> I'd like to add new column from text processed through apply function.
> For example:  10:60523:T:G  (Column 2)
> CHR: 10
> Position: 60523

Assuming Position is "P", what are your "SNP" and "BP" in the names you 
assigned below as c("SNP","P","CHR","BP")?

> Dataset:
> chr   rs      ps      n_miss  allele1 allele0 af      beta    se      l_remle 
> p_wald
> -9    10:60523:T:G    -9      0       T       G       0.977   -1.769354e-02   
> 3.597196e-02    1.566731e-01    6.228309e-01
> -9    10:60684:A:C    -9      0       A       C       0.973   1.698925e-02    
> 2.942366e-02    1.561001e-01    5.636926e-01
> -9    10:61331:A:G    -9      0       A       G       0.973   1.708586e-02    
> 2.942424e-02    1.560944e-01    5.614851e-01
> -9    10:62010:C:T    -9      0       C       T       0.980   -8.513143e-03   
> 3.837054e-02    1.566875e-01    8.244260e-01
> Code:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> data<-read.table("small.txt",header = T) # read data 
> data<-data[,c(2,11)] #delete other columns not needed
> #--split data on : and get chromosome and position
> split_rs<-function(rs){
>    chr<-vector(,length(rs)) # create new vector to store chr
>    pos<-vector(,length(rs)) #create new vector to store position
>    for(i in 1:length(rs)){ #iterate over RS column
>        if(grepl(":",rs[i])){ #if : in column string
>            temp <- strsplit(rs[i],":",fixed=T)         #split
>            chr[i] <-temp[[1]][1] #store CHR
>            pos[i] <- temp[[1]][2]  #store position
>        }
>    }
>    return(list(chr=chr,pos=pos)) #return making a list }
> data$POS<-"NA" #add new column CHR and make NA data$CHR <- "NA" #add 
> new column POS and make NA
> temp<-apply(data,2,split_rs) #send data frame to function
> #--I assign value from list sent -- I would like to improve this part
> data$CHR<-temp$rs$chr
> data$POS<-temp$rs$pos
> rm(temp)
> colnames(data)<-c("SNP","P","CHR","BP")
> --------------------------------------------------------

# Your code was pretty severely broken... it would not run, # and I don't know 
what you expected to see as output.

# 1) data is the name of a function in base R... re-using
#    it can lead to puzzling errors
# 2) With all this character manipulation, you need to read
#    your character data in as character, not as factors
# 3) Don't use the T variable... use the constant TRUE,
#    since T can easily be overwritten to some non-TRUE value.
dta <- read.table( "small.txt", header = TRUE, = TRUE ) # read data dta 
<- dta[ , c( 2, 11 ) ] #delete other columns not needed

# 4) Not at all clear why you want to split all of the columns
#    using apply( ..., 2, ... ) when only one column has ":" characters
#temp <- apply( dta, 2, split_rs ) #send data frame to function temp <- 
strsplit( dta$rs, ":" ) # gets the whole column splits at once

# wildly guessing here
rs_chrmatrix <- rbind, temp )
rs_DF <- rs_chrmatrix, stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) names( rs_DF ) 
<- c( "CHR", "P", "X1", "X2" ) rs_DF$P <- as.integer( rs_DF$P )

str( rs_DF )

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Newmiller []
> Sent: Monday, March 5, 2018 1:48 PM
> To:; Sariya, Sanjeev <>; 
> R Help <>
> Subject: Re: [R] Help with apply and new column?
> Read the Posting Guide... (see message footer) ... some relevant things you 
> can find there:
> a) Yes, this appears to be about how to use an R base function so it 
> is on topic
> b) Post a reproducible example (include some sample data, preferably 
> using the dput function)
> c) Post using plain text so the mailing list doesn't convert it for you and 
> mangle things in a way you did not intend.
> --
> Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
> On March 5, 2018 10:07:24 AM PST, "Sariya, Sanjeev" 
> <> wrote:
>> Hello members,
>> Can I ask question for apply, adding new column to data frame on this 
>> e-mail list?
>> Thanks!
>>      [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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