Hi, thanks to everybody for pointing the issue and their kind answers. I 
appreciated, it is solved.

ggtern(data=x11,aes(A,B,C,xend = c(0.7,.00,0.7),yend= c(.30,.50,.0),zend 

My best regards,
Kimden: peter dalgaard [pda...@gmail.com]
Gönderildi: 04 Aralık 2017 Pazartesi 17:23
Kime: Eik Vettorazzi
Bilgi: Levent TERLEMEZ; R-help@r-project.org
Konu: Re: [R] ggtern and bquote...

D'oh! Thanks for pointing this out. I blame caffeine depletion at the time...


> On 4 Dec 2017, at 15:48 , Eik Vettorazzi <e.vettora...@uke.de> wrote:
> reading ?plotmath you might notice that "_" isn't the propper syntax for
> subscripts. This will work:
> ggtern(data=x11,aes(A,B,C,xend = c(0.7,.00,0.7),yend =
> c(.30,.50,.0),zend =c(.0,.50,0.3)))+
>  geom_point()+
>  theme_showarrows()+geom_segment(size=.5)+
> geom_text_viewport(x=c(.45,.27,.37),y=c(.32,.29,.22),label=c("P[a]","P[b]","P[c]"),
> parse=TRUE)
> cheers.
> Am 04.12.2017 um 15:37 schrieb Levent TERLEMEZ via R-help:
>> Hi,
>> My example code is this;
>> x11<-data.frame(A=c(.6,.6,.6),B=c(.20,.20,.20),C=c(0.20,.20,.20))
>> ggtern(data=x11,aes(A,B,C,xend = c(0.7,.00,0.7),yend = c(.30,.50,.0),zend 
>> =c(.0,.50,0.3)))+
>>    geom_point()+
>>    theme_showarrows()+geom_segment(size=.5)+
>> geom_text_viewport(x=c(.45,.27,.37),y=c(.32,.29,.22),label=as.expression("P_a","P_b","P_c"))
>> ggtern(data=x11,aes(A,B,C,xend = c(0.7,.00,0.7),yend = c(.30,.50,.0),zend 
>> =c(.0,.50,0.3)))+
>>    geom_point()+
>>    theme_showarrows()+geom_segment(size=.5)+
>> geom_text_viewport(x=c(.45,.27,.37),y=c(.32,.29,.22),label=as.expression(quote(c("P_a","P_b","P_c"))))
>> In geom_text_viewport (I also tried geom_label and geom_text versions) tried 
>> all possible solutions, but i couldn't achieved. R command outputs are like 
>> this:
>> Error in stats::complete.cases(df[, vars, drop = FALSE]) :
>>  invalid 'type' (expression) of argument
>> Maybe i am writing the code wrong, i couldn't figure out.
>> Thanks for your kind answers.
>> ________________________________________
>> Kimden: Martin Maechler [maech...@stat.math.ethz.ch]
>> Gönderildi: 04 Aralık 2017 Pazartesi 16:16
>> Kime: peter dalgaard
>> Bilgi: Levent TERLEMEZ; R-help@r-project.org
>> Konu: Re: [R] ggtern and bquote...
>>>>>>> peter dalgaard <pda...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>    on Mon, 4 Dec 2017 14:55:19 +0100 writes:
>>>> On 4 Dec 2017, at 11:58 , Levent TERLEMEZ via R-help
>>>> <r-help@r-project.org> wrote:
>>>> Dear Users,
>>>> What is the proper way to write symbol, superscript,
>>>> subscript in ggtern/ggplot? I tried every given example,
>>>> every possible features of ggplot but couldn’t achived. I
>>>> just want to write P_a, sigma^2, etc, would you please
>>>> advise me about this problem.
>>> Did you try expression(P_a)? I don't do much gg-stuff, but
>>> I seem to recall that quote() doesn't quite cut it the way
>>> it does in base graphics.
>>> -pd
>> Yes, I vaguely remember that indeed also for the lattice package
>> (which is based on 'grid' the same as 'ggplot2' is ..) sometimes
>> expressions instead of calls are needed, i.e., expression(*)
>> instead of just quote(*).
>> However, I think Levent really meant what you'd get by
>> expression(P[a]) ?
>> @Levent: The clue is the need for valid R syntax, and indeed, as
>>   in LaTeX  x_i often is the i-th element of x,  the R syntax for
>>   indexing/subsetting is used here, i.e.
>>    x[i]  for LaTeX  x_i
>> Last but not least, if Levent really needs bquote() [i.e. substitute()]
>> then, a final
>>      as.expression(.)
>> may be needed :
>> identical(as.expression(quote(a == 1)),
>>             expression(      a == 1))  # --> TRUE
>> --
>> Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
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> --
> Eik Vettorazzi
> Department of Medical Biometry and Epidemiology
> University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
> Martinistrasse 52
> building W 34
> 20246 Hamburg
> Phone: +49 (0) 40 7410 - 58243
> Fax:   +49 (0) 40 7410 - 57790
> Web: www.uke.de/imbe
> --
> _____________________________________________________________________
> Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf; Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts; 
> Gerichtsstand: Hamburg | www.uke.de
> Vorstandsmitglieder: Prof. Dr. Burkhard Göke (Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr. Dr. 
> Uwe Koch-Gromus, Joachim Prölß, Martina Saurin (komm.)
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Peter Dalgaard, Professor,
Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Phone: (+45)38153501
Office: A 4.23
Email: pd....@cbs.dk  Priv: pda...@gmail.com

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