> On Oct 19, 2016, at 1:54 PM, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
>  The file, daily_records.dat, contains these data:
> "station","date","amount"
> "0.3E",2014-01-01,
> "0.3E",2014-01-02,
> "0.3E",2014-01-03,0.01
> "0.3E",2014-01-04,0.00
> "0.3E",2014-01-05,0.00
> "0.3E",2014-01-06,0.00
> "0.3E",2014-01-07,0.10
> "0.3E",2014-01-08,0.22
> "0.3E",2014-01-09,0.49
>  Using read.table("daily_records.dat", header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote =
> "\"\"") the data are assigned to a data.frame named 'rain.'
>  I expect the structure to show station and date as factors with amount as
> numeric, but they're all factors:

I got both station and amounts as numeric:

dat <- read.table(text='"station","date","amount"
"0.3E",2014-01-09,0.49', header = TRUE, sep = ",",quote =
'data.frame':   9 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ station: num  0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
 $ date   : Factor w/ 9 levels "2014-01-01","2014-01-02",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 $ amount : num  NA NA 0.01 0 0 0 0.1 0.22 0.49

Why aren't you using colClasses?

> str(rain)
> 'data.frame': 341 obs. of  3 variables:
> $ station: Factor w/ 6 levels "0.3E","0.6W",..: 1 1 ...
> $ date   : Factor w/ 62 levels "2013-12-01","2013-12-02",..: 32 33 34 ...
> $ amount : Factor w/ 48 levels "","0.00","0.01",..: 1 1 3 2 ...
>  Why is amount taken as a factor rather than numeric? I do not recall
> having numbers read as factors before this.
>  I expect to need to convert dates using as.Date() but not to convert
> numbers.
> TIA,
> Rich
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