Maybe it's better to open a new thread.

Rui Barradas

Citando Juan Ceccarelli Arias <>:

> The error wasn't in the loop. It was in the file list.
> It's running now because i added full.names option to TRUE
> fuente=list.files("C:/Users/Jceccarelli/Bases/Stata",  
> pattern="dta$", full.names=T)
> Now R can proccess the data. Now it callapses or stops because other  
> kind of error.
> ¿Should i open another topic or just use the mail list?
> By the way, thank you all.
>   On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 11:48 AM, <> wrote:
>> _Hello,
>> That means that probably the files are in a different folder/directory.
>> Use getwd() to see what is your current directory and
>> setwd("path/to/files") to set the right place where the files can be found.
>> Rui Barradas
>>  _
>> _Citando Juan Ceccarelli Arias <>:_
>>> _I just doesn't work..._
>>> _Im loading the read,dta13 package already._
>>> _When i try to perform a simple table(sex), i received the "File  
>>> not found" message._
>>> _However, if i load the data using the file.choose() option inside  
>>> read.dta13, i can open the stata file._
>>> _I don't know what am i doing wrong..._
>>> _  _ _On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 5:08 PM, <> wrote: _
>>>> __Or maybe a print() statement on the table() in the loop.
>>>> print(table(...))
>>>> Rui Barradas
>>>>  __
>>>> __Citando David Winsemius <>:__
>>>>>> __On Aug 23, 2016, at 10:01 AM, Juan Ceccarelli Arias  
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Im running this but the code doesn't seem work.
>>>>>> It just hangs out but doesn't show any error.
>>>>>> for (i in 1:length(fuente)){
>>>>>> xxx=read_dta(fuente[i])
>>>>>> table(xxx$cise, xxx$sexo)
>>>>>> rm(xxx)
>>>>>> }__
>>>>> __I still find the behavior of R's `for`-loop to be rather  
>>>>> puzzling. In this case you appear to be getting the operation  
>>>>> done, but because you didn't assign those table values to a  
>>>>> variable they just disappeared.
>>>>> Try this:
>>>>> XXX <- list()
>>>>> for (i in 1:length(fuente)){
>>>>>   xxx=read_dta(fuente[i])
>>>>>   XXX[[i]] <- table(xxx$cise, xxx$sexo)
>>>>>   rm(xxx)
>>>>> }
>>>>> str(XXX)
>>>>> Seems to me that if you can do assignment to the parent  
>>>>> environment (without actually using assign( ..., env=...)  that  
>>>>> you should also be able to see the results of evaluation  
>>>>> occurring inside the for loop, but for-loops return NULL. So you  
>>>>> see nothing.
>>>>> David.
>>>>>  _ _
>>>>>> __On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 6:31 AM, <> wrote:__
>>>>>>> __Hello,
>>>>>>> The op could also use package sos to find that and other  
>>>>>>> packages to read
>>>>>>> stata files.
>>>>>>> install.packages("sos")
>>>>>>> library(sos)
>>>>>>> findFn("stata")
>>>>>>> found 374 matches;  retrieving 19 pages
>>>>>>> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
>>>>>>> 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
>>>>>>> Downloaded 258 links in 121 packages
>>>>>>> The first package is readstata13 but there are others.
>>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>>> Rui Barradas
>>>>>>> Citando Michael Dewey <>:
>>>>>>> Dear Juan
>>>>>>> If this is a Stata 13 file the package readstata13 available  
>>>>>>> from CRAN may
>>>>>>> be of assistance.
>>>>>>> On 22/08/2016 18:40, Juan Ceccarelli Arias wrote:
>>>>>>> I removed the data,frame=True...
>>>>>>> I obtain this warnings...
>>>>>>> Error in read.dta(fuente[i]) : not a Stata version 5-12 .dta file
>>>>>>> In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the
>>>>>>> first 50)
>>>>>>> the warnings() throws this
>>>>>>> Warning messages:
>>>>>>> 1: In `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = if (nl == nL)  
>>>>>>> as.character(labels) else
>>>>>>> paste0(labels,  ... :
>>>>>>> duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
>>>>>>> 2: In `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = if (nl == nL)  
>>>>>>> as.character(labels) else
>>>>>>> paste0(labels,  ... :
>>>>>>> duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
>>>>>>> 3: In `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = if (nl == nL)  
>>>>>>> as.character(labels) else
>>>>>>> paste0(labels,  ... :
>>>>>>> duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
>>>>>>> 4: In `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = if (nl == nL)  
>>>>>>> as.character(labels) else
>>>>>>> paste0(labels,  ... :
>>>>>>> duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
>>>>>>> 5: In `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = if (nl == nL)  
>>>>>>> as.character(labels) else
>>>>>>> paste0(labels,  ... :
>>>>>>> duplicated levels in factors are deprecated
>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 2:32 PM, <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> That argument doesn't exist, hence the error.
>>>>>>> Read the help page ?read.dta more carefully. You will see that already
>>>>>>> read.dta reads into a data.frame.
>>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>>> Rui Barradas
>>>>>>> Citando Juan Ceccarelli Arias <>:
>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>> I need to apply some code over some stata files that are in folder.
>>>>>>> I've wrote this
>>>>>>> library(foreign)
>>>>>>> fuente=list.files("C:/Users/Jceccarelli/Bases/Stata[1]",  
>>>>>>> pattern="dta$",
>>>>>>> full.names=FALSE)
>>>>>>> for (i in 1:length(fuente)){
>>>>>>> xxx=read.dta(fuente[i],
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> But i get this error
>>>>>>> Error in read.dta(fuente[i], = TRUE) :
>>>>>>> unused argument ( = TRUE)
>>>>>>> What am i doing wrong?
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>>>>>>>  _
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>>>>> _ _David WinsemiusAlameda, CA, USA__
>>>> __ __
>>> _ _
>>> _ _
>> _ _



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