>>>>> Dariush Ashtab <ashtab.dari...@gmail.com>
>>>>>     on Thu, 2 Jun 2016 17:57:14 +0430 writes:

["accidentally" to R-core .. should have gone to R-help -- and
 hence answered here]
    > Dear R project I need stats package for optimization in
    > simulated annealing but i can not download.  please guide
    > me.

If you install R in any "normal way", it comes with 29 R

Inside, R, you get their names via

> rownames(installed.packages(.Library, priority=c("base","recommended")))
 [1] "base"       "boot"       "class"      "cluster"    "codetools" 
 [6] "compiler"   "datasets"   "foreign"    "graphics"   "grDevices" 
[11] "grid"       "KernSmooth" "lattice"    "MASS"       "Matrix"    
[16] "methods"    "mgcv"       "nlme"       "nnet"       "parallel"  
[21] "rpart"      "spatial"    "splines"    "stats"      "stats4"    
[26] "survival"   "tcltk"      "tools"      "utils"     

A subset of  14  of these, the "base" ones, are bundled with R,
and entirely part of the source code of R, and hence cannot be 
installed separately :

> rownames(installed.packages(.Library, priority="base"))
 [1] "base"      "compiler"  "datasets"  "graphics"  "grDevices" "grid"     
 [7] "methods"   "parallel"  "splines"   "stats"     "stats4"    "tcltk"    
[13] "tools"     "utils"    

Package 'stats' is among these and even is among those packages
that are loaded and *attached* (to your "search path") by default,
when you start R.

    > Many thanks from any pointers,
    > Dariush

You are welcome,

Martin Maechler
ETH Zurich

    > -- 
    > Dariush Ashtab
    > ( MS.c in Environment Assessment & Planning )
    > Master Student , Department of Environment, Faculty of Natural Resources,
    > Tarbiat Modares University (T.M.U.), Noor, Iran.

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