This does away with the 'for' loops and uses 'expand.grid' to create
the combinations.  I think I got the right variables substituted:

my.df <- data.frame(replicate(10, round(rnorm(100, mean=3.5, sd=1))))
var.list <- c("dv1", "dv2", "dv3", "iv1", "iv2", "iv3", "iv4", "iv5",
"intv1", "intv2")
names(my.df) <- var.list

# I have some are DVs:
dvs <- c("dv1", "dv2", "dv3")

# some IVs:
ivs <- c("iv1", "iv2", "iv3", "iv4", "iv5")

# and some binary interaction variables:
intvs <- c("intv1", "intv2")
my.df[intvs] <- lapply(my.df[intvs], function(x)
 recode(x, recodes = "lo:3.5=0; 3.5:hi=1; ",as.factor.result = FALSE))

# now I loop through a series of interactions using the vector numbers:
# create a dataframe of values to check
xpnd <- expand.grid(dvs, ivs, intvs) # create combinations
invisible(apply(xpnd, 1, function(.row) {
  jpeg(paste(paste(.row, collapse="_"),".jpg", sep='')) <- lm( my.df[[.row[1]]] ~ my.df[[.row[2]]] + my.df[[.row[3]]] +
   colors <- ifelse (my.df[[.row[3]]] == 1, "black", "grey")
   plot(my.df[[.row[2]]], my.df[[.row[1]]], xlab=.row[2],
        ylab=.row[1], col=colors, pch=".")
   curve (cbind (1, 1, x, 1*x) %*% coef(, add=TRUE, col="black")
   curve (cbind (1, 0, x, 0*x) %*% coef(, add=TRUE, col="gray")

On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 6:26 PM, Donald Braman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> # I've tried to make this easy to paste into R, though it's probably
> so simple you won't need to.
> # I have some data (there are many more variables, but this is a
> reasonable approximation of it)
> # here's a fabricated data frame that is similar in form to mine:
> my.df <- data.frame(replicate(10, round(rnorm(100, mean=3.5, sd=1))))
> var.list <- c("dv1", "dv2", "dv3", "iv1", "iv2", "iv3", "iv4", "iv5",
> "intv1", "intv2")
> names(my.df) <- var.list
> # I have some are DVs:
> dvs <- c("dv1", "dv2", "dv3")
> # some IVs:
> ivs <- c("iv1", "iv2", "iv3", "iv4", "iv5")
> # and some binary interaction variables:
> intvs <- c("intv1", "intv2")
> library(car)
> my.df[intvs] <- lapply(my.df[intvs], function(x)
>  recode(x, recodes = "lo:3.5=0; 3.5:hi=1; ",as.factor.result = FALSE))
> # now I loop through a series of interactions using the vector numbers:
> for(dv in 1:3) {
>  for(iv in 4:8) {
>  for (intv in 9:10) {
>   jpeg(paste(names(my.df[iv]), names(my.df[dv]), names(my.df[intv]),
> ".jpg", sep="_"))
>   with(data.frame(my.df), {
> <- lm( my.df[[dv]] ~ my.df[[iv]] + my.df[[intv]] +
> my.df[[iv]]:my.df[[intv]])
>    colors <- ifelse (my.df[[intv]] == 1, "black", "grey")
>    plot(my.df[[iv]], my.df[[dv]], xlab=names(my.df[iv]),
> ylab=names(my.df[dv]), col=colors, pch=".")
>    curve (cbind (1, 1, x, 1*x) %*% coef(, add=TRUE, col="black")
>    curve (cbind (1, 0, x, 0*x) %*% coef(, add=TRUE, col="gray")
>   })
>  }
>  }
> }
> # Question1: Works fine, but using the vector numbers feels kludgy --
> especially if the variables in question aren't consecutive.
> # Is there a more elegant way of doing this with my lists of variable
> names? Something like this, for example:
> for(dv in dvs) {
>  for(iv in ivs) {
>  for (intv in intvs) {
>   jpeg(paste(dv, iv, intv, ".jpg", sep="_"))
>   with(data.frame(my.df), {
> <- lm(my.df[dv] ~ my.df[iv] + my.df[intv] + my.df[iv]:my.df[intv])
>    colors <- ifelse (my.df[[intv]] == 1, "black", "grey")
>    plot(my.df[iv], my.df[dv], xlab=iv, ylab=names(dv), col=colors, pch=".")
>    curve (cbind (1, 1, x, 1*x) %*% coef(, add=TRUE, col="black")
>    curve (cbind (1, 0, x, 0*x) %*% coef(, add=TRUE, col="gray")
>   })
>  }
>  }
> }
> # Clearly that's wrong -- why it's wrong is obscure to me, though!
> Please educate me!
> # Question2: Could this could be done by using "apply" rather than a loop?
> # Or is looping better here bc there are several actions performed at
> each iteration?
> # I'm still trying to get my head around all the ways to ditch looping in R.
> Donald Braman
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