Hi message,
What you can do is this:

barpos<-barplot(axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE, horiz=TRUE,
 testbarplot[,2], ylab='group', xlab= '(x values)',
 xlim=c(0,10),space=c(1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0))
 c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'c', 'e','f', 'g'), pos=4)

as I think you want the values displayed just to the right of the
bars. The "xlim" argument is needed to provide space for the label on
the longest bar.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of message
> Sent: Monday, April 4, 2016 6:00 AM
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: [R] multiple bar plot annotation text labelling
> Readers,
> The attempt is to create a bar plot with text labels adjacent to each
> datum value.
> Data file:
> 1,3,A
> 1,8,B
> 1,1,C
> 1,9,D
> 2,5,C
> 2,4,E
> 2,2,F
> 2,0,G
> testbarplot<-read.csv('data1.csv', header=FALSE)
> barplot(axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE, horiz=TRUE, testbarplot[,2], ylab=
> 'group', xlab= '(x values)', space=c(1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0))
> text(testbarplot[,2], testbarplot[,1], c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'c', 'e',
> 'f', 'g'), pos=4)
> Why does the text labels only appear for the lower half group of bar
> plot values?
> Below is an example of the type of graph that is being sought. It is svg
> text exported from libreoffice calc that should be saved as a separate
> file and viewable in any svg viewer such as a web browser or a tool such
> as 'eye of gnome'.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <svg version="1.2" baseProfile="tiny" width="115.01mm" height="126.01mm"
> viewBox="1200 2000 11501 12601" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid"
> fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-width="28.222" stroke-linejoin="round"
> xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
> xmlns:ooo="http://xml.openoffice.org/svg/export";
> xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; xml:space="preserve">
>   <defs class="ClipPathGroup">
>    <clipPath id="presentation_clip_path" clipPathUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
>     <rect x="1200" y="2000" width="11501" height="12601"/>
>    </clipPath>
>   </defs>
>   <defs>
>    <font id="EmbeddedFont_1" horiz-adv-x="2048">
>     <font-face font-family="Liberation Sans embedded" units-per-em="2048"
> font-weight="normal" font-style="normal" ascent="1852" descent="423"/>
>     <missing-glyph horiz-adv-x="2048" d="M 0,0 L 2047,0 2047,2047 0,2047
> 0,0 Z"/>
>     <glyph unicode="1" horiz-adv-x="927" d="M 156,0 L 156,153 515,153
> 515,1237 197,1010 197,1180 530,1409 696,1409 696,153 1039,153 1039,0
> 156,0 Z"/>
>    </font>
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>    <g ooo:slide="id1" ooo:id-list="id3 id4 id5 id6 id7 id8 id9 id10 id11
> id12 id13 id14 id15 id16 id17 id18 id19 id20 id21"/>
>   </defs>
>   <defs class="EmbeddedBulletChars">
>    <g id="bullet-char-template(57356)"
> transform="scale(0.00048828125,-0.00048828125)">
>     <path d="M 580,1141 L 1163,571 580,0 -4,571 580,1141 Z"/>
>    </g>
>    <g id="bullet-char-template(57354)"
> transform="scale(0.00048828125,-0.00048828125)">
>     <path d="M 8,1128 L 1137,1128 1137,0 8,0 8,1128 Z"/>
>    </g>
>    <g id="bullet-char-template(10146)"
> transform="scale(0.00048828125,-0.00048828125)">
>     <path d="M 174,0 L 602,739 174,1481 1456,739 174,0 Z M 1358,739 L
> 309,1346 659,739 1358,739 Z"/>
>    </g>
>    <g id="bullet-char-template(10132)"
> transform="scale(0.00048828125,-0.00048828125)">
>     <path d="M 2015,739 L 1276,0 717,0 1260,543 174,543 174,936 1260,936
> 717,1481 1274,1481 2015,739 Z"/>
>    </g>
>    <g id="bullet-char-template(10007)"
> transform="scale(0.00048828125,-0.00048828125)">
>     <path d="M 0,-2 C -7,14 -16,27 -25,37 L 356,567 C 262,823 215,952
> 215,954 215,979 228,992 255,992 264,992 276,990 289,987 310,991 331,999
> 354,1012 L 381,999 492,748 772,1049 836,1024 860,1049 C 881,1039
> 901,1025 922,1006 886,937 835,863 770,784 769,783 710,716 594,584 L
> 774,223 C 774,196 753,168 711,139 L 727,119 C 717,90 699,76 672,76
> 641,76 570,178 457,381 L 164,-76 C 142,-110 111,-127 72,-127 30,-127
> 9,-110 8,-76 1,-67 -2,-52 -2,-32 -2,-23 -1,-13 0,-2 Z"/>
>    </g>
>    <g id="bullet-char-template(10004)"
> transform="scale(0.00048828125,-0.00048828125)">
>     <path d="M 285,-33 C 182,-33 111,30 74,156 52,228 41,333 41,471
> 41,549 55,616 82,672 116,743 169,778 240,778 293,778 328,747 346,684 L
> 369,508 C 377,444 397,411 428,410 L 1163,1116 C 1174,1127 1196,1133
> 1229,1133 1271,1133 1292,1118 1292,1087 L 1292,965 C 1292,929 1282,901
> 1262,881 L 442,47 C 390,-6 338,-33 285,-33 Z"/>
>    </g>
>    <g id="bullet-char-template(9679)"
> transform="scale(0.00048828125,-0.00048828125)">
>     <path d="M 813,0 C 632,0 489,54 383,161 276,268 223,411 223,592
> 223,773 276,916 383,1023 489,1130 632,1184 813,1184 992,1184 1136,1130
> 1245,1023 1353,916 1407,772 1407,592 1407,412 1353,268 1245,161 1136,54
> 992,0 813,0 Z"/>
>    </g>
>    <g id="bullet-char-template(8226)"
> transform="scale(0.00048828125,-0.00048828125)">
>     <path d="M 346,457 C 273,457 209,483 155,535 101,586 74,649 74,723
> 74,796 101,859 155,911 209,963 273,989 346,989 419,989 480,963 531,910
> 582,859 608,796 608,723 608,648 583,586 532,535 482,483 420,457 346,457
> Z"/>
>    </g>
>    <g id="bullet-char-template(8211)"
> transform="scale(0.00048828125,-0.00048828125)">
>     <path d="M -4,459 L 1135,459 1135,606 -4,606 -4,459 Z"/>
>    </g>
>   </defs>
>   <defs class="TextEmbeddedBitmaps"/>
>   <g class="SlideGroup">
>    <g>
>     <g id="id1" class="Slide" clip-path="url(#presentation_clip_path)">
>      <g class="Page">
>       <g class="com.sun.star.drawing.CustomShape">
>        <g id="id3">
>         <path fill="rgb(114,159,207)" stroke="none" d="M 4350,3000 L
> 3000,3000 3000,2100 5700,2100 5700,3000 4350,3000 Z"/>
>         <path fill="none" stroke="rgb(52,101,164)" d="M 4350,3000 L
> 3000,3000 3000,2100 5700,2100 5700,3000 4350,3000 Z"/>
>        </g>
>       </g>
>       <g class="com.sun.star.drawing.CustomShape">
>        <g id="id4">
>         <path fill="rgb(114,159,207)" stroke="none" d="M 5350,3900 L
> 3000,3900 3000,3000 7700,3000 7700,3900 5350,3900 Z"/>
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> 3000,3900 3000,3000 7700,3000 7700,3900 5350,3900 Z"/>
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>         <path fill="rgb(114,159,207)" stroke="none" d="M 7850,5700 L
> 3000,5700 3000,4800 12700,4800 12700,5700 7850,5700 Z"/>
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> 3000,5700 3000,4800 12700,4800 12700,5700 7850,5700 Z"/>
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>        <g id="id7">
>         <path fill="rgb(114,159,207)" stroke="none" d="M 4350,7500 L
> 3000,7500 3000,6600 5700,6600 5700,7500 4350,7500 Z"/>
>         <path fill="none" stroke="rgb(52,101,164)" d="M 4350,7500 L
> 3000,7500 3000,6600 5700,6600 5700,7500 4350,7500 Z"/>
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>       <g class="com.sun.star.drawing.CustomShape">
>        <g id="id8">
>         <path fill="rgb(114,159,207)" stroke="none" d="M 5350,8400 L
> 3000,8400 3000,7500 7700,7500 7700,8400 5350,8400 Z"/>
>         <path fill="none" stroke="rgb(52,101,164)" d="M 5350,8400 L
> 3000,8400 3000,7500 7700,7500 7700,8400 5350,8400 Z"/>
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>       <g class="com.sun.star.drawing.CustomShape">
>        <g id="id9">
>         <path fill="rgb(114,159,207)" stroke="none" d="M 3800,9300 L
> 3000,9300 3000,8400 4600,8400 4600,9300 3800,9300 Z"/>
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> 3000,9300 3000,8400 4600,8400 4600,9300 3800,9300 Z"/>
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> 3000,10200 3000,9300 12700,9300 12700,10200 7850,10200 Z"/>
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> 3000,12800 3000,11900 7700,11900 7700,12800 5350,12800 Z"/>
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> 3000,13700 3000,12800 4600,12800 4600,13700 3800,13700 Z"/>
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> 3000,14600 3000,13700 12700,13700 12700,14600 7850,14600 Z"/>
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> 1950,8400"/>
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> 1950,12900"/>
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> class="TextPosition" x="1450" y="4201"><tspan fill="rgb(0,0,0)"
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> class="TextPosition" x="1451" y="8701"><tspan fill="rgb(0,0,0)"
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> </svg>
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