I'm sorry, I forgot to mention that in the last step I have to use the
choose() function for all the elements of x not only x[1],x[2], and x[3].

Any suggestions or recommendation for some reference or a package that can
help me sort that out.


Maram Salem

On 11 October 2015 at 18:52, Maram SAlem <marammagdysa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I'm trying to use the apply family to evaluate 2 nested functions whose
> arguments are somewhat overlapping. I'm doing this in order to evaluate
> nested multiple summations in a certain equation. First, I created the s
> matrix whose rows satisfy some logical condition.
> n=8
> m=4
> D<-matrix(0,nrow=n-m+1,ncol=m-1)
> for (i in 1:m-1)
>  {
> D[,i]<-seq(0,n-m,1)
>  }
> ED <- do.call(`expand.grid`,as.data.frame(D))
> ED<-as.matrix(ED)
> lk<-which(rowSums(ED)<=(n-m))
> s<-ED[lk,]
> Then, I'm trying to evaluate a function called simpfun for each row of s,
> which could be easily done using the apply () function. The problem is that
> within the simpfun I need to evaluate another function, incomb(). This
> function has to be first evaluated for each row of the matrix LED, whose
> elements are sequences having the corresponding elements of each row of s
> as their upper limits.
> simpfun<- function (x,n,m,p,alpha,beta)
>   {
>   a<-factorial(n-m)/(prod((factorial(x)))*(factorial((n-m)- sum(x))))
>   b<- vector(mode = "numeric", length = m-1)
>   for ( i in 1:m-1)
>    {
>    b[i]<- (m-i)
>    }
>   c<- a*((p)^(sum(x)))*((1-p)^(((m-1)*(n-m))-sum(b%*%x)))
>   d <-vector(mode = "numeric", length = m-1)
>    for (i in 1:m-1)
>    {
>    d[i]<- n- (sum(x[(1):(i)])) - i
>    }
>   e<- n*(prod(d))*c
>   LD<-list()
>    for (i in 1:(m-1))
>    {
>    LD[[i]]<-seq(0,x[i],1)
>    }
>    LD[[m]]<-seq(0,(n-m-sum(x)),1)
>    LED<-expand.grid (LD)
>    LED<-as.matrix(LED)
>      incomb<-function(x,alpha,beta) {
> g<-((-1)^(sum(LED[1,])))*(gamma((1/beta)+1))*((alpha)^(-(1/beta)))
>              fd<-
> choose(x[1],LED[1,1])*choose(x[2],LED[1,2])*choose(x[3],LED[1,3])
>           return (g)
>       }
> }
> where my x in the simpfun() refers to one of the rows of the s matrix, so
> that I'll be able to use something like
> va<-apply(s,1,simpfun,n=,m=,p=,alpha=,beta=)
> to apply it to each row of s.
> The problem now is that for each row of s (which is supposed to be my x in
> the simpfun()) ,I need to first apply the incomb() function for all the
> rows of LED.Thus, I need to modify what I wrote above in the body of the
> incomb() function in terms of something like y instead of LED[1,], so that
> I can again use the apply() function on all its rows first for one row of s
> ,say x, and then repeat this for all the other rows of s. I can't figure
> out how to do this while still having the rows of s, say x, as one of the
> arguments of the incomb() function for which I'm going to use the apply()
> function once more.
> I'm sorry if what I'm asking for is not that clear, but I'm trying to
> simplfy things as much as possible so that we don't go into tedious detalis.
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Maram Salem

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