On Mon, 20 Jul 2015, Thierry Onkelinx wrote:

We need the source file.

  Attached to the original message was the TeX output called, 'sample.txt'.
I've attached it again, but with the .tex extension. Also, the .lyx file is

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\begin_layout Standard
In 1986 Ward described the status of water quality assessment as "data rich
 and information poor" 
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand citep
key "Ward1986"


 The authors addressed the lack of science-based design of monitoring location
 networks; this situation still applies.
 They defined water quality monitoring as "any effort by a government or
 private enterprise to obtain an understanding of the physical, chemical,
 and biological characteristics of water via statistical sampling." Of course,
 their definition also applies to appropriate statistical analyses of the
 collected data.

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tidy=T, tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=60)





\begin_layout Standard
The data available for the Carlin site (USGS station number 10321000 are
 in Appendix A.
 Many documents on data analysis and statistics use small sample sets to
 illustrate the points the author wants the reader to learn.
 Real-world environmental data sets frequently are very large so this document
 uses 52 variables from the total available from the USGS's web site.

\begin_layout Standard
The first step in analyzing water chemistry data for CWA compliance is reading
 it into the analytical software and converting column data types as necessary.

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Flex Chunk
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\begin_layout Plain Layout

carlin <- read.csv("./carlin.csv", header=T, sep=",", stringsAsFactors=F)

\begin_layout Plain Layout

carlin$sampdate <- as.Date(carlin$sampdate)
\begin_inset Argument 1
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\begin_layout Plain Layout





\begin_layout Standard
Next, check that the data are what you expect to see and convert dates from
 The site ID number is retained for use when examining multiple stations
 along the Humboldt River for longitudinal changes and other variables that
 might affect the measured values.

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str(carlin, width=60, strict.width='cut')



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