I think grep is better suited to this:

zz$v5 <- grepl( paste0( alarm.words, collapse="|" ), do.call( paste, zz[ , 2:3 
] ) ) )
Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
DCN:<jdnew...@dcn.davis.ca.us>        Basics: ##.#.       ##.#.  Live Go...
                                      Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)               .OO#.       .OO#.  rocks...1k
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

On July 9, 2015 8:51:10 AM PDT, Bert Gunter <bgunter.4...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Here's a way to do it that uses %in% (i.e. match() ) and uses only a
>single, not a double, loop. It should be more efficient.
>> sapply(strsplit(do.call(paste,zz[,2:3]),"[[:space:]]+"),
>+       function(x)any(x %in% alarm.words))
>The idea is to paste the strings in each row (do.call allows an
>arbitrary number of columns) into a single string and then use
>strsplit to break the string into individual "words" on whitespace.
>Then the matching is vectorized with the any( %in% ... ) call.
>Bert Gunter
>"Data is not information. Information is not knowledge. And knowledge
>is certainly not wisdom."
>   -- Clifford Stoll
>On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 6:05 AM, John Fox <j...@mcmaster.ca> wrote:
>> Dear Chris,
>> If I understand correctly what you want, how about the following?
>>> rows <- apply(zz[, 2:3], 1, function(x) any(sapply(alarm.words,
>grepl, x=x)))
>>> zz[rows, ]
>>           v1                              v2                v3 v4
>> 3  -1.022329                    green turtle    ronald weasley  2
>> 6   0.336599              waffle the hamster        red sparks  1
>> 9  -1.631874 yellow giraffe with a long neck gandalf the white  1
>> 10  1.130622                      black bear  gandalf the grey  2
>> I hope this helps,
>>  John
>> ------------------------------------------------
>> John Fox, Professor
>> McMaster University
>> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
>> http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox/
>> On Wed, 08 Jul 2015 22:23:37 -0400
>>  "Christopher W. Ryan" <cr...@binghamton.edu> wrote:
>>> Running R 3.1.1 on windows 7
>>> I want to identify as a case any record in a dataframe that contains
>>> of several keywords in any of several variables.
>>> Example:
>>> # create a dataframe with 4 variables and 10 records
>>> v2 <- c("white bird", "blue bird", "green turtle", "quick brown
>>> "big black dog", "waffle the hamster", "benny likes food a lot",
>>> world", "yellow giraffe with a long neck", "black bear")
>>> v3 <- c("harry potter", "hermione grainger", "ronald weasley",
>>> weasley", "dudley dursley", "red sparks", "blue sparks", "white
>>> robes", "gandalf the white", "gandalf the grey")
>>> zz <- data.frame(v1=rnorm(10), v2=v2, v3=v3, v4=rpois(10, lambda=2),
>>> stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
>>> str(zz)
>>> zz
>>> # here are the keywords
>>> alarm.words <- c("red", "green", "turtle", "gandalf")
>>> # For each row/record, I want to test whether the string in v2 or
>>> string in v3 contains any of the strings in alarm.words. And then if
>>> set zz$v5=TRUE for that record.
>>> # I'm thinking the str_detect function in the stringr package ought
>>> be able to help, perhaps with some use of apply over the rows, but I
>>> obviously misunderstand something about how str_detect works
>>> library(stringr)
>>> str_detect(zz[,2:3], alarm.words)    # error: the target of the
>>>                                      # must be a vector, not
>>>                                      # columns
>>> str_detect(zz[1:4,2:3], alarm.words) # same error
>>> str_detect(zz[,2], alarm.words)      # error, length of alarm.words
>>>                                      # is less than the number of
>>>                                      # rows I am using for the
>>>                                      # comparison
>>> str_detect(zz[1:4,2], alarm.words)   # works as hoped when
>>> length(alarm.words)                  # confining nrows
>>>                                      # to the length of alarm.words
>>> str_detect(zz, alarm.words)          # obviously not right
>>> # maybe I need apply() ?
>>> my.f <- function(x){str_detect(x, alarm.words)}
>>> apply(zz[,2], 1, my.f)     # again, a mismatch in lengths
>>>                            # between alarm.words and that
>>>                            # in which I am searching for
>>>                            # matching strings
>>> apply(zz, 2, my.f)         # now I'm getting somewhere
>>> apply(zz[1:4,], 2, my.f)   # but still only works with 4
>>>                            # rows of the dataframe
>>> # perhaps %in% could do the job?
>>> Appreciate any advice.
>>> --Chris Ryan
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