the text  didn’t send for the R data file erros.  sorry about that.

2015-03-19 17:41:38.544 R[398:5728] Unable to simultaneously satisfy 
    "<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0x6000018966c0 h=-&- v=-&- 
H:|-(0)-[NSView:0x60000032da20]   (Names: '|':FIFinderView:0x6080003612c0 )>",
    "<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0x6000012881b0 h=-&- v=-&- 
H:[NSView:0x60000032da20]-(0)-|   (Names: '|':FIFinderView:0x6080003612c0 )>",
    "<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0x600000a8c710 h=-&- v=-&- 
H:|-(0)-[FIFinderView:0x6080003612c0]   (Names: 
'|':NSNavFinderViewFileBrowser:0x608000375fc0 )>",
    "<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0x60000128eb50 h=-&- v=-&- 
H:[FIFinderView:0x6080003612c0]-(0)-|   (Names: 
'|':NSNavFinderViewFileBrowser:0x608000375fc0 )>",
    "<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0x600000c93fb0 h=--& v=--& 
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60000149d740 H:|-(0)-[NSView:0x600000133ec0]   
(Names: '|':NSView:0x60000032da20 )>",
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x600001489880 H:[NSView:0x600000133ec0]-(0)-|   
(Names: '|':NSView:0x60000032da20 )>",
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x600000a82760 NSView:0x600000133ec0.centerX == 
H:[SGTSearchField:0x6000003bf800]-(11)-|   (Names: '|':NSView:0x600000133ec0 

Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint 
<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6000006801e0 H:[SGTSearchField:0x6000003bf800(>=218)]>

Set the NSUserDefault 
NSConstraintBasedLayoutVisualizeMutuallyExclusiveConstraints to YES to have 
-[NSWindow visualizeConstraints:] automatically called when this happens.  
And/or, break on objc_exception_throw to catch this in the debugger.
> str(dat)
 chr [1:2] ".Traceback" "WV3_Data_rdata_v_2014_09_21"
> ls(dat)
Error in as.environment(pos) : 
  no item called ".Traceback" on the search list
> dat
[1] ".Traceback"                  "WV3_Data_rdata_v_2014_09_21"
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.1.3 (2015-03-09)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X 10.10.1 (Yosemite)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] readstata13_0.5-3 effects_3.0-3     lattice_0.20-30   lme4_1.1-7        
Rcpp_0.11.2       Matrix_1.1-5      runjags_1.2.1-0   sm_2.2-5.4       
 [9] foreign_0.8-63    car_2.0-25       

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] coda_0.16-1      colorspace_1.2-4 grid_3.1.3       MASS_7.3-39      
mgcv_1.8-4       minqa_1.2.3      nlme_3.1-120     nloptr_1.0.0     nnet_7.3-9  
[10] parallel_3.1.3   pbkrtest_0.4-2   quantreg_5.11    SparseM_1.6      
splines_3.1.3    tools_3.1.3     

> On Mar 19, 2015, at 5:08 PM, Nicole Ford <> wrote:
> Ista,
> I am pulling multiple countries and multiple waves, but here is one country 
> in one wave.  I know if I can get one to work, I can get them all to work.  I 
> have used WVS data in the past and never encountered any issues, so I am at a 
> loss here.  Thanks again!
> <>
> ~Nicole
>> On Mar 19, 2015, at 4:59 PM, Ista Zahn < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Is the file publicly available? What is the URL?
>> Best,
>> Ista
>> On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 4:46 PM, Nicole Ford < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hello, Ista.
>>> Honestly, I am uncertain.  I don't have STATA -- I downloaded this from the 
>>> data source website.
>>> I can't imagine it is 13 because the data are old (2006).
>>> I tried package readstata13 out of desperation, but didn't think it would 
>>> resolve.
>>> Thanks for the suggestion!
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Mar 19, 2015, at 4:41 PM, Ista Zahn < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Nicole,
>>>> Is it a stata 13 data file? If so your best bet is to open it in Stata
>>>> and use the "saveold" command to save it as a stata 12 file.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Ista
>>>>> On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 3:00 PM, Nicole Ford < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I recently updated to the newest version of R and I am encountering 
>>>>> issues.  Please find my error and session info below.  My data are 
>>>>> attached.  I have tried the readstata13 package just in case to no avail. 
>>>>>  Unless I am missing something, google isn’t helping.
>>>>> Thank you in advance.
>>>>> error:
>>>>>> dat <- read.dta(file.choose())
>>>>> Error in read.dta(file.choose()) : not a Stata version 5-12 .dta file
>>>>> 2015-03-19 14:14:21.445 R[398:5728] Unable to simultaneously satisfy 
>>>>> constraints:
>>>>> (
>>>>>   "<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0x608000490bd0 h=-&- v=-&- 
>>>>> H:|-(0)-[NSView:0x60000012eba0]   (Names: '|':FIFinderView:0x600000363a80 
>>>>> )>",
>>>>>   "<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0x608000490e50 h=-&- v=-&- 
>>>>> H:[NSView:0x60000012eba0]-(0)-|   (Names: '|':FIFinderView:0x600000363a80 
>>>>> )>",
>>>>>   "<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0x608000491120 h=-&- v=-&- 
>>>>> H:|-(0)-[FIFinderView:0x600000363a80]   (Names: 
>>>>> '|':NSNavFinderViewFileBrowser:0x608000377400 )>",
>>>>>   "<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0x608000491170 h=-&- v=-&- 
>>>>> H:[FIFinderView:0x600000363a80]-(0)-|   (Names: 
>>>>> '|':NSNavFinderViewFileBrowser:0x608000377400 )>",
>>>>>   "<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0x608000491350 h=--& v=--& 
>>>>> H:[NSNavFinderViewFileBrowser:0x608000377400(585)]>",
>>>>>   "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x600000482d50 H:|-(0)-[NSView:0x60000012e380]   
>>>>> (Names: '|':NSView:0x60000012eba0 )>",
>>>>>   "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x600000482da0 H:[NSView:0x60000012e380]-(0)-|   
>>>>> (Names: '|':NSView:0x60000012eba0 )>",
>>>>>   "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6000004816d0 
>>>>> H:[FILocationPopUp:0x6000001f2800(207)]>",
>>>>>   "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x600000482a30 NSView:0x60000012e380.centerX == 
>>>>> FILocationPopUp:0x6000001f2800.centerX>",
>>>>>   "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6000004825d0 
>>>>> H:[FILocationPopUp:0x6000001f2800]-(>=10)-[SGTSearchField:0x6000003a5160]>",
>>>>>   "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x600000482b70 
>>>>> H:[SGTSearchField:0x6000003a5160]-(11)-|   (Names: 
>>>>> '|':NSView:0x60000012e380 )>",
>>>>>   "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6000004814f0 
>>>>> H:[SGTSearchField:0x6000003a5160(>=218)]>"
>>>>> )
>>>>> Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint
>>>>> <NSLayoutConstraint:0x6000004814f0 
>>>>> H:[SGTSearchField:0x6000003a5160(>=218)]>
>>>>> Set the NSUserDefault 
>>>>> NSConstraintBasedLayoutVisualizeMutuallyExclusiveConstraints to YES to 
>>>>> have -[NSWindow visualizeConstraints:] automatically called when this 
>>>>> happens.  And/or, break on objc_exception_throw to catch this in the 
>>>>> debugger.
>>>>>> sessionInfo()
>>>>> Session Info:
>>>>> R version 3.1.3 (2015-03-09)
>>>>> Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
>>>>> Running under: OS X 10.10.1 (Yosemite)
>>>>> locale:
>>>>> [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
>>>>> attached base packages:
>>>>> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base
>>>>> other attached packages:
>>>>> [1] effects_3.0-3   lattice_0.20-30 lme4_1.1-7      Rcpp_0.11.2     
>>>>> Matrix_1.1-5    runjags_1.2.1-0 sm_2.2-5.4      foreign_0.8-63  car_2.0-25
>>>>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>>>>> [1] coda_0.16-1      colorspace_1.2-4 grid_3.1.3       MASS_7.3-39      
>>>>> mgcv_1.8-4       minqa_1.2.3      nlme_3.1-120     nloptr_1.0.0     
>>>>> nnet_7.3-9
>>>>> [10] parallel_3.1.3   pbkrtest_0.4-2   quantreg_5.11    SparseM_1.6      
>>>>> splines_3.1.3    tools_3.1.3
>>>>> ~n
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>>>>> <> mailing list -- To 
>>>>> UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
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>>>>> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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