Please keep the list in the loop.

Take a look at my code again... the factor function can accept a vector of all 
levels you want it to include.
Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
DCN:<>        Basics: ##.#.       ##.#.  Live Go...
                                      Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

On December 18, 2014 7:35:28 PM PST, "Crombie, Burnette N" <> 
>Jeff, your code works fabulously on the dataset I submitted with my
>question, but I can't get it to retain all 14 of the PViol.Type's  with
>my real dataset which is imported as a csv.  Do you have any ideas how
>to fix this?
>MERGE_PViol.Detail.Per.Case <-
>###select only certain columns from dataset
>PViol.Type.Per.Case <- MERGE_PViol.Detail.Per.Case[,c("CaseID",
>PViol.Type.Per.Case$CaseID <- factor(PViol.Type.Per.Case$CaseID)
>### 'data.frame':      13 obs. of  2 variables:
>###  $ CaseID           : Factor w/ 8 levels "1005317","1007183",..: 5
>1 4 5 5 2 3 6 7 8 ...
>### $ Primary.Viol.Type: Factor w/ 5 levels "AS.Age","HS.Hours",..: 1 2
>2 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 ...
>PViol.Type <- c("BW.BackWages",
>                "LD.Liquid_Damages",
>                "MW.Minimum_Wage",
>                "OT.Overtime",
>                "RK.Records_FLSA",
>                "V.Poster_Other",
>                "AS.Age",
>                "BW.WHMIS_BackWages",
>                "HS.Hours",
>                "OA.HazOccupationAg",
>                "ON.HazOccupationNonAg",
>                "R3.Reg3AgeOccupation",
>                "RK.Records_CL",
>                "V.Other")
>###### Jeff Newmiller (RHelp)
>#PViol.Type.Per.Case <- data.frame( CaseID, Primary.Viol.Type=factor(
>Primary.Viol.Type, levels=PViol.Type ) )
>tmp <- table( PViol.Type.Per.Case )
>ans <- data.frame( CaseID=rownames( tmp ), ifelse(
>0==tmp, NA, 1 ) ))
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Crombie, Burnette N 
>Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 11:17 AM
>To: 'Jeff Newmiller'
>Subject: RE: [R] Make 2nd col of 2-col df into header row of same df
>then adjust col1 data display
>Thanks so much for your time.  I will reply as soon as possible.  I've
>been pulled away from my desk -- BNC
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeff Newmiller []
>Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 11:02 AM
>To: Crombie, Burnette N
>Subject: Re: [R] Make 2nd col of 2-col df into header row of same df
>then adjust col1 data display
>No guarantees on "best"... but one way using base R could be:
># Note that "CaseID" is actually not a valid PViol.Type as you had it
>PViol.Type <- c( "BW.BackWages"
>                , "LD.Liquid_Damages"
>                , "MW.Minimum_Wage"
>                , "OT.Overtime"
>                , "RK.Records_FLSA"
>                , "V.Poster_Other"
>                , "AS.Age"
>                , "BW.WHMIS_BackWages"
>                , "HS.Hours"
>                , "OA.HazOccupationAg"
>                , "ON.HazOccupationNonAg"
>                , "R3.Reg3AgeOccupation"
>                , "RK.Records_CL"
>                , "V.Other" )
># explicitly specifying all levels to the factor insures a complete #
>set of column outputs regardless of what is in the input
>PViol.Type.Per.Case.Original <-
>     data.frame( CaseID
>               , Primary.Viol.Type=factor( Primary.Viol.Type
>                                         , levels=PViol.Type ) )
>tmp <- table( PViol.Type.Per.Case.Original ) ans <- data.frame(
>CaseID=rownames( tmp )
>                  , ifelse( 0==tmp, NA, 1 ) )
>                  )
>On Wed, 17 Dec 2014, bcrombie wrote:
>> # I have a dataframe that contains 2 columns:
>> CaseID  <- c('1015285',
>> '1005317',
>> '1012281',
>> '1015285',
>> '1015285',
>> '1007183',
>> '1008833',
>> '1015315',
>> '1015322',
>> '1015285')
>> Primary.Viol.Type <- c('AS.Age',
>> 'HS.Hours',
>> 'HS.Hours',
>> 'HS.Hours',
>> 'RK.Records_CL',
>> 'OT.Overtime',
>> 'OT.Overtime',
>> 'OT.Overtime',
>> 'V.Poster_Other',
>> 'V.Poster_Other')
>> PViol.Type.Per.Case.Original <- data.frame(CaseID,Primary.Viol.Type)
>> # CaseID?s can be repeated because there can be up to 14 
>> Primary.Viol.Type?s per CaseID.
>> # I want to transform this dataframe into one that has 15 columns, 
>> where the first column is CaseID, and the rest are the 14 primary 
>> viol. types.  The CaseID column will contain a list of the unique 
>> CaseID?s (no replicates) and for each of their rows, there will be a 
>> ?1? under  a column corresponding to a primary violation type
>> for that CaseID.  So, technically, there could be zero to 14 ?1?s? in
>a CaseID?s row.
>> # For example, the row for CaseID '1015285' above would have a ?1? 
>> under ?AS.Age?, ?HS.Hours?, ?RK.Records_CL?, and ?V.Poster_Other?,
>but have "NA"
>> under the rest of the columns.
>> PViol.Type <- c("CaseID",
>>                "BW.BackWages",
>>           "LD.Liquid_Damages",
>>           "MW.Minimum_Wage",
>>           "OT.Overtime",
>>           "RK.Records_FLSA",
>>           "V.Poster_Other",
>>           "AS.Age",
>>           "BW.WHMIS_BackWages",
>>           "HS.Hours",
>>           "OA.HazOccupationAg",
>>           "ON.HazOccupationNonAg",
>>           "R3.Reg3AgeOccupation",
>>           "RK.Records_CL",
>>           "V.Other")
>> PViol.Type.Columns <- t(data.frame(PViol.Type)
>> # What is the best way to do this in R?
>> --
>> View this message in context: 
>> -of-same-df-then-adjust-col1-data-display-tp4700878.html
>> Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
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>Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go
>DCN:<>        Basics: ##.#.       ##.#.  Live
>                                     Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
>Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
>/Software/Embedded Controllers)               .OO#.       .OO#. 

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