Hi R-Help,

So, I will try to provide a reproducible example...I basically made a dummy
spreadsheet that contains the same number of tabs as the spreadsheet I am
really interested in.  The data on that spreadsheet is really sensitive so
I couldn't use it.

Anyway, here are the various sheets in the spreadsheet:
> names(ts)
[1] "Operations"    "Financing"     "Income"        "Balance sheet" "Cash
[6] "Cash Flows210" "Cash Flows29"  "Cash Flows28"  "Cash Flows27"

I am only interested in these sheets:
> names(ts2)
[1] "Cash Flows211" "Cash Flows210" "Cash Flows29"  "Cash Flows28"  "Cash

I want to save them to csv files that contain the same name or similar as
the sheet name.

Here's the error I'm getting (using traceback i ran it twice to get the
[1] "Cash Flows211"
[1] "Cash Flows211 - 2014-11-20.csv"
6: stop(err)
5: stop.if.HTTP.error(http.header)
4: getURLContent(uri, .opts = .opts, .encoding = .encoding, binary =
       curl = curl)
3: getForm("https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin";, accountType =
       Email = login, Passwd = password, service = service, source = appID,
       .opts = list(ssl.verifypeer = FALSE))
2: getGoogleAuth(usrname, pword, "...", service = "wise")
1: getGoogleDocsConnection(getGoogleAuth(usrname, pword, "...",
       service = "wise"))
Error in getURL(sheet@cellsfeed, curl = getCurlCon(con), followlocation =
  trying to get slot "cellsfeed" from an object of a basic class ("NULL")
with no slots

Here's the code:

# install the RGoogleDocs package
install.packages("RGoogleDocs", repos = "http://www.omegahat.org/R";,
type="source", dep=F)


usrname <- "r.project.u...@gmail.com"

pword <- "fakepword"

sheets.con <- getGoogleDocsConnection(getGoogleAuth(usrname, pword, "...",
service = "wise"))

a <- getDocs(sheets.con)

ts <- getWorksheets('Google spreadsheet example', sheets.con)

ts2 <- ts[grep("^Cash Flow", names(ts))]
nms <- names(ts2)
lnth <- length(ts2)
sheetz <- list("integer" = lnth, "names" = nms)

for (i in sheetz$names) {
file.name <- paste(i, " - ", Sys.Date(), ".csv", sep="")
tab <- sheetAsMatrix(ts2$i, header = TRUE, as.data.frame = TRUE, trim =
writecsv(tab, file.name)


Now, if I do this as below it works:

tab <- sheetAsMatrix(ts$"Cash Flows211", header = T, as.data.frame = TRUE,
trim = TRUE)


> head(tab)
              STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS    NA    NA    NA    NA
1                                 Year   0.0   1.0   2.0   3.0
2                           Net income  <NA> -43.0  -6.0  32.0
3                    Plus depreciation  <NA> 100.0 100.0 100.0
4           Less increase in inventory -10.0 -15.0 -10.0  -8.0
5 Less increase in accounts receivable     - -60.0 -24.0 -18.0
6    Plus increase in accounts payable   8.0  12.0   8.0   6.0

So, why can't I automate this?

BTW, you should be able to access this spreadsheet.  I made a dummy Google
account and put this dummy spreadsheet on it.

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