I managed to use an example (see attachment) of clever regression routines. I customized it to suit my needs. The initial model I try to fit consists of the first 10 powers of time (time the observation was recorded) and the first 10 powers of the phase. In fact my files record patients' breathing signals as a sequence of breathing cycles. Every cycle sampled phase (inhale - exhale) is mapped to an angle in the range [0,2PI] I have two questions,
1. Surprisingly (for me) for some files the summary of the regular lm command shows a number of non significant coefficients (those for which the column "Pr(>|t|)" value is > 0.05) But after running the step command on the model output from lm I see that all the 20 coefficients have become significant, which makes me feel astonished because I have always thought that step would prune the model stripping it off the non significant coefficients. So I was thinking to submit the model output from "step" to the Cp test anyway. As it is implemented right now the Cp stage is run only if the model output from "step" still has some non significant coefficients. Your thoughts ..... 2. The regression model coefficients, stored in the first 20 columns of matrix rg, are used to calculate a distance matrix that is then input to clustering routines. I am writing a more sophisticated clustering algorithm that uses PAM. The 21st column of matrix rg stores the file ID, which is obviously not used in the distance evaluation. I would like to be able to attach the file ID as labels visible in each cluster. The dist command description mentions some "Labels". But it fails to explain clearly how the observations labels can be saved in the distance matrix and then displayed in the cluster plot. Can you please help me with that ? Thank you in advance Best regards, -- Maura E.M
################################################################################### ## Fit Regression Model To Signal ## ################################################################################### ## function: - ################################################################################### ## input: phase-unfolded text file signal ## ## ## ## output: regression coefficients ## ## ## ################################################################################### ##.................... function FitRegModel ........................## FitRegModel <- function (filname,InDir,OutDir,signum) { ##set returned flag if(!file.exists(filname)) { cat("\n\n *** File: ",flname," not found! ! Exit current Script ! *** \n\n") cat ("\n FitRegModel: success = ",success,"\n") return(NULL) } ##read pure file xx <- read.table(filname,skip = 1, sep = " ") names(xx) <- c("samptime","sampamp","samphase","cycle","patient") ##predicted variable y <- xx[,"sampamp"] ##generate regressors t1 <- xx[,"samptime"] t2 <- I(t1^2) t3 <- I(t1^3) t4 <- I(t1^4) t5 <- I(t1^5) t6 <- I(t1^6) t7 <- I(t1^7) t8 <- I(t1^8) t9 <- I(t1^9) t10 <- I(t1^10) p1 <- xx[,"samphase"] p2 <- I(p1^2) p3 <- I(p1^3) p4 <- I(p1^4) p5 <- I(p1^5) p6 <- I(p1^6) p7 <- I(p1^7) p8 <- I(p1^8) p9 <- I(p1^9) p10 <- I(p1^10) ##place the data into a data frame my.df <- data.frame(y,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10, p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10 ) ##fit the full model big.lm <- lm(y ~ ., data = my.df) summary(big.lm) ##step wise procedure step.lm <- step(big.lm) step.lm.sum <- summary(step.lm) ##get number of terms still not significant excluding intercept step.lm.sum$coefficients <- step.lm.sum$coefficients[-1,] #drop the intercept nleft <- which(step.lm.sum$coefficients[,"Pr(>|t|)"] >= 0.05) ##if no unsignificant terms present return step-output coefficients if(length(nleft) == 0) { cat("\n\n All Step Output Coefficients Significant for Signal: ",signum,"\n\n") return (step.lm.sum$coefficients) } ##if not significant terms still present create a new data frame with only the variables selected by step selected.variables <- names(step.lm$coefficients)[-1] selected.variables my.df.smaller <- my.df[,c("y",selected.variables)] ## leaps ## Based on Faraway, Linear Models with R, page 127 et seq. library(leaps) b <- regsubsets(y ~ . ,nvmax = length(selected.variables), data = my.df.smaller) summary(b) rs <- summary(b) no.parameters <- seq_along(rs$cp) + 1 ##set plot window to accommodate 3 graphs (1 row, 3 columns) # x11(width = 14, height = 10) # par(cex.axis=2, cex.lab=2,mfrow = c(1,3)) ##plot adjusted R^2 #plot(no.parameters, rs$adjr2, xlab = "Number of parameters", ylab = "Adjusted R-square",font.lab=2,font.axis=2) ##work with Cp (unlike Faraway's example) ##we desire models with Cp around or less than the number of parameters # plot(no.parameters , rs$cp, xlab = "Number of parameters", ylab = "Cp Statistics",font.lab=2,font.axis=2) # abline(0, 1) # plot(no.parameters , rs$cp - no.parameters, xlab = "Number of parameters p", ylab = "Cp Statistics - p",font.lab=2,font.axis=2) # abline(h = 0) ##wait for mouse input (consent) to remove drawing # locator() # graphics.off() ##find the smallest model with Cp <= number-parameters chosen.model <- min(which(rs$cp <= no.parameters)) chosen.model ##see which variables are included reduced.variables <- rs$which[chosen.model, ] which.variables <- which(reduced.variables) ##remove intercept which.variables <- which.variables[which.variables > 1] which.variables ##now reduce the data frame keeping the y variable (which is in column 1) reduced.df <- my.df.smaller[,c(1,which.variables)] ## check-point names(my.df.smaller) #previous data frame names(reduced.df) #new reduced data frame ##refit using the reduced data frame reduced.lm <- lm(y ~ ., data = reduced.df) reduced.lm.sum <- summary(reduced.lm) ##get number of terms still not significant excluding intercept reduced.lm.sum$coefficients <- reduced.lm.sum$coefficients[-1,] #drop the intercept nleft <- which(reduced.lm.sum$coefficients[,"Pr(>|t|)"] >= 0.05) ##if no unsignificant terms present return step-output coefficients if(length(nleft) == 0) { cat("\n\n All Regsubsets Output Coefficients Significant for Signal: ",signum,"\n\n") return (reduced.lm.sum$coefficients) } ##remove unsignificant coefficients while (length(nleft) > 0) { names(reduced.df) nn <- nleft[[1]] +1 # account for the "y" in position 1 reduced.df <- reduced.df[,-nn] names(reduced.df) reduced.lm <- lm(y ~ ., data = reduced.df) reduced.lm.sum <- summary(reduced.lm) reduced.lm.sum$coefficients <- reduced.lm.sum$coefficients[-1,] #drop the intercept nleft <- which(reduced.lm.sum$coefficients[,"Pr(>|t|)"] >= 0.05) } ##return coefficients return (reduced.lm.sum$coefficients) } ##............................. Main .................................## OutDir <- "/Users/mauede/Breathing-Curves-Dir/Modeling-Dir/Regression-Models-Dir" InDir <- "/Users/mauede/Breathing-Curves-Dir/Modeling-Dir/Pure-Signals-Dir/Mixed" setwd(InDir) cat("\n") print(list.files(pattern = "[0-1,a-z,A-Z, ,_]*.txt")) cat("\n\n") nms <- list.files(pattern="[0-1,a-z,A-Z, ,_]*.txt") if(is.null(nms)) { stop("\n\n *** Pure SIgnalss list empty. Exit current process. *** \n\n") } ##set up matrix to save regression model coefficients: ##columns(1:10) contain the coefficients of the time powers ##columns(11:20) contain the coefficients of the phase powers ##column(21) contain the patient' s ID rg <- matrix(nrow=length(nms),ncol=21) colnames(rg) = c("t1","t2","t3","t4","t5","t6","t7","t8","t9","t10","p1","p2","p3","p4","p5","p6","p7","p8","p9","p10","Id") ##initialize regression matrix to zero for (m in 1:ncol(rg)) { rg[,m] <- rep(0,nrow(rg)) } ns <- 0 #initialize index for(i in 1:length(nms)) { cat("\n i:",i, " nms[i]:",nms[i], "\n") insig <- NULL insig = strsplit(nms[i]," ")[[1]][1] result <- FitRegModel(nms[i],InDir,OutDir,insig) cat("\n result: ",result,"\n\n") if(length(result) == 0) { cat("\n\n Signal: ", insig, " not processed ! \n\n") next } cat("\n\n Signal: ", insig, " SUCCESS ! \n\n") ns <- ns +1 for (k in 1: nrow(result)) { for (j in 1:ncol(rg)) { if (rownames(result)[k] == colnames(rg)[j]) { rg[ns,j] <- result[k,"Estimate"] } } } rg [ns,"Id"] <- insig } ##save regression matrix setwd(OutDir) write.table(rg,file="RegressionCoeffMatrix",quote=FALSE,sep = " ",row.names=FALSE,col.names=colnames(rg)) ##create distance matrix between regression coefficients (ignore patient's ID) rgdist <- dist(rg[,1:20]) ##generate clusters from distance matrix h <- hclust(rgdist) plot(h)
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