I'm trying to reproduce some results from the American Community Survey
PUMS data using the "survey" package. I'm using the one-year 2012 estimates
for New Hampshire
(http://www2.census.gov/acs2012_1yr/pums/csv_pnh.zip) and comparing to the
estimates for user verification from

Once the age groups are set up as specified in the verification estimates,
the following SAS code produces the correct estimated totals with standard

proc surveyfreq data = acs2012 varmethod = jackknife;
  weight pwgtp;
  repweights pwgtp1 -- pwgtp80 / jkcoefs = 0.05;
  table SEX agegroup;

I've not been successful in reproducing the standard errors with R,
although they are very close. My code follows; what revisions do I need to

Mike L.

# load estimates for verification
pums_est <- read.csv("pums_estimates_12.csv")
pums_est[,4] <- as.integer(gsub(",", "", pums_est[,4]))

# load PUMS data
pums_p <- read.csv("ss12pnh.csv")
# convert sex and age group to factors
pums_p$SEX <- factor(pums_p$SEX, labels = c("M","F"))
pums_p$agegrp <- cut(pums_p$AGEP,
                     right = FALSE)

# create replicate-weight survey object
pums_p.rep <- svrepdesign(repweights = pums_p[207:286],
                          weights = pums_p[,7],
                          combined.weights = TRUE,
                          type = "Fay", rho = 1 - 1/sqrt(4),
                          scale = 1, rscales = 1,
                          data = pums_p)

# using type "JK1" with scale = 4/80 and rscales = rep(1,80)
#   seems to produce the same results

# total population by sex with SE's
by.sex <- svyby(~SEX, ~ST, pums_p.rep, svytotal, na.rm = TRUE)
#     se1  se2
# 33 1606 1606
# compare results with Census
pums_est[966:967, 5]
#[1] 1610 1610

# total population by age group with SE's
by.agegrp <- svyby(~agegrp, ~ST, pums_p.rep, svytotal, na.rm = TRUE)
#       se1  se2  se3  se4  se5  se6  se7  se8  se9 se10 se11 se12 se13
#    33 874 2571 2613 1463 1398 1475 1492 1552 2191 2200  880 1700 1678
# compare results with Census
pums_est[968:980, 5]
#  [1]  874 2578 2613 1463 1399 1476 1493 1555 2191 2200  880 1702 1684

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