The acomp() function works well on data sets with no missing data. For

win.acomp <- acomp(win.cast, parts=2:6)
Filterer Gatherer Grazer Predator Shredder [1,] 0.06670000 0.6000000 0.06670000 0.2444000 0.02220000
[2,] 0.06120612 0.5714571 0.06120612 0.2653265 0.04080408
[3,] 0.04350000 0.6232000 0.10140000 0.2174000 0.01450000
[4,] 0.04400000 0.5934000 0.06590000 0.2637000 0.03300000
[5,] 0.05000000 0.4333000 0.06670000 0.3667000 0.08330000
[6,] 0.01610000 0.6290000 0.03230000 0.2903000 0.03230000
[1] acomp

  When the data set has one missing value, acomp() produces output but
changes the missing value from MAR (Missing At Random) to MNAR (Missing Not
At Random) when the missing variable is in quotes ...

    sampdate Filterer Gatherer Grazer Predator Shredder
1 2000-07-18   0.0550   0.5596 0.0734   0.2294   0.0826
2 2003-07-08   0.0734   0.6147 0.0183   0.2294   0.0642
3 2005-07-13   0.1161   0.5714 0.0357   0.1696   0.1071
4 2006-06-28   0.1000   0.4667 0.1500   0.1333   0.1500
5 2010-09-14   0.0778   0.6111 0.0444   0.1889   0.0778
6 2011-07-13   0.0879   0.5714 0.0659   0.2747       NA
7 2012-07-11   0.1042   0.5313 0.0625   0.2396   0.0625
8 2013-07-11   0.0723   0.5542 0.0602   0.2651   0.0482

burns.acomp <- acomp(burns.cast, parts=2:6, MAR='NA')
Filterer Gatherer Grazer Predator Shredder [1,] 0.05500000 0.5596000 0.07340000 0.2294000 0.08260000
[2,] 0.07340000 0.6147000 0.01830000 0.2294000 0.06420000
[3,] 0.11611161 0.5714571 0.03570357 0.1696170 0.10711071
[4,] 0.10000000 0.4667000 0.15000000 0.1333000 0.15000000
[5,] 0.07780000 0.6111000 0.04440000 0.1889000 0.07780000
[6,] 0.08790879 0.5714571 0.06590659 0.2747275       MNAR
[7,] 0.10418958 0.5312469 0.06249375 0.2395760 0.06249375
[8,] 0.07230000 0.5542000 0.06020000 0.2651000 0.04820000
[1] acomp

... or BDL (Below Detection Limits) when the missing variable is without

burns.acomp <- acomp(burns.cast, parts=2:6, MAR=NA)
Filterer Gatherer Grazer Predator Shredder [1,] 0.05500000 0.5596000 0.07340000 0.2294000 0.08260000
[2,] 0.07340000 0.6147000 0.01830000 0.2294000 0.06420000
[3,] 0.11611161 0.5714571 0.03570357 0.1696170 0.10711071
[4,] 0.10000000 0.4667000 0.15000000 0.1333000 0.15000000
[5,] 0.07780000 0.6111000 0.04440000 0.1889000 0.07780000
[6,] 0.08790879 0.5714571 0.06590659 0.2747275        BDL
[7,] 0.10418958 0.5312469 0.06249375 0.2395760 0.06249375
[8,] 0.07230000 0.5542000 0.06020000 0.2651000 0.04820000
[1] acomp

  The dput() output for burns.cast is attached.

  How should the acomp() command be formated when there are values missing
at random?

structure(list(sampdate = structure(c(11156, 12241, 12977, 13327, 
14866, 15168, 15532, 15897), class = "Date"), Filterer = c(0.055, 
0.0734, 0.1161, 0.1, 0.0778, 0.0879, 0.1042, 0.0723), Gatherer = c(0.5596, 
0.6147, 0.5714, 0.4667, 0.6111, 0.5714, 0.5313, 0.5542), Grazer = c(0.0734, 
0.0183, 0.0357, 0.15, 0.0444, 0.0659, 0.0625, 0.0602), Predator = c(0.2294, 
0.2294, 0.1696, 0.1333, 0.1889, 0.2747, 0.2396, 0.2651), Shredder = c(0.0826, 
0.0642, 0.1071, 0.15, 0.0778, NA, 0.0625, 0.0482)), .Names = c("sampdate", 
"Filterer", "Gatherer", "Grazer", "Predator", "Shredder"), row.names = c(NA, 
-8L), class = "data.frame")
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